Working the problem from both Ends

Previously I have presented information about excess deaths in New Zealand and Europe.  This morning I found as similar article about the United States.  More people have now died of this new mysterious aliment than died of COVID.  In Australia where COVID failed to produce a single excess death heart attacks, stokes, and cancer are surging.

This mysterious ailment has hit multiple locations in the western world simultaneously.  I suspect this is another lab leak but this time not from Wuhan.  I strongly suspect the source of this mysterious ailment was developed in labs owned by Pfizer and Moderna.

Seriously, how long are we going to deny that this is the COVID vaccinations when it is obviously the COVID vaccinations?  People are dying in large numbers and vaccinated women are unable to replace them.

The governments in North America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia all lean left.  Some have tilted so far they have fallen and may never get up.  Even when Voters elect less left leaning candidates the government still lurches left because the bureaucracy is made up of hard left zealots and soft left useful idiots.  It is a curious fact of human nature that conservatives have no interest in government and therefore don’t choose careers in government.  That leaves the playing field wide open to the left.

A core belief of the left is that humans are destroying the planet.  Talk to any left leaning person you can find and they will tell you that the earth cannot survive with the number of people we have now.   Now these dedicated left wing de-populationists in government have found a solution.  They are mandating vaccines that work both ends of the population equation; births and deaths.

The lunatic left is getting what they want and we are letting them have it.