Entries by richardsuffron

For many the damage is done

The COVID jabs have been the most harmful vaccine in history.  The only caveat on that statement is that the jabs are not actually vaccines.  They are just sold that way to avoid safety regulations non-vaccines are subject to.  It does not matter how you label the jabs it does not change the fact that […]

Canadian media facilitates Canada’s destruction

Today is Canada Day, a holiday that has lost much of its appeal after 8 years of Justin Trudeau.  Canada today is certainly not the country I grew up in.  With our relatively small population (now 40 million) Canada was never going to be an important country but Canada used to be respected.  We used […]

Amish, the once invisible control group

Prior to COVID you could describe me as pro-vaccine or at least ambivalent.  I did not take flu vaccines but when I travelled to Peru I had no issues taking the yellow fever and other prescribed vaccines.  COVID changed all of that.  Now I am not sure I will ever take another vaccine.  I have […]

What if it is more than Greed?

There was never any logic to COVID vaccine mandates.  By their design the jabs cannot prevent infection and therefore transmission.  There is then no public health benefit derived from injecting everyone.  The virus will still circulate.  COVID would not be over until everyone, both jabbed and un-jabbed, were exposed to the virus. If the jabs […]

The slow creep of Woke totalitarianism

WOKE did not happen overnight.  It has been slowly happening bit by bit for a very long time.  That is how the left destroys a society; by chipping away one seemingly insignificant piece at a time.  It works because we constantly give ground.  Instead of simply saying no every time the left proposes something stupid […]

Climate change nonsense is demographically concentrated

Western politicians are destroying their own countries over the fraudulent science of Anthropogenic Greenhouse gas warming.  This ridiculous theory has been used to destroy economies for quite some time but recently the attacks have stepped up to a fever pitch.  Apparently the one lesson Government learned from COVID is that the public will not stop […]

Did the West just get played by Putin?

The Wagner group invasion of Russia is indeed over before it even started.  There are some that speculate that Prigozhin called it off because Putin threatened his family. Russian intelligence services threatened to harm the families of Wagner leaders before Yevgeny Prigozhin called off his advance on Moscow, according to UK security sources. While others […]

Climate policies are certain costs for uncertain benefits

I caused another furious exchange on Twitter about climate change.  It started with someone asking the simple question of is the earth warming or not.  This was my reply. The earth has been warming since the end of the little ice age in 1850. The question is not whether the earth warms or cools. The […]

Interesting but Dangerous times

It looks like the long awaited Ukrainian summer offensive is over almost before it started.  Things went so badly for Ukraine that Ukrainian soldiers are sabotaging their own equipment so that they cannot be sent into battle. Kiev launched its long-expected counteroffensive this month, hoping to take advantage of newly received Western-made weapons, including main […]

Orwell was a prophet

Till death do us part used to imply decades of devotion to each other.  In a post Jab world wedding vows have lost some of their impact since the ultimate parting can happen on the church steps.  A Nebraska woman was widowed in less than an hour when her husband succumbed to the ailment of […]