A Mea Culpa of sorts from the CDC

The CDC recently admitted that their pandemic response was flawed.  They have vowed to do better in the future.  CDC director Rochelle Walensky has vowed to build an action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication and timeliness.”  I could not help but notice that being truthful did not make the list.  Promising accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness without also promising the truth means only one thing.  The CDC has promised to produce more timely and artful lies.

The CDC is a government organization staffed with career bureaucrats.  This means the people in charge are not good at anything other than wasting money.  They are not even good at lying which is probably why Rochelle’s pledge to lie more artfully is off to such a terrible start.  2 days after her pledge the CDC released new monkey pox guidance.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study Friday suggesting that people wear masks to protect themselves from monkey pox despite growing evidence the virus is transmitted sexually.


Now everyone should wear a mask to stop a virus spread by gay sex.  First I must say that I am a little surprised by this.  I am not surprised that the CDC is still lying; a leopard can’t change its spots.  I am surprised men don’t already wear masks when attending gay orgies.  But even if they did what part of the body needs to be masked to prevent the spread of monkey pox?

I don’t really want the answer to that last question but I would like the answer to this one; when will people finally stop listening to these habitual liars?

If the science was settled it would be Engineering and the Models would work

In my post yesterday I discussed how more people are now willing to challenge the fraudulent science underpinning climate change policies.  This morning I discovered another article pointing out problems with climate models.  I have touched on this subject before; the models are wrong because their science is wrong.

Governments know damn well that the science is wrong.  That is why they spend so much time stifling debate.  Anyone who questions the “science” is quickly ostracized.  Long time liberal MLA John Rustad was thrown out of the party and smeared by the CBC for making controversial statements about climate change.  Below is one of his “controversial” statements quoted in the CBC hit piece.

“Carbon dioxide is an essential component of life on this planet. It is not a pollution, and that sort of misinformation out there is just ridiculous. It’s ridiculous to do that. It doesn’t serve anybody well,” said Rustad.

That controversial statement is 100% scientifically correct.  CO2 is not a pollutant.  CO2 is not toxic at any level which is a good thing since every time you exhale you have 40,000 ppm in your breath.  The truth is dangerous to government; there is no downside to higher CO2 concentrations.  There is a huge downside to restricting access to energy.  So here is a thought, instead of restricting energy and scientific debate, why don’t we just restrict government?

Don’t fall for the fake climate Emergency Again

Governments have used the imaginary threat of anthropogenic greenhouse gas warming (global warming caused by man) to syphon away our rights and wealth for 40 years.  This is a very effective tool but they had a marketing problem with the name; Global warming simply does not sound scary.  No one sees warm weather as much of a threat and some years the earth stubbornly refused to warm.  It did not take long before global warming became climate change and then catastrophic climate change.

It is shocking how well this re-branding worked.  They could not prove CO2 is causing dangerous warming so they just jumped ahead to the impacts of the nonexistent warming which is “climate change”.  All this warming, that we are not experiencing, is going to cause an increase in storms, droughts, and other deadly weather events.

They could not prove that rising CO2 is causing dangerous warming but we must worry about the weather events that will occur once the earth is hot.  The central problem with that is that people who study dangerous weather events have never been able to link them to hot weather.  Dangerous events happen equally when the earth is hot and when the earth is cold.

If you are following the logic it went like this.  CO2 causes hot weather which causes dangerous weather related events (Climate change).  They cannot prove either link.  You cannot link CO2 to dangerous levels of warming and you cannot link hot weather to increased dangerous weather events.  This is a 2 link chain and both links are broken yet somehow they are getting away with this farce.

Climate change was the go to for impoverishing your nation until COVID.  Engineering and releasing a virus allowed governments to dramatically accelerate their plans.  People rapidly lost their rights and saw their wealth transfer to government and friends of government.  COVID was far more effective at destroying society than Climate change but the plan has one weakness.  COVID is over and most people know that it is over.

COVID’s demise has forced politicians to default back to climate change, but a funny thing happened on the road to COVID tyranny; more people are questioning government.  Prior to COVID anyone who questioned climate change was marginalized and even harassed through the courts.  Since COVID I have noticed more people willing to step forward and, of all things, actually discuss science.  I found this very good article a few days ago.

Here is a plot illustrating what he is talking about.  CO2 is in the part of the atmosphere known as the troposphere.  If CO2 is absorbing more energy that part of the atmosphere should heat up as the CO2 concentration increases but from 1979 until 1997 it did not; it cooled slightly (see the yellow arrow).

The global warming crowd wants you to believe that global temperatures rise in lockstep with rising CO2 but that is not what happens.  Below is the satellite temperature record from the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH).  UAH is the only agency that records the data without altering it.  Altering data is never done in real science but it is the rule rather than the exception in climate science.

You can see from the plot that the overall trend is up but what you don’t see are the temperatures from before 1979 when satellite data became available.  Global temperatures dropped from 1940 to 1970 by a similar amount to the rise you see in this plot.  Below is a news article from 1974 warning about the impending ice age.

CO2 concentrations where rising for the entire period.  Below is the plot of atmospheric CO2 concentration.

So for 40 years the trend was down even though CO2 rose evenly through the whole period.  The trend is now up but in any given year the temperature can drop dramatically even while CO2 levels are rising.  CO2 is a greenhouse gas and theoretically increased concentrations should cause some warming.  The global warming crowd wants you to believe that CO2 is the dominant mechanism and temperature always rising when CO2 rises.  That is exactly what their models predict; a steady rise in CO2 causes a steady rise in temperature.

In real measurements the steady rise in CO2 can result in temperatures dropping for decades; according to their theory that can never happen.  The data does not match the theory therefore the theory is wrong.  There is no steady rise in temperatures because there are factors far more important than CO2

The fact that temperatures can either rise or fall as CO2 increases is not the only hole in their theory.  Their theory says that rising CO2 levels are caused by human activity which then causes rising temperatures but it does not appear that human activities have any real effect on atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  In 2008 and then again in 2020 oil prices plummeted because of dramatic drops in consumption.  2008 was the banking crisis and 2020 was the lockdowns.  Look at the CO2 plot again.  CO2 concentrations continued to rise as if there was no change.

The global warming crowd has a lot of dirty little secrets.  One of them is that burning fossil fuel adds only 3% to total CO2 emissions.  CO2 has a natural cycle.  Fires, volcanos, and animals release CO2 that is then used by plants.  Oceans can either absorb CO2 or release CO2 depending on the circumstances.  All of these things combine to change the atmospheric concentration.  Mother Nature decides how much CO2 remains in the atmosphere not your SUV.

The data is clear; humans have very little influence on atmospheric CO2 concentrations which has very little influence on global temperature.  We have nothing to fear from burning fossil fuels.  Mother Nature will just use the extra 3% to grow more plants.  Better plant growth is a good thing since we eat both plants and animals that eat plants.

Prior to COVID we let governments take our money and make us poor to fight the fake emergency of climate change.  During COVID we let governments do the same thing to fight the fake emergency of cold and flu season.  We could have stopped either by simply saying no to government.  Governments are once again pounding the climate change drums; it is still not too late to say no.

Obedience can be a Crime

A friend sent me this video a couple days ago.  A father lost his family to the COVID vaccines.  He found the doctor who injected his family without warning them of the risk.


The father was understandably upset and spent most of his anger on the doctor’s car rather than the doctor.  In this case the doctor was left shaken and unhurt but it is only a matter of time before similar incidents will end in murder.

I have made the point many times that government is full of sociopaths who routinely kill their own citizens.  This is a shocking statement for some but it is impossible to ignore the mound of bodies that lay at government’s feet.  While these sociopaths are not bothered by murder they don’t often commit it themselves.  People in government don’t pull the trigger or push the syringe plunger; they rely on others to do their dirty work for them.

Government is a small group of sociopaths aided by a large group of useful Idiots and an even larger group of people who go along to get along.  The doctor in that video was someone just going along to get along.  He may or may not be aware that he is killing people but he is keenly aware of what the government will do if he does not comply.  It is far easier, for him personally, to just do what the government wants.  I am sure he believes he is blameless because he is just following orders.

People who go along to get along, like this doctor, are the problem.  You cannot transplant empathy into a sociopath and useful idiots will always be idiots.  For those reasons the core nature of government will never change but sheer numbers can hold them in check.  The “go along to get along” crowd far outnumbers the sociopaths and useful idiots.  Government loses all power when people choose to stop getting along with government.

It is time for all the people who wore masks, stood 6 feet away, and walked the right direction in the grocery aisle to cut it out.  All the doctors and nurses who inject people must set down the syringes and go back to practicing medicine.  All of these people who are just following orders should be reminded, that excuse did not work the last time.

It won’t work this time either.  A reckoning will come and everyone who cooperated is guilty.

The end of civilization will be Televised

Last week I had 30 boxes of files to move out of my basement.  My wife helped me; it took us about 30 minutes to carry them all out of the basement and stack them neatly in a trailer in the driveway.  By government efficiency standards what my wife and I accomplished was statistically impossible.  The same day that my wife and I accomplished this remarkable (by government standards) feat it took 30 FBI agents 9.5 hours to carry 20 file boxes out of President Trump’s residence.

This is a great example of private sector efficiency vs government efficiency.  My wife and I each carried and stowed 1 box every 2 minutes.  Each FBI agent carried one box every 855 minutes.  My wife and I were 427.5 times more efficient as the FBI.  Not only that our quality control was off the charts.  We never put a single thing in to the trailer that did not belong in the trailer.  The same cannot be said about the 30 FBI agents.

Apparently no one in the FBI was able to read the warrant.  That is probably why they rifled through Melania Trump’s underwear drawer looking for file boxes.  File boxes they had previously inspected and knew the exact location of prior to the raid.  On television FBI agents all have college degrees.  In reality that cannot be true because not a single one of the agents could have possessed a literacy level beyond middle school.

If they had degrees they must have all been gender studies degrees which could explain why things took so long.  They were probably quite confused why Melania’s underwear looked different than Donald’s.  The confusion, and heated underwear debate it spawned, would definitely interrupt the work flow.

If I was in charge of doing something as unprecedented as harassing a former president I would have assigned only my best and brightest.  If this group of Keystone cops is the best and brightest the FBI has to offer then all of the TV programs are out to lunch.  On TV the FBI always finds the bad guy.  This group of morons took 9.5 hours to find boxes they already knew the location of.

Great empires always fall from within; corruption and incompetence always accomplishes what armies cannot.  We are now witnessing the fall of a great empire but as a Canadian I really can’t say much.  Our rather modest empire fell the first time we elected the second Trudeau.

We have been to this Movie before Part II

The COVID lockdowns were a colossal mistake.  Not only did they not work but the damage they caused may never be repaired.  People with common sense knew this would happen but since no one involved in government has any common sense we suffered repeated lockdowns.  There was however, a silver lining to lockdowns that no one predicted.  During the lockdowns far fewer babies were born premature and infant mortality plummeted.

So what caused this sudden improvement in maternal and infant health?  The answer is vaccines, or more specifically the lack thereof.  During the initial COVID panic mothers were afraid or unable to get vaccinated or take their babies to get vaccinated.  This turned out to be a very good thing for their baby’s health.

It should not have taken the fake scamdemic to realize this.  In 1974 the Japanese noted the link between vaccinating infants and increased infant mortality and banned the practice.  In the west politicians instead doubled down on stupid and again made the problem worse.


Remarkably, after banning vaccinations for babies under the age of 2 in Japan, SIDS virtually disappeared.24,25 In the years that followed, Japan became known for having the lowest infant death rate in the world. In contrast, the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate — and the highest vaccination rate as well. If infant vaccinations improve health and save lives, why do our statistics not support such claims?

For the first time in history, most US infants were required to receive several doses of DPT, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. Shortly thereafter, in 1969, medical certifiers presented a new medical term — sudden infant death syndrome …


So to recap, government mandated vaccines and then babies started mysteriously dying.  Rational people would have stopped vaccinating.  Instead of doing the obvious western governments just invented a new “syndrome” to explain all the dead babies.  Doesn’t this all sound familiar?  We keep going to the same government produced movie expecting a different ending that makes sense.  When will we learn that government only produces senseless horror movies?


Government current flows only one Direction

Neil Oliver of Great Britain News has become the great sage of our time.  No one is more surprised about this than Neil himself.  I have watched interviews were he confesses that prior to COVID he was quite happy ignoring politics and pursuing his passions.  When the COVID restrictions hit he dutifully followed orders from people that he believed had his best interests at heart.  Then 2 weeks to flatten the curve became a permanent loss of freedom.

Neil Oliver could not help but notice all the COVID restrictions done for his benefit somehow never benefitted him or any other ordinary person.  They did however benefit government and friends of government.  COVID forced Neil to wake up and notice all government programs have the same end goal.  Spoiler alert, is not your safety.


COVID or climate change it does not matter.  Every government contrived emergency has the same solution.  Everything will be fine once we transfer all of your wealth to the super rich elite.  The world will be saved by returning to slavery.

It took Neil a long time to admit to himself what was happening.  Frankly most people are not there yet.  In fact most people will be in chains long before they discover they are a slave.  People are unwilling to accept what is happening because they underestimate government cruelty and don’t believe the few can control the many.  These people know nothing of history.

Historically speaking Government has always been the leading cause of death.  When government was not waging war on other nations they were persecuting their own.  In the 20th century alone more than 200 million people died at the hands of government.  These deaths were caused by decisions made by a very small group of people.

It is far easier for a small group to control the population than you think.  For most of human history it was the norm.  Democracy is relatively new and rare.  The thought that people ought to be able to govern their own affairs is a revolutionary concept our current governments vehemently disagree with.  The very top of our political structures see themselves as royalty.  They want to re-establish feudalism and put the great unwashed back in their subservient place.

The sad truth is that most governments are controlled by sociopaths aided by an army of useful idiots.  The sociopaths set the agenda and the useful idiots carry it out.  Take this latest decision by the Victoria city council.  The city council has decided no one should use natural gas anymore.  They made this decision despite warnings the electrical infrastructure cannot support it and that businesses would be destroyed.


However, during consultations, developers cited concerns that the appropriate equipment and service providers were not readily available and that there wasn’t enough access to electricity. 

According to developers, restaurants would be especially impacted as they rely on natural gas largely to cook. 


Victoria is a small city of 400,000 it is unlikely that anyone on council is part of the elite that will benefit from this decision.  In fact most will find the lives of family members negatively impacted.  They made this decision because they are useful idiots and the most useful part of useful idiots is the idiot part.  Not one of these people understand the implications of their decisions, nor do they want to understand.  They believe they are saving the planet and that makes them feel important and more virtuous than other mere mortals.

The elite pursue wealth and control; Useful idiots are their most valuable tool.  If the useful idiots ever experience an awakening the house of cards will collapse.  If you really want to save humanity go out today and wake up a useful idiot.

It ain’t over until the Fat Lady is in prison

The CDC just released remarkable new COVID guidance.

On the surface it looks like the CDC hit their collective head and when they woke up they could suddenly see straight.  Of course with government there is always something hiding under the surface; something they would rather you not think about.  It does not matter what language governments use, anything they release always needs to be translated in to the truth.  With that in mind to the best of my ability I have translated this short document for you.


  • Those exposed to the virus are no longer required to quarantine.


Quarantining people who are not sick has zero effect on transmission of the virus because asymptomatic transmission only exists in the sick mind of Anthony Fauci.


  • Unvaccinated people have the same guidance as vaccinated people.


The vaccines do not work.  Using different rules for people who refused to take a medication that does not work doesn’t changing anything.  Continuing to segregate unvaccinated only serves to highlight that unvaccinated have overall better health outcomes.


  • Students can stay in class after being exposed to the virus.


COVID is not the great plague we told you it was.  Being exposed is not a death sentence.  It does not even guarantee you will get the sniffles.  In the end it would be better if everyone would just get exposed and get on with their life.


  • It is no longer recommended to screen those without symptoms


People without symptoms are not sick or contagious.  Dragging people off the street to test makes no more sense than routine x-rays to make sure something is not broken.  Mass testing was only used to scare people in to compliance.  We would really love to keep scaring people but can’t without further highlighting the complete failure of the Vaccines.


When translating from governmentese to the truth you also must look at the totality of the message.  Taken together these statements can translated to one simple truth.  The CDC is asking people to get on with their lives and ignore what the government has done for the last 2.5 years.  They need you to ignore what they have done because they cannot defend what they have done.

I have news for the CDC and every other government employee that was part of this farce.  I will not ignore and I will not forget what you have done.  What you did was criminal.  Your actions led to the deaths of millions of people.  This will never be over until you are all behind bars.

We have an epidemic of selective Blindness

Another day another person drops dead in front of an audience.


This is not normal but shockingly people are willing to accept that it is.  When COVID hysteria started people were alarmed by videos out of china showing people dropping dead on the street.  Everyone was afraid because in 2019 everyone understood that it was not normal for relatively young people to drop dead in front of everyone.  Fast forward to 2022 and no one understands that any more.

The Chinese videos, as with everything on the evening news, turned out to be fake but what is happening now is very real.  Young people with no obvious signs of illness are dropping dead everywhere.  These very real deaths are accompanied with surreal reactions.  A young mother failed to wake up from her nap on a flight from Hong Kong and the news reported it like it was a perfectly normal experience.

I have been on a lot of planes but I have never been on a plane were passengers died from napping.  It might just be me but none of this seems normal and it certainly does not seem normal that no one is curious about what is causing this.  Britain is currently seeing nearly 2000 excess deaths per week and, as Mark Steyn and his guest discuss, the UK government could not be any more disinterested.


The year after a bad flu season is usually below average for deaths.  2021 should have had less excess deaths than 2020 but it did not.  Now 2022 is on track to surpass 2020 and 2021.  This is unprecedented.  The world changed in 2021; the data out of Germany looks like a switch was flipped.

Mark Steyn’s guest gave 3 possible explanations of the growing pile of bodies; the vax was one but he was not willing to admit that it was the primary reason.  His guest was already black listed on twitter and I guess he was a little gun shy about being any more controversial.  I am not on twitter nor do I understand why the truth should be controversial so I can tell you it is the vax.  Lack of proper medical care or lockdowns do not explain how people with no outward signs of distress die suddenly without warning.

The official vaccine injury statistics are bad but not to the point of alarm because most vaccine injuries are not recorded.  Doctors are carefully avoiding upsetting the government by recording the cause of death as unknown even though they know damn well what it is.  The official statistics are corrupted by fear of government.  That is why Steve Kirsch bypassed the system and queried people directly.  Steve asked his followers to fill out a survey and to no one’s surprise it showed vaccine injuries are far more common than any public official wants to admit.

Steve Kirsch also encouraged people to leave comments with their completed survey.  Take a look at the incredible list of vaccine injuries this woman has compiled.  Incredibly this list is people she knows personally or friends of friends, a single degree of separation.  The longer this goes the worse it gets yet some people still refuse to believe we have a problem even when it happens to them.  A friend sent me this testimonial from the most clueless person on earth.

She did everything Fauci guaranteed would keep her from suffering serious illness and still got seriously ill.  Somehow the complete failure of the precautions vindicates her decisions.  Willfully blind and willfully ignorant.  This describes far too many people and it is why we did not stop this obscene experiment a year ago.  It truly is hard to understand how our species ever climbed down out of the trees to dominate the planet.

Canadians don’t understand what they are Losing

A few days ago when I posted that freedom was the only issue for me in the next election a friend sent me this excellent article on freedom.  Everyone Canadian needs to read this article because freedom might be the most misunderstood concept in Canada.  The average Canadian cannot even define freedom.  They are so clueless that even though they have no idea what freedom is they are sure they have it because they can still complain about government taking it away.

Every time I look at the condition of my country I am forced to the same conclusion; Canadian just are not that bright.  First, people complaining about the loss of freedom is not proof those freedoms were not lost.  Second that statement is not even true; Artur Pawloswki, Chris Sky, Tamara Lich, and dozens of other Canadians have been arrested, even imprisoned for complaining about losing freedoms.

If Canada was a free society the government would not be allowed to decide who lives and who dies yet that is exactly what they have been doing for the last 2.5 years.  Canadians were locked down multiple times in order to save seniors from COVID.  It did not work, not a single senior was saved, but even if it had worked, the government had no right to do this.  There is no way that the government did not know that people would die from the lockdowns.  The government made a conscious decision to trade some lives for others.  They were deciding who they wanted to keep and who they wanted to throw away.

If the government is allowed to make life and death decisions for you, you are not free.  Your life can be taken at any time on the pretext of saving others.  How many others?  If your heart is a match for someone the government judges to be more worthy than you, can they just take it?

If the last 2.5 years has proven anything it is that Canadians are not free.  You do not have freedom or rule of law when the Chief medical officer can hold a press conference to disclose who’s business gets destroyed this week.  Our Freedoms have been slowly taken by government and Canadians are so naïve they have not even noticed.  Worse than that it seems our freedoms were not just taken they were sold to the highest bidder.

It is not a coincidence that Canadian government policy benefits everyone except Canadians.  CSIS knows that Canadian politicians have been bought.  They have made no arrests because buying a politician is not illegal in Canada.  Politicians are supplementing their income by introducing new rules daily.  Rules that make it difficult to produce food, energy, or any product another country with deep pockets and shallow morals, might want to sell us.

Canadians really need to pull their heads out of the dark smelly places they are now.  If you were free you would be free to have the same size carbon foot print as Justin Trudeau.  Of course the government would never allow that to happen, and that is the point.