A friend sent me an article yesterday. The article includes a short video from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who is concerned we are on the cusp of a “death tsunami”. That might be a bit of hyperbole but a lot of people are dying right now and no one wants to take about why. I took the plot below and added my own annotations.

In the last 3 years the world has seen a high number of excess deaths and ¾ of them were not due to COVID. The other curious thing is that only weeks after aggressive vaccination programs were started excess deaths increased dramatically. Incredibly while overall deaths increased, COVID deaths remained unchanged. Once again we see evidence that the COVID jabs failed to prevent a single COVID death but correlate to increase overall mortality.
Dr. Tenpenny’s death Tsunami was first noticed by undertakers who were removing unusual clots during the embalming process. At the time I mused that the clots could indicate the COVID jabs were a ticking time bomb.
The COVID Jabs teach your body to do something unnatural. It teaches your body to produce a foreign protein, the spike protein. It seems they may also be teaching your body to produce these proteins. If the manufacturers did not know this could happen it is criminal negligence causing death. If they did know this is premeditated murder.
That comment was from June of June 2022 but there was evidence of problems with the Jabs long before that. By summer of 2021 it was apparent the jabs were causing injuries and the meager COVID protection they offered was fleetingly temporary. Governments aggressively suppressed information and discussion about vaccine injuries while they rolled out boosters.
The official narrative was that boosters were needed because the virus had mutated. That was a bizarre explanation since the booster still used the same formulation that no longer worked. The real reason for the booster was to compensate for the vaccine protection becoming negative after only a few months. There was absolutely no logic to this decision as I pointed out in August of 2021.
While boosters are beneficial for government, logic dictates they will just cause more problems. I don’t see how taking a 3rd, 4th, or 5th dose of the same thing that caused the problem could possibly help. Every additional dose just releases more spike proteins to attack all of your organs.
There was never a legitimate reason to vaccinate the entire world for a disease that affected only a small subset of the world’s population; seriously ill elderly. It took only months to discover what a huge mistake it had been. People were still dying of COVID but now they are dying of a myriad of other afflictions that can all be attributed to the vaccines.
We really must ask the question, why have they not stopped? Some countries are slowly backing away from the vaccines but no one has stopped. There are countries like Canada who are still aggressively coercing people to take boosters. There is no way vaccine tyrants do not know these shots are killing people. It is hard to argue that they are not getting what they want from these shots. If they wanted to save lives they would stop using them. Therefore the only explanation is that the excess deaths are the desired end result.
I think it is likely they knew exactly what these jabs would do before the first needle went in to the first arm. The Canadian Government like all western governments is infested with left wing lunatics. A core belief of these lunatics is that humans are destroying the planet. The only way to save the planet is to have fewer humans. Can you think of a better way to reduce population than forcing regular injections of a treatment that causes both death and infertility?
In January of 2021 Dr. Lee Merrit cautioned that from a military perspective vaccines are a far more effective weapon than a virus. You can’t control who dies from a virus but you can control exactly who and how many die from a mandated vaccine. Dr. Lee made so much sense it took only minutes for YouTube to delete her interview.
It is not like we were not warned. Klaus Schwab and the Green movement have been very open about their depopulation goals. You won’t find a single one of them that does not advocate for vaccine mandates. The people who want you to die are insisting that you take a medical treatment to save humanity. The problem is their firmly held belief that humanity can only be saved by killing people.
In an odd way I agree with Klaus Schwab and Justin Trudeau. The planet cannot be saved without reducing population. We just disagree on the number we need to get rid of. They want to get rid of billions and I only want to get rid of thousands. I even have a list we can use. Combine the attendance logs form the last world economic forum and the next climate summit then delete the 90% overlap. This easily produces a comprehensive list of all the humans the earth does not need.