Entries by richardsuffron

This was not just ordinary Government Stupidity

I have mixed feelings about Dr. David Martin.  He does a lot of tough talking about holding people accountable but I don’t see him or anyone else holding any of the COVID tyrants accountable.  I wish he would drop the tough talk and just do what he does best; unraveling the paper trail proving COVID […]

The Climate Cult will kill if we let them

When COP 28 was on dozens of young people were posting videos of them at the conference.  The gist of all the videos was always the world must do more.  We must eliminate the fossil fuels that transported these useful idiots to the expensive conference. After viewing a number of these videos I wondered out […]

I remember when the west was worth fighting for

NATO is losing their proxy war with Russia.  Most countries are quietly trying to ignore this humiliating defeat and distance themselves from the war.  Within most of those countries though there are still politicians pushing to expand the war by sending their own troop to the Ukraine.  There are 2 obvious problems with this strategy […]

There is money in sickness and we now have a lot of sick people

A health insurance company in Switzerland has released data showing a dramatic uptick in Swiss citizens receiving cancer treatments.  They are now paying for nearly twice as many cancer patients as they were in 2020 and 2019.  There was a step change in Cancer treatment payouts that started in 2021 and carried on in to 2022. […]

Multiculturalism and structural racism are a package deal

I have stated before on this blog you can have a multiracial society but you cannot have a multicultural society.  A functioning multiracial society must by definition not be racist.  A multicultural society will inevitably be racist where different cultures get categorized by race and judged by a different standard.  Judging different races by a […]

The obvious can’t be ignored indefinitely

An Austrian doctor was interviewed for a recent documentary.  In the documentary Dr. Cornelia Tschanett stated that she no longer vaccinates her patients for COVID.  She made the decision to stop because over time her patients suffered more and more injuries that she attributes to the Jabs. “You may not notice the first cases that […]

How government kills without remorse

In 2020 our own governments declared war on us.  It has been, so far, an easy war for the government because only one side is fighting.  The fight is lopsided because most citizens still refuse to believe that their government harbors ill will towards them.  They still believe the harm done to them physically and […]

Phase out stupidity not fossil fuels

COP 28 has adjourned in Dubai and the climate lunatics are already lamenting that the agreement did not go far enough.  They had been pushing for a commitment to phase out fossil fuels completely.  Not only are these people lunatics they are also incredibly ignorant.  They scream about phasing out fossil fuels while they head […]

The data does not support safe or effective

When the COVID vaccines came out Pfizer and Moderna made fraudulent claims of 90%to 95% effectiveness.  Their data did not say this but everyone accepted it.  What followed then was a slew of studies showing the vaccines were highly effective at preventing death.  All of these studies were also fraudulent.  Their death prevention claims could […]

COVID truth reveals the ugliness of government

Something incredible has happened in Germany.  Something that I doubt will ever happen in Canada.  A real expert, not one of the fake ones normally preferred by government and media, addressed one of the branches of the German government and told the truth about COVID.  Dr. Stefan Homberg addressed the Bundestag telling them that the […]