Entries by richardsuffron

Reasons for Hope this Christmas.

Christmas has always been about hope.  A time to celebrate with family.  I must admit last Christmas was not very hopeful.  The evil people in government were doing their best to destroy all hope and last year they largely succeeded.  This year it feels different.  Government is still up to their old tricks but fewer […]

Omicron Fear is Waning faster than the Vaccines

Once again the SARS COV 2 virus has refused to cooperate with government.  The plan was to have a final dangerous new variant for Christmas to justify complete lockdowns and usher in the great reset.  Unfortunately the tyrants are finding out that Omicron is simply not that variant. With each passing day it becomes clearer […]

It is Deja Vu all over Again.

Yesterday the western premiers got together and decided to announce the same restrictions on the same day but, please, don’t mistake this for a conspiracy.  If it was a conspiracy they would have gotten together and decided to announce the same restrictions on the same day. Surprisingly, now that the cold weather has hit, we […]

All Lives Matter

I am not sure when this interview took place but it perfectly illustrates the gulf between science and COVIDiots.  One person calmly and rationally explains that COVID vaccine mandates have no public health benefit and that people may have their own reasons for choosing not to be vaccinated.  The COVIDiot’s entire argument is that people […]

Canada is Screwed if Dr. Stephen Ellis is the Best we have to Offer.

A friend sent me this video.  The video is a brief interview that Dr. Stephen Ellis gave. Dr. Ellis is a Conservative minister of parliament from Nova Scotia.  My friend thought this was very hopeful because of his final question to Canadians; “is this how you want to spend the rest of your life”? https://www.facebook.com/DrSDEllis/videos/canadians-are-following-the-rules-they-need-some-hope-so-we-must-ask-ourselves-w/239966264887010/ […]

A Vaccine that does not work to fix a Pandemic that did not Happen.

The latest data out of Scotland shows that since august the vaccines have had absolutely no effect on the most important variable; deaths. 80% of scots are vaccinated and 85% of COVID deaths are people who were fully vaccinated.  The vaccines have made no difference.  Billions of dollars were spent on vaccines that provided limited […]

COVID is far less Deadly than the Cancer of Government.

Omicron is certainly making things interesting.  It seems to be selectively targeting vaccinated people.  As this article points out we now have a “pandemic of the vaccinated”. https://thenationalpulse.com/news/a-pandemic-of-the-vaccinated/ If I follow the previous logic for vaccine passports I come to the conclusion that for everyone’s safety vaccinated people should be excluded from public activities.  Restaurants […]

It is Time for Canadian Men to be Men

Canadian Men used to be fierce warriors.  A Canadian General in WW1, Arthur Currie, is recognized as the father of modern warfare.  In WW2 the Germans tracked the locations of Canadian Troops because they knew most attacks started with Canadians in the first wave.  That was then this is now.  Canadian men are now cowards. […]

Just say NO to Jason Kenney

I just watched Jason Kenney on TV.  Jason Kenney for those that do not know is the demonic dwarf currently occupying the Premier’s seat in the province of Alberta.  The news conference was held so that Jason could tell us booster shots are now available and there would be no new restrictions before Christmas. “Journalists” […]