Governments drive Funeral Profits

In a post jab world the business to be in is the funeral business.  Service corporation International just released financials showing business is up 15% compared to the same quarter last year.  In a Pre-Jab world the funeral business was very stable and predictable, largely because our governments were not so preoccupied with killing us.  In a post jab world killing us is always “top of mind” for government; they are spectacularly good at it and getting better with practice.

Excess deaths and deaths from seasonal viruses during the summer months used to be quite rare.  Now not only are they common they are increasing every year.  Something has clearly damaged the immune systems of millions of people.  The problem is getting hard to hide so Governments are searching for a plausible deniability.  The latest trial balloon is immunity debt from lockdowns.

Immunity debt sounds very sciencey doesn’t it?  There is a small problem with the explanation however.  As this microbiologist explains immunity debt is not really a thing and even if it existed, can’t be caused by lockdowns.


Immunity debt is the new asymptomatic transfer.  Prior to the vax asymptomatic transfer was not a thing either.  But we no longer live in a pre-jab world.  In a post jab world asymptomatic transfer is very real and so is immunity debt.  It is shocking that anyone is surprised by this.  We just injected everyone on earth with a medication that includes an immunosuppressant.  How are we shocked then that immune systems have been suppressed?

Deaths are up in every country that has high vaccination rates.  These deaths are caused by the COVID jabs.  At this point it is ridiculous to argue otherwise.  The Jabs should be suspended immediately but governments are reluctant to do this for 2 reasons.

  1. They obviously enjoy killing us.
  2. Then they would need to admit they are wrong. Government would rather continue killing than confess to the thousands of murders they have already committed.

Thankfully some governments are growing tired of killing their citizens.  They won’t ban the vax for the reasons above but they will slowly increase the age of eligibility as Sweden just did.  Moving the age of eligibility up in increments effectively bans the jabs over time.  People will still die while governments slow walk banning the jabs.  In a post COVID world I guess that is the best we can expect.  We can’t stop governments from killing.  All we can do is slow the pace a little.

Forgive them after they serve their Sentences

When I saw Emily Oster’s article in the Atlantic it touched a nerve and I felt compelled to write about it.  I never anticipated revisiting that article again but I was not the only person who felt compelled to set Emily and her ilk straight on the conditions of forgiveness.  Del Bigtree’s rant was just too good not to share. I recommend you follow the link and listen to what Del has to say.

Politicians are the most to blame for what has happened but they received invaluable help from Useful idiots like Emily who hold positions of authority.  Emily Oster is a professor at an Ivy League school.  How did that happen?  She is obviously unwilling to do her own research and incapable of logic.  What kind of students do you think succeed in her class?  Emily is contributing to the dumbing down of society and the Atlantic gives her a soapbox to reach more people.

Emily wants to be forgiven for her own rude and abusive behavior.  To her it was just a regrettable mistake.  Emily did make mistakes largely because she is willfully ignorant and too stupid to keep her mouth shut.  For others their “mistakes” were much more deliberate.

Millions of people have been harmed by the jabs.  Excess deaths and strange infections are way up.  None of this was an accident.  When the CDC was presented with evidence of vaccine injuries they ignored the evidence and the people presenting it.

The official position is that the Jabs are safe as long as you don’t consider every piece of information that says they are not.  This is not a mistake.  This is premeditated murder.  It is difficult to forgive cold blooded murderers but even if we choose forgiveness, prison is still the best place for them.

Childish thinking creates Adult Problems

Canadian economists are warning real estate values are about to plummet.  There are two factors at work.  First the senseless lockdown regulations distorted the market.  All of the telecommuting workers bought up property in rural areas.  Why stay in the city if you can’t go in to the office anyway? This artificially escalated real estate values.   Unfortunately what goes up must come down.  The values are not real and will eventual evaporate.

COVID lockdowns are destructive economic interventions.  Massive government intervention in the economy never works.  It always causes problems.  People in government are just not nearly as smart as they think they are.  They should never be allowed any real power because they will abuse it.  History is full of examples of government intervention damaging economies that we continue to ignore.  This bubble was both predictable and avoidable; all we had to do was reject lockdowns.

The second thing at play is interest rates.  Interest rates are rising to control inflation.  The inflation was caused by uncontrolled government spending.  COVID lockdowns resulted in already unsustainable government spending increasing dramatically.  High interest rates will cause everyone except government to curtail spending.  People won’t be out buying new houses because they can’t afford the mortgages.  The lack of buyers will collapse even uninflated real estate values.

Deficit spending is just another way government interferes with the economy.  We face uncertain times because Government will not stick to their knitting and get out of the economy.  Don’t expect that to change any time soon.  Canada’s finance minister has decided the best way to battle inflation caused by unrestrained government spending is to spend more money.

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland tabled her fall economic statement Thursday — a multi-billion dollar plan that calls for more spending even as the economy stands on the brink of a recession, with interest rates set to move still higher.

The root of the problem, as always, is government; or more specifically the people in government.  We are where we are because important decisions are made by un-intelligent people with childish understanding of how the world works.  The Children in charge in Canada have made a mess and unfortunately, Canada is not the only Child led country in the world.  The entire western world is a mess right now.

In the Netherlands the green revolution is eating its own.  The Dutch government is finding their grandiose great reset plans stymied by their own childish green regulations.  It seems regulations designed to prevent construction and economic growth also prevent construction of windmills and solar panels.  This is a problem that could only have been anticipated by adults of which the Dutch parliament has none.

The North American EV revolution is also facing unanticipated obstacles.  EV owners are shocked to discover that people who build charging stations expect a return on their investment.  Apparently People who bought luxury automobiles thought they would be allowed to charge their vehicle for free as an award for their impressive level of virtuousness.  The Children in government will also be upset about this sliver of capitalist reality.  I expect that they will soon pass legislation outlawing charging fees, there by ensuring no one will build another charging station.

The longer Childish morons like Biden, Trudeau, and Freeland are in charge the larger the problems become.  Barring massive cheating our American cousins could start rectifying their problems next week.  Canadians must wait much longer.  Our system seems designed to keep overgrown children in power.

Justice Elizabeth Stewart, Chief Justice of the Dumb Ages

Theoretically you do not need to be either a moron or partisan political hack to be appointed to the bench in Canada.  I say theoretically because as of yet it has never happened but I still hold out hope that someday it might.  Our latest example of why Canada will never be a real country comes from Justice Elizabeth Stewart.

Justice Stewart presided over a libel case brought by Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill against several of her colleagues.  Dr. Gill is a prominent COVID policy critic.  Because she did not agree with the government narrative Dr. Gill was subject to constant public attacks from pro-hysteria medical professionals.  So how radical were Dr. Gill’s opinions?  Is she a deranged lunatic endangering life with her COVID advice?  You can judge for yourself.  These are her most dangerous statements that Tom Blackwell of the national post could find.

Among other things, Gill said a vaccine was not needed against the virus, that most people had natural immunity to COVID and there was no scientific rationale for keeping people at home to short-circuit its spread.

Wow what a radical, right?  There is not an untrue word in that statement.  The vaccines are unnecessary largely because they are ineffective.  As long as you were not stupid enough to destroy innate immunity through vaccination 80% of people would never have gotten sick.  And lastly lockdowns never had any scientific justification so, not surprisingly, they did not work.  Dr. Gill was attacked by her colleagues for telling a truth that contradicted government lies.

Unfortunately for Dr. Gill, truth is not a defense in Canada; in fact it is rarely if ever allowed inside a court room.  Justice Stewart ruled against Dr. Gill and ordered her to pay 1.1 million in damages.  Her suit was struck down as “a potential curb on important public debate”.

I am a little confused by this ruling.  What does a public debate have to do with libel?  Is the judge saying there was no libel?  In that case why was it important to mention public debate?  Or was the Judge saying you cannot have a public debate without allowing people to libel each other?  In that case why do we even have libel laws?

This is just another great example of how dysfunctional the Canadian legal system is.  Once again a judge set aside law and logic to support a government objective.  Public debate was not at question here.  Even if the issue was public debate Dr. Gill was not the one stifling it by taking a contrary view point.  Debate was being stifled by the people attacking her for not conforming.

The Dark Ages did not begin and end at the same time in every place.  Some countries pulled themselves out sooner than others.  The same is true of the Dumb Ages.  Thanks to people like Justice Stewart Canada entered the Dumb Ages long before anywhere else and will remain in the Dumb Ages long after the rest of the world shakes free.  Progressive Liberals have broken things in Canada that may never be repaired.

Fairy Tales of the Dumb Ages

In the Dumb ages politicians say ridiculous things and people are expected to believe them without question.  Incredibly there are many who believe the obvious lies and are all too willing to help disseminate the lies.  The gullibility of the public is what has kept the COVID narrative alive for 2 years.

Politicians were no doubt shocked to find how easy it was to get people to believe obvious lies.  How could anyone possibly believe that walking the right direction in a store will keep you safe from infection?  The ease with which we accepted their lies emboldened politicians and the lies just got bigger and more ridiculous.  There is no better example of that than Joe Biden’s speech last night.

The midterm elections are only days away and the polls don’t look good for Biden and the democrats.  Last night’s speech was a Hail Mary attempt to reverse democrat fortunes.  Joe wanted to convince people that the “Mega MAGA” republicans are a threat to democracy because too many people might vote for them.  Someone really needs to explain to Joe how democracy works.

Joe desperately wants you to know that even if republicans legitimately win the election they threaten democracy because they are violent.  To prove his point Joe used David DePape’s assault on Paul Pelosi.  Joe thinks that this would not have happened if it were not for Donald Trump.  Apparently David DePape is some sort of special Ops soldier in the Mega MAGA army.

DePape is a homeless illegal immigrant with multiple felony convictions.  I doubt this mentally unstable Obama supporter was upset by Trump leaving office.  Despite the fact that he somehow breeched the security of the Pelosi home I also doubt he is a highly trained Trump operative.  His unusual behavior after he breeched the security does not support the political assassination narrative.

After breaching the security of the third highest politician in the most powerful nation on earth DePape put in to action his highly crafted plan.  DePape stripped to his underwear and then waited for Paul Pelosi to also strip to his underwear and call the police on speaker phone.  Sometime either before or after that Call (the timing is unclear) DePape wandered around the Pelosi house in search of a weapon.  Apparently his brilliant plan to kidnap Nancy and assault Paul did not include verifying Nancy was at home or bringing a weapon.

DePape found a hammer which in hindsight would have been quite useful for breaking the window he used to gain access to the house.  After securing the weapon DePape then allowed Pelosi to also hold the hammer while they waited for the police to arrive.  The police arrived and used their own ninja security breaching skills to miraculously enter the residence without breaking the door in.  With the police in audience Paul then released his grip on the hammer so that David can hit him with it.  None of this quite reads like a Jason Bourne novel.

The message of Joe’s speech is that if you vote for trump an illegal alien will break in to your house and assault your family.  Your security system will not protect you.  Insane Obama supporters easily bypass the most expensive security systems.  If Nancy Pelosi with a net worth of 300 million dollars can’t afford a security system capable of denying access to DePape or the police, you have no way to keep your family safe with Republicans in office.

Of course there is a very simple explanation for how DePape bypassed the Pelosi security.  Paul Pelosi opened the door and let him in.  No one in the media has dared mention this.  In the Dumb ages simple answers to stupid questions must never be said out loud.

Joe Biden started his speech with a lie.  David DePape was not inspired by Donald Trump to attack Paul Pelosi.  David DePape was Paul Pelosi’s invited guest.  I will leave it up to you to decide why Paul would invite a gay rights activist into his home and strip half naked with him.  Joe’s lies did not begin and end with the Pelosi assault.  In fact his whole speech was a lie to set expectations about the planned midterm vote counting irregularities.

Joe told the truth once in his speech; the midterm winners will not be announced the day after the election.  Joe warned that we will not know who won because it will take days to count the mail in ballots.  Biden is basically saying the democrats need time to produce fraudulent ballots in the event that they have not already produced enough fraudulent ballots.

They ran this same play book in 2020.  Do you remember the media confidently explain that Trump would lead initially but after the mails in ballots were counted Biden would win?  How could they possibly know that the Mail in Ballots would all be for Biden?  The events of 2020 make me doubt a red wave next week.  The overwhelming majority of real people voting republican will be outnumbered by the imaginary people voting democrat.

In 2020 the democrats were very open about their intention to cheat.  They did not even try to hide most of their cheating.  After all we are in the dumb ages so simple answers to stupid questions are not allowed.  In 2020 the stupid question was how did Joe Biden get more votes than any other candidate in history when he campaigned from his basement?  Of course the simple answer is that he did not get 82 million votes.

Republicans did nothing to address the cheating in 2020 and the media viciously enforced the rules of the dumb ages.  Intelligent answers or discussion are not allowed.  We are not out of the dumb ages yet.  I suspect we will have at least 2 more years of it.

I will not Forgive the Unforgivable

Erica over at Distressed Liberal posted a very interesting article yesterday.  At the beginning of the Pandemic an odd phenomena was observed at Canadian nursing home.  The staff was falling ill to COVID but the elderly residents were not.  It turns out the residents were all taking Ivermectin to treat a scabies outbreak in the facility.  A resident’s family member noticed the connection and tried to bring attention to this remarkable event.  She could not get the nursing home or the Canadian Media to cooperate.

You might find it odd that she could not generate interest in the story or her subsequent research.  To understand this you must consider one important fact.  In Canada nursing homes and legacy media like CTV are heavily subsidized by government.  There is absolutely no way either will risk losing that funding by publishing information the government wants concealed.  This life saving information was suppressed because the Canadian government wanted it suppressed.

Yesterday I discussed an article written by a useful idiot named Emily Oster.  Emily was desperately seeking forgiveness without every acknowledging she had done anything wrong.  Emily just felt everyone should be forgiven because a lot of people made mistakes.  But, as Trevor points out in his comment, these mistakes were not at all random.  The skeptics were right 100% of the time and the useful idiots like Emily were wrong 100% of the time.

Skeptics were right because they used data and logic to form their opinions.  Useful idiots were wrong because their opinions come from government and media.  Their willful ignorance and ingrained sense of moral superiority makes them very easy to deceive.  Saving the planet or saving seniors, being a useful idiot is a very busy lifestyle.  You name it Emily and her comrades have already saved it.  Usually by screaming profanities at anyone who might question the veracity of Emily’s ridiculous beliefs.

If Emily and her ilk actually apologized and shrunk away out of the public space I could forgive them.  After all being stupid might be lethal but it is not criminal.  It is a moot point though since these people will never admit they were wrong or stop screeching about things they do not understand.  There is one group however that I will never forgive.  I will never forgive government for what they have done.

As Erica pointed out the Canadian government had the information they needed to save thousands of lives and chose not to use it.  They even went out of their way to make sure that no one else could use it either.  Doctors were fired for prescribing Ivermectin.

Useful idiots were wrong 100% of the time because they listened to government.  Government was wrong 100% of the time because they chose to be.  There is simply no way pure stupidity would make them wrong 100% of the time for nearly 3 years.  Statistically speaking they should have been accidentally right at least once by now.  This is not news to me, I concluded in December of 2020 that none of this could be by accident.

For me to continue to believe that this was simple incompetence I have to believe that all governments in the world were all as vapid and stupid as Justin Trudeau.  My life experience has led me to have a very jaded opinion of government.  Eventually, even I had to admit they could not all being as useless as Justin.  If it was not Trudeau level incompetence what was it then?  Quite obviously what is happening has nothing to do with a virus.

We cannot just forgive and forget.  What government did is unforgivable because it was not a mistake.  It was intentional.  They knew what they were doing would kill people and they did it anyway.

Working the problem from both Ends

Previously I have presented information about excess deaths in New Zealand and Europe.  This morning I found as similar article about the United States.  More people have now died of this new mysterious aliment than died of COVID.  In Australia where COVID failed to produce a single excess death heart attacks, stokes, and cancer are surging.

This mysterious ailment has hit multiple locations in the western world simultaneously.  I suspect this is another lab leak but this time not from Wuhan.  I strongly suspect the source of this mysterious ailment was developed in labs owned by Pfizer and Moderna.

Seriously, how long are we going to deny that this is the COVID vaccinations when it is obviously the COVID vaccinations?  People are dying in large numbers and vaccinated women are unable to replace them.

The governments in North America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia all lean left.  Some have tilted so far they have fallen and may never get up.  Even when Voters elect less left leaning candidates the government still lurches left because the bureaucracy is made up of hard left zealots and soft left useful idiots.  It is a curious fact of human nature that conservatives have no interest in government and therefore don’t choose careers in government.  That leaves the playing field wide open to the left.

A core belief of the left is that humans are destroying the planet.  Talk to any left leaning person you can find and they will tell you that the earth cannot survive with the number of people we have now.   Now these dedicated left wing de-populationists in government have found a solution.  They are mandating vaccines that work both ends of the population equation; births and deaths.

The lunatic left is getting what they want and we are letting them have it.

Brown University must teach a course in how to Apologize without Apologizing

Yesterday Emily Oster, a Brown university Economics professor, published an article in the Atlantic that is getting a lot of attention.  Emily thinks that it is time to forgive and forget; let bygones be bygones and move past COVID.

Our Governments used COVID as an excuse to destroy lives.  People lost their incomes, then when the vaccines arrived some even lost their lives.  The Government could not have done any of this without the cooperation of useful idiots like Emily Oster.  People like Emily Oster gleefully cheered as government killed their neighbors and now Emily wants forgiveness.  I am not inclined to forgive Emily Oster and I doubt the people she harmed are either.  This guy certainly isn’t ready.


Emily wants everyone to understand that no one meant to kill anyone, it was all just a big mistake.  A series of mistakes actually based on incomplete information.  According to Emily the information was so incomplete that the people who were right were only right by accident.

And on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong. In some instances, the right people were right for the wrong reasons

Emily Oster, economics professor at Brown University, is a liar, or stupid, or both.  Neither Stupidity or dishonest is a desirable attribute for a teacher but it does explain why so many people with degrees are so clueless.  The reality is that our information was not nearly as incomplete as Emily wants you to believe.

Before COVID we possessed a lot of very useful knowledge.  We knew:

  1. About seasonal airborne respiratory viruses and how they transmitted.
  2. A lot about corona viruses and RNA viruses in general. RNA viruses are very unstable and mutate constantly which made development of a successful vaccine very unlikely.
  3. That Corona viruses can infect animals so this virus will be with us forever. We cannot hide from it.
  4. Hydroxychloroquine was effective against the SARs COV-1 virus so the default should have been that it works for SARS COV-2 until proven otherwise.
  5. Closing businesses and causing unemployment will result in stress related illnesses, suicides, and addiction.
  6. Closing schools will harm children.

How much more information did you need to avoid all this stupidity?  This information alone was enough to determine that partial lockdowns, masks, and social distancing do not work.  That is why none of the pre-scamdemic public health emergency response included lockdowns.

To make matters worse only weeks in to the pandemic we discovered that 80% of people would never get this virus and that proper vitamin D levels dramatically reduced illness severity.  These 2 pieces of crucial information were never factored in to our ever changing scamdemic response.  If mistakes were made due to lack of information it was because we carefully avoided pertinent information.

I am not just Armchair quarterbacking with the benefit of hindsight.  I have posted articles on this blog on a daily basis for more than 2 years.  While not always right,  I have been right far more often than wrong.  Everything I have written was based on available science and independent data analysis.  I was not right for the wrong reasons.  I was right because I followed the science and the scientific method of inquiry; something anyone can do.

Screw you Emily.  I will not let you and the rest of the useful idiots whitewash your involvement in this scam.  You have just as much blood on your hands as Fauci.