At some point someone must be Punished

Since March of 2020 Germany has seen 200,000 excess deaths.  87.5% of the excess deaths have occurred since the COVID Vaccine programs began.  From this data it is really hard to see how the jabs saved the planet from COVID.  Correct me if I am wrong but shouldn’t medical treatments be designed to prevent people from dying?  A cynic might say that the jabs are not really a medical treatment; unless we are now classifying involuntary euthanasia as a medical treatment.  I thought Canada was the only country that used that definition.

Not only have most Germans died since being vaccinated the deaths are accelerating.  Germany is just one more example proving Government COVID policies are far more deadly than COVID.  So many Germans have been killed by their government that people are starting to notice.

The German government is understandably reluctant to discuss how they killed so many Germans but the German press no longer is.  German media is now openly discussing vaccine injuries and the obvious fraud committed by Pfizer.  It is only a matter of time before Germans realize that Pfizer would not have been able to get away with this fraud without government cooperation.  That is when the real fun will begin.

So what is the proper punishment for aiding and abetting mass murder for profit?  How far down in to the government do you reach?  How far down the totem pole do you go to find the line where malice transitions to mere stupidity?  At what ratio of evil to stupid are bureaucrats no longer culpable?  These are the most important questions of our time and to date far too few people are asking them.


I agree with Jessica Rose, It is criminal

A friend sent me this video of Jessica Rose few days ago.  Jessica Rose is not an accomplished speaker but she has found herself, almost by accident, right in the middle of the COVID debate.  Jessica is a medical researcher who was finishing a PHD in Israel when the COVID travel bans hit.  She found herself stuck in Israel with nothing to do.  Since COVID had upended her plans she decided to pass the time by researching all things COVID.  All her spare time, training, and natural curiosity caused her to become one of the world’s most well informed COVID vaccine critics.


To me the most interest thing was not so much the science but that Jessica came to the exact same conclusion I did.  They knew they just did not care.

Jessica’s inexperience as a speaker shows.  She is visually uncomfortable and does not do a great job of explaining some of the science.  She could use a course in Public speaking 101; know your audience and don’t assume they know what you know.  Despite her discomfort with public speaking she still gets her point across.  There are many problems with the COVID vaccines and most of them were well known before the vaccine programs began.  This was not a mistake; it is criminal and Jessica is so marvelously politically incorrect she does not refrain from saying it.

Jessica Rose is 100% correct.  The only proper end to this farce is criminal prosecution.  I just don’t think we will ever get there.  The defendants would be all the heads of states and billionaire power brokers. This would not be Nuremberg 2 it would be much different.  In Nuremberg defeated and powerless Nazis who no longer threatened anyone were tried.  The people we need to try now still command armies.  That sickening reality is what keeps me from having too much hope even when I find videos like this.


I would love to see Trudeau on trial but I doubt it will ever happen.  The deep state is simply too deep.  If Trudeau does ever face trial it will be in another country.  He will be tried in absentia and never extradited.  That complete waste of human flesh will likely die of old age a very wealthy man.  His victims will never get justice.

And the Juno goes to, Paul Rouleau

Once again I am disappointed about being right.  I wish for once I could be wrong about the level of evil within Canadian government.  It would be nice for once to see our government stop playing games and do the right thing.  Of course that will never happen as long as we keep electing people with no moral compass.

The inquiry into Justin Trudeau’s blatantly illegal emergency declaration is over and guess what; Justin did nothing wrong.  To no one’s surprise a liberal party insider spent millions of dollars pretending to investigate said liberal party and then submitted a report that was written before the inquiry began.

Paul Rouleau, appointed to the bench in 2002 by the Paul Martin Liberal government, isn’t simply someone who made a small donation or two or went to a cocktail fundraiser with a client while working as a lawyer. He actually worked for the Liberal Party in the past.

If you look up partisan political hack in the dictionary you will find a picture of Paul Rouleau.  You cannot find anyone in Canada who has a larger conflict of interest than Paul Rouleau and that is exactly why Trudeau appointed him.  This is what passes for democracy in Canada; rigged elections and rigged investigations.

Rouleau’s decision was so ridiculous that even he had to admit reasonable and informed people would not likely make it.

In a statement, the commissioner said his decision was far from easy and the evidence the Freedom Convoy created a “public order emergency,” which was necessary in order to invoke the act, was not “overwhelming.”

In fact, he said “reasonable and informed” people could reach a different conclusion.

Rouleau was decision was based on the fact that there was no requirement for him to be either informed or reasonable.  For him the deal was very straight forward; read the script then cash the paycheck.  Maybe if we started hiring Hollywood actors to head these commissions Canadians would finally understand that this is all just theatre.


Jessie Kline, Government Whore and 15 minute Prison Champion

Politicians are already worried their plan for 15 minute prisons might be collapsing before it even gets started.  I know this because they have turned to a familiar ally for help with the narrative.  Jesse Kline of the national post wants you to understand that when it comes to 15 minute prisons there really is nothing to worry about.

By framing otherwise sensible densification and multi-use zoning policies as an exercise in social engineering and coupling them with a clear anti-automobile agenda, politicians are alienating a sizable chunk of the population. But the reality is that there’s nothing new about this.

Jessie wants you to know this is not some evil social engineering just “sensible densification”.  Talk about mixed messaging.  For the last 3 years we were told if we don’t stay apart and isolate everyone will die.  Now, apparently, the only way to continue living is in densely packed slums.  As of February 16th 2023 the science no longer supports social distancing.  I bet you did not see that coming; did you?

Jessie Kline is a media whore who will say anything the government wants him to say.  Before we had to stay apart now we must group together, it is only sensible.  Jessie wants you to believe that this is just benign urban planning.  There is no grand conspiracy to lock you in your neighborhood.  Jessie is an idiot and he therefore believes we must be as stupid as he is.

I have news for Jessie, I am not an idiot and I am aware of history.  History tells me that when you give the left an inch they will start digging mass graves.  15 minute cities are not benign urban planning they are prisons.  The city of Oxford already admits anyone who leaves their district unnecessarily will be fined.

Oxford introduced three low-traffic districts in 2022 and will implement another six in 2024 to blanket the city, with the goal of “targeting unnecessary journeys by cars.” The use of traffic “filters” will also begin in 2024, which involve cameras that monitor vehicles driving through roads with time restrictions and facilitate the charging of fines for violations.

At first unnecessary will be defined as more than 100 times per year but that is just the first shovelful removed from the mass grave.  100 will become 50, then 25, and then ZERO.  These dangerous lunatics even admit this is about curtailment of fundamental human rights.

Urbanist Dan Luscher promotes the idea on but acknowledges its inherent curtailment of free travel and free markets.

I guess Urbanist is the new name for communist, or is it Nazis; it is so hard to keep up.  Whatever the definition is these “urbanists” are clear one point.  The level of freedom allowed will be defined on an individual basis.

“We must define and quantify who has access to what and where”.

They are telling us clearly the elite will be exempt from the 15 minute prisons.  Once again these left wing lunatics are telling us exactly what they are up to.  It is not a conspiracy theory to believe what they say.  If you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in a prison camp you better speak up now.


The slow walk back continues

Two days ago the Florida surgeon General issued new COVID vaccine guidance to Florida doctors.  The surgeon general advised doctors that there is credible scientific evidence linking the COVID vaccines to serious adverse events and reminded doctors that patients need to be informed before jabbed.

To support transparency, the State of Florida reminds health care providers to accurately communicate the risks and benefits of all clinical interventions to their patients, including those associated with the COVID-19 vaccine as additional risks continue to be identified and disclosed to the public.

It only took 2 years but at least in Florida they have managed to relearn the importance of informed consent.

Florida is not the only jurisdiction to change their vaccine guidance.  The UK National Health Service (NHS) has made dramatic changes to their guidance on boosters.

Booster doses are no longer even available in Britain.  If you check the NHS website the reason given is that the boosters will now only be offered seasonally.  This gives the impression that the boosters will be available again next winter.  I sincerely doubt that because if you keep reading on the website you also find this.

Not all hospitalizations and deaths ascribed to SARS-CoV-2 infection are vaccine-preventable events. Due to the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant, together with infection that can be asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic, persons who require hospital care for non-COVID-19 reasons may be coincidentally infected with SARS-CoV-2. Such hospitalizations are not preventable through COVID-19 vaccination. In contrast, some highly vulnerable individuals may develop severe COVID-19 despite being vaccinated;

So the NHS will offer boosters next year but they caution you that it probably won’t work, so why bother.  I predicted this slow back tracking months ago when I said governments would gradually change guidance until jabs were no longer recommended for anyone.

Everyone involved with this farce knows the jabs don’t work and are toxic.  They are trying to distance themselves without admitting guilt.  While I am glad this is happening we still cannot allow them to absolve their guilt.  The COVID jabs are the biggest crime in history.  People need to be punished.

This will be no easy task since the people carrying the most guilt control the police and military.  It will be an uphill battle but if we do not bring people like Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden to justice they will do it again.  Why wouldn’t they?  Up until now they have made a tidy profit from murder.

Another one bites the Dust

The Scottish first minister (Prime Minister) has resigned.  She is now the second destructively woke Leader to resign this year.  This has led speculation that Justin Trudeau will be next.


Unfortunately for Canadian’s this is just wishful thinking.  Justin Trudeau will never resign, his ego won’t let him.  One year ago Justin Trudeau broke the law, again.  He illegally invoked the emergencies act.  A commission was set up to investigate the justification for invoking the act.  Only in Canada would you convene an inquiry to determine if there might be a legitimate reason for the Prime Minister to break the law.

The commission’s report is about to be released so if ever there was a time for Justin to resign it is now, but he won’t.  I know he won’t because he has already chosen a scapegoat; RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki.

As I have discussed in previous posts Canada has a long tradition of covering up political crimes with commissions just like this one.  They are nothing more than carefully scripted theatre.  In this script Brenda Lucki is the villain.  This outcome was pre-determined and Brenda Lucki has known it from the start.  She was just collecting her salary until the last minute.  But don’t feel sorry for Brenda Lucki; she will be rewarded for falling on her sword.  When the dust settles and no one is looking she will receive a plum appointment somewhere.

A Canadian Judicial Unicorn

Canada’s judiciary is hopelessly compromised.  Judges in Canada are appointed and not for their legal competence.  The best way to become a judge in Canada is to be affiliated with the liberal party of Canada.  You must prove your ideological woke purity before receiving a judicial appointment.  The net result of our compromised judiciary is that Canada is no longer a nation of laws.  We still have laws, way too many laws, but they are applied selectively.  There are 2 sets of rules.  Taxpayers are treated harshly while politically connected grifters can do whatever they want.

Still no system is perfect and a few judges have slipped through the selection cracks.  Against all odds they were appointed without the normal requirement of bending the knee to woke left wing ideology.  Superior Court Justice Richard T. Bennett seems to be one of those rare individuals.

Justice Bennett is a family court judge presiding over a COVID vaccine dispute.  The mother, who shall remain nameless even though everyone knows her name is Karen, wants to jab the children the father does not.  The father thinks the jabs are unsafe and wants to bring in expert testimony.  Karen’s position is that experts are unnecessary when you have government.

Normally in a Canadian courtroom once you have invoked the divinity of Justin Trudeau the case would be over but not this time.  This time Justice Bennett did the unthinkable.  He decided to question the government.

“When it comes to the issue of government messaging and COVID-19 vaccines, it would appear that most courts have not questioned the messaging of governments,” Bennett wrote. “History has taught us that governments and the media does (sic) not always act in a manner that promotes public health.”

He concluded that there was no evidence before him as to why public health authorities have determined that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

Karen’s rebuttal to this is that other judges know enough to obey the government and it is a waste of time to question the government.

An Ontario Court of Appeal decision noted it is “simply unrealistic” to have parties in a family court case re-litigate the science of vaccination every time there is a disagreement.

At no time did Karen or her lawyer stop to explain how you can re-litigate something that was never litigated in the first place.

Up until now Canadian Judges have chosen to abandon Canadian citizens and support the government’s insane COVID policies.  This is only one judge but this is a serious breach in the dyke of COVID stupidity.  The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in history.  There is no way to prove that they are safe let alone effective.  I hope this father gets the support he needs to expose this crime.

Matters of the Heart

I wish this was a post about Valentine’s Day but it is not.  An Australian woman was handed a death sentence by her cardiologist.  She will not receive a heart transplant because she has not taken the COVID jab.  She has a medical exemption based on the fact that her old heart is too weak to survive the Jab.  Talk about a catch 22; she cannot get a new heart until she risks stopping her old heart in which case the new heart will no longer be necessary.

The real reason she has been refused a new heart is that if she dies of COVID after the transplant then the heart has been wasted.  Before I go any further I feel compelled to again state the bloody obvious.  Denying an organ transplant for political purposes is unethical and immoral.  Please, do not kid yourself this is politics and not medicine.

It is possible that after her transplant she could get COVID.  It might even kill her; but how does taking a treatment that does not prevent infection or improve your odds of survival change any of that?  What makes this even more obscene is that we are talking about a heart, the organ most likely to be damaged by mRNA injections.  No one knows how long it takes for the mRNA to clear your system so how long do they wait for the surgery?  Would giving her the jab just damage the new heart anyway?

This surgeon is not really to blame.  He is just being a good Nazis and following orders which are to pretend the jabs do not damage heart tissue.  There is no way he actually believes this.  Even lay people know that the jab has stopped more hearts than any movie star.  When Louise Roseingrave wanted an expert opinion on vaccine injures for her excess death investigation she did not call an urologist.

For the purpose of understanding why a cardiologist might not want to speak out about vaccine harm, I picked up the phone and called one.

He did not want to be quoted but gave his candid opinion, that in doing so he would be ‘attacked by trolls’ taken over by the narrative that the entire population needed to take a vaccine ‘in order to save granny’. He has seen evidence of vaccine harm, particularly following booster shots.

Cardiologists and cardiac surgeons know the jabs damage the heart.  Most of them are afraid to speak out.  As with all things COVID the truth is viciously suppressed with deadly consequences.

Now, we have a grave situation, whereby public health policy appears to be causing harm, but the issue cannot be properly dealt with by the media – according to the media.

People are being silenced about vaccine injuries but cutting out tongues does not always stop the message.  Sometime silence truly can be deafening.  Take for instance this non answer Damar Hamlin just gave.  It might be the loudest minute of silence in medical history.


The truth shouts even when you can’t speak it.


When Epic Lies become the Norm

This interview with Lara Logan was from over 10 months ago but I was reminded of it again yesterday.  At one time Lara Logan was an awarded main stream journalist.  Now she gets fired routinely for refusing to stick to the narrative.  It is easy for the main stream media to marginalize and dismiss Lara Logan because things she says often sound like unhinged rants.  Before you dismiss her please consider this.  In the last 3 years how many things were dismissed as unhinged rants that ultimately proved to be true?

The interview starts with a discussion of the Ukraine war.  I have discussed the Ukraine war many times on this blog.  The one universal truth about war is that both sides lie.  Everyone knows this yet every “journalist” has chosen to present only Ukrainian lies as the truth.  What you are told about the Ukraine is a lie and very few people even try to uncover the truth.

“Journalists” routinely lie about everything; not just about the Ukraine.  At the 6 minute mark Lara Logan talks about how journalists lie about elections and wonders out loud how many of our leaders are selected rather than elected.


I was reminded of this video again yesterday because of this news article I found.  Germany recently re-ran an election after an audit found too many irregularities.

Marking another strong showing from the German left, the 2021 election quickly came under scrutiny in the country over a litany of so-called “errors” surrounding missing ballot papers, unreasonably long queues for voters, and polling stations being temporarily closed in some places during the day of the poll.

I bet this sounds very familiar to my American readers.  An election full of irregularities resulted in a win for the left. This is where the story ended in the US but in Germany they decided to hold the vote again and guess what?  Support for the left evaporated.  It was almost like those votes never existed in the first place.

This is exactly why no court in the US will touch allegations of election tampering.  They know damn well what they would find.  Lara Logan is not unhinged.  Our “leaders” really are chosen for us and elections are just theatre.

The face of Government

I found this video on Ivor Cummins twitter account.


COVID is a real disease caused by an artificial virus.  That much is true.  Everything else is 100% fake.  As viruses go SARS COV-2 is not particularly deadly but for this psy-op it didn’t need to be.  It just needed to be easy to find.  That is why they chose a coronavirus because corona viruses are everywhere.

With media cooperation you don’t need an emergency to convince people we have an emergency.  COVID was never an emergency.  COVID was a bad flu, now it is a bad cold.  Very few people died of COVID.  Millions died of Government maleficence disguised as Public health measures.

Few people are willing to admit what will be obvious to historians.  Governments willfully murdered their own citizens.  This sad yet undeniable fact is hard for most people to believe because most people are not psychopaths.  They view government through the lens of their own experience.  Most people would not endanger others for their own benefit so they assume that neither would anyone in government.  They cling to this belief even though history proves what prolific killers governments can be.

Someone asked me once how this can happen.  Why do governments behave this way?  My answer was that government is a sprinkling of psychopaths among an army of useful idiots.  That is a harsh assessment but one with a mountain of empirical evidence.  Psychopaths are attracted to the raw power of government. They use the power for personal gain and gratification.  No grift is too small for them.  Even a child’s wedding is an excuse to extort money and sell influence.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is facing questions over the guest list at his daughter’s pre-wedding event and concerns that lobbyists and developers were pressured into donating up to $1,000 toward a fundraiser for the wedding. Some of the attending developers will benefit handsomely from Ford’s recent decisions to open up protected green space to highway and housing development.

Psychopaths less interested in money love government because it allows them to commit crimes, even violent crimes without fear of retribution.  This frothing lunatic is a high level bureaucrat in the province of British Columbia.


Of course neither of these men could get away with their criminal behavior without the support of useful idiots.  The bedrock of government is useful idiots. They are the glue that holds government together. The psychopaths are enabled by useful idiots like Ontario’s chief medical officer Kieran Moore how recently dropped this little nugget of wisdom.

There was little evidence in scientific literature on the sole effects of masking on the transmission of influenza and RSV, it notes. 

“We were unable to identify data on the effectiveness of community-level masking in preventing transmission of influenza or RSV,” the document says.

“However, widespread mask use in general or targeted populations may be expected to reduce the rate of transmission of viral respiratory pathogens in the community.”

Translation:        There is no evidence that masks work but we should use them anyway because the government wants us to.

Kieran Moore is a very reliable useful idiot.  He will show up on camera and support any ridiculous thing Doug Ford wants to do.

Our problem is not an engineered virus or even a dishonest media.  The problem is government, or more specifically our problem is the wrong people in government.  Governments have far too many people like Doug Ford, Kieran Moore, and Kim Nguyen Chi.  It is time to change the face of government.