There will be no Meat inside your 15 minute Prison

There will be no meat inside your 15 minute prison

The newest craze within the climate alarmist community is 15 minute cities.  The idea is to design cities so that everything you need is within a 15 minute walk of your home.  Theoretically it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating unnecessary travel.  Like everything that comes out of these lunatics this idea is half baked at best.

The problem is that the cities are already built and lives are already planned around things that are more than 15 minutes away.  But when faced with reality the left always defaults to their core belief; reality is what they imagine it to be.  It does not matter that things you need exist outside the 15 minute bubble the left wants to impose; the bollards are going up anyway.

The city of Oxford has already installed traffic bollards to prevent traffic movement.  This is the first step towards the forcing a 15 minute city on a population that does not agree.


Don’t you love the interview?  What a perfectly reasonable tyrant that woman is.  She thinks that it is undemocratic to oppose something that no one voted for.  But don’t worry; none of this is being done because she is an ignorant busy body who thinks her job is to dictate every aspect of your life.  It is really about safety.  I don’t know about you but I am sick to death with politicians and bureaucrats doing things for my safety.

Let’s be honest.  This has nothing to do with safety or making cities more livable.  They are not saving the planet they are constructing prisons.  If these lunatics get their way cities of the future will be nothing more than a collection of 15 then 10 then 5 minute prison camps and it won’t just be your movement that is restricted.  Grocery stores within your 15 minute prison will not be stacked with meat.

The war on farming and meat consumption is moving at break neck speed.  The Dutch are not only confiscating farmland they are moving towards banning farming livestock.  The self appointed elite simply do not want you eating meat and they are taking no chances.  They are not just working to make meat unavailable.  These criminals are also working on making meat indigestible.


Banning meat has nothing to do with climate change.  The war on meat is to facilitate compliance.  It is far easier to constrain soy boys within a 15 minute prison than healthy strong carnivores. If you like the idea of being imprisoned and occasionally treating yourself with cricket flour sprinkled on tofu, then the future must look very bright to you.  I am not up for that.  Even if there were a climate crisis I would rather have engineers solve it than government.  Fortunately there is nothing to solve because there is no climate crisis.


The climate “crisis” is just another in the long list of government created fictitious problems.  It has no basis in science or fact.  We must stop placating these lunatics by playing along with their delusions.  Every concession we make just leads to more draconian intrusions on our liberty.  It is time to just say no.  It is time to stop, no more concessions and no more treating these overgrown infants as rational adults.

Climate has always and will always change.  We have no choice but to adapt.  Climate change policies will not change the climate they will only make your children impoverished prisoners.  I do not want that for my children.  We have a lot of problems to tackle but climate change is not one of them; no cows need to die.

If it were up to me we would have far more cows and far fewer politicians.  That is the climate I want to live in.  I could really get on board with policies to achieve a better cow to politician ratio.

When will we stop ignoring the obvious?

The Elephant in the room right now is all the dead bodies.  Excess deaths since the great COVID plague are higher than any time during the great COVID plague.  In any place where the politicians did not go out of their way to euthanize seniors the COVID Plague was nothing more than a heavy flu season.  An absolutely normal flu season caused the majority to lose complete control of their mental faculties.  Paranoia ruled the day.  Anyone who did not succumb to paranoia was hunted down and persecuted.  Now in 2023 when we truly have an abnormal number of deaths no one seems concerned.

The situation right now is very schizophrenic.  Enormous effort is expended both ignoring excess deaths and trying to explain all the deaths we are ignoring.  The scientific waters are being muddied by blaming all but one thing.  It does not matter how ridiculous the explanation is, there is a scientist somewhere willing to take money to support it.  Even the more plausible explanations have obvious holes in their logic.

In September of last year a paper was written blaming increased heart attacks on COVID.   The researchers are absolutely certain that the increase in heart attacks is solely due to the virus even though they are not certain if the virus can even cause heart attacks.

“There is something very different about how this virus affects the cardiac risks,” said Susan Cheng, M.D. MPH, director of the Institute for Research on Healthy Aging in the Department of Cardiology at the Smidt Heart Institute and senior and co-corresponding author of the study.

They are also not even certain if the people having heart attacks ever had COVID.  We have heart attacks now and we had COVID before therefore it must be COVID.  It is not like anything else significant happened during this period right?  Not something like experimenting on 10 times more people than the number who had COVID.  It couldn’t be that could it?  Or maybe we should consider that if COVID does cause heart attacks, then giving 5.5 billion people a treatment that increases the likelihood of COVID was not really a good idea.

We have successfully purged logic out of our academic institutions.  A few days ago a PHD candidate published an article admitting mistakes were made and those mistakes were deadly.  He even admits mistakes were made about the vaccines but he does not reach the same conclusion I would have.

 Instead, we have witnessed a massive and ongoing loss of life in America due to distrust of vaccines.

You see our mistake was the wrong marketing approach for the vaccines.  People are dying because so many of them simply did not trust the vaccine they went ahead and took anyway.  These mRNA vaccines are very revolutionary.  Not only don’t they work if your neighbor does not take them they also don’t work if you don’t trust them.  Worse than that; your chance of dying from the vaccine is inversely proportional to how much you trust Pfizer.

Seriously how much longer can we do this dance?  We continue to blame factors that only loosely correlate to the deaths while we ignore a correlation that gets stronger every day.  The un-jabbed are not dying suddenly.  The epidemic of died suddenly afflicts only those who have been Jabbed and not just the ones who do not trust Pfizer.  Unless that distrust builds with every Jab.


Your chance of dying increases by 7% with each jab.  The conclusion is damn obvious.  Stop this madness.