Ignorance should have been reason enough for Caution

Edward Dowd recently gave another video discussing insurance statistics showing a decline in excess deaths and long term disabilities.  Unfortunately as Edward Points out things are not as bad as they were but we have yet to return to normal.


I noted exactly the same thing from European data one month ago today.

The new normal is more deaths every year.  The jabs have killed and are continuing to kill Europeans even though not many Europeans are taking them anymore.  Vaccine uptake fell dramatically 1 year ago yet excess deaths continue to climb.

There is a very good reason why sane societies do not give every citizen the same experimental treatment; NO ONE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW ALL THE LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS.  It is all the things we do not know about these treatments that are causing all the problems.  Not a single scientist on earth knows;

  • How long the immune suppression lasts
  • Where the toxic spike proteins will be produced in the body
  • How many spike proteins any individual might produce
  • For how long any individual might keep producing spike proteins
  • How long will it take for some side effects to manifest

The sad truth is that we do not know when or even if people will stop succumbing to vaccine injuries.  We should never have allowed our governments to force this toxin in to anyone but now that we have we must be prepared for more days like this.



Fauci Peddles death Door to Door

There are several videos on the internet of Anthony Fauci going door to door urging people to get vaccinated.  Apparently it is for a documentary but I don’t think they are getting the footage they hope for.


This just shows how deluded these people are.  They think unvaccinated people are just ignorant and once they are confronted with Dr. Fauci’s intellect they will roll up their sleeves and comply.  It never occurs to them that unvaccinated people might have made a conscious choice to not be vaccinated.  Or that their choice might be driven by their complete lack of trust in what they have been told.

They were completely unprepared for any resistance.  Their confidence was so high they did not even bother to come armed with any new lies.  All Fauci could do was fall back on lies that obviously did not sway these people the first time he told them.


Fauci trotted out the old lie that breakthrough infections are rare.  This is the exact opposite of the truth.  These treatments cannot prevent infection.  That is not how they work.  The immune system suppression that is baked in to the technology actually makes COVID infection more likely.  So the best way to get COVID is to be vaccinated for COVID.

In fact the best way to die of COVID is to get vaccinated.  The ratio of deaths to infection did not change after people started to take the vaccines.  The net result is that getting vaccinated increases your chance of getting COVID without increasing your chance of surviving COVID.  Fauci knows this; he was just surprised by how many other people also know it.

It is time for that lying little weasel to go away and stop bothering people.


COVID Hysteria was fueled by Fear and Stupidity

Fear produces a fight or flight reaction.  Fearful people are ready for action not deep contemplative thought.  Mankind would not exist if it were not for fear.  Ancient humans survived by running from or attacking threats.  At the first sign of a bear running was always a better option than wondering how the bear might perceive the situation.  So the fear reaction is hardwired; it is unavoidable even if at times it is counterproductive.

On the whole fear is a good thing but there is an ugly downside to our natural instincts for self-preservation; modern politicians know how to exploit the ancient emotion of fear.  Politicians know that fearful people can’t think straight.  Once you frighten them it is easy to do the thinking for them.  Spook the herd and it will follow the one in front; even when the leader is running for a cliff.

So when politicians want to do something really terrible the playbook is always the same.  Scare the masses until they can’t think straight and then tell them the “solution”.  Fear has already primed them for action so people will jump in with both feet.  Take for example the language used to describe the latest report from the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

“The climate time-bomb is ticking,” said UN secretary-general António Guterres, at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Did you know the climate is now a time bomb?  This is hardly the cold dispassionate voice of science.  Do you suppose their objective is to frighten us?  Not to worry though it can always be fixed as long as we act and as luck would have it they already know what to do.  In fact they have the solution so carefully planned out it can be used as a “survival guide”.

“Today’s IPCC report is a how-to guide to defuse the climate time-bomb,” he said. “It is a survival guide for humanity.”

They are spooking the herd and they already have people out in front for everyone to follow.  You do not need to think you just need to follow.  But be warned, if you do not follow the “time bomb” will go off.

For some strange reason people don’t understand that when government tells you something it is a lie.  The question then is not whether they are lying but rather how big the lie is you are being told.  Thankfully I have a sure fire method for measuring the size of the lie.  The language is a dead giveaway; the more alarming the rhetoric, the larger the lie.

Have you ever heard more alarming language than the language used to describe either climate change or COVID?  In the history of government, climate change and COVID might be the biggest lies ever told.  They ran the same playbook on us and we bought it, hook line and sinker both times.  We were told to be afraid.  “Experts” were consulted to tell us that without immediate action we were all going to die.  The situation is critical but the government has a plan.  We will be safe as long as we follow.

And, we do follow even when the plan changes multiple times.  Two weeks to flatten the curve mutated more times than the virus to become 3 years to elevate the great reset, yet we still followed.  Long after the fear subsided we were still willing to be deceived because of another aspect of the human condition, stupidity.

Unfortunately far too many people are incapable of rational thought even when they are not afraid.  In the past few days I have stumbled across 2 very clear illustrations of that.  First I found a testimonial of a woman who warns that everyone should get their life in order because life can end at any time.  She knows this because in the last 2 years 5 of her friends “died suddenly”.

In the last two years, five people I knew died from sudden cardiac arrest. They were young and seemingly healthy people whose untimely demise came as a shock to their family and friends.

They ranged in age from about 25 to 35.

She now finds herself contemplating her own mortality even though she acknowledges that young people really should not be dropping dead from heart attacks.

Though sudden cardiac arrest among young people with no underlying conditions is rare, I could not shake this feeling that my life could be taken from me at any time.

So 5 of her vaccinated friends die from heart attacks and the only conclusion she can draw is that everyone needs a good will?  That is not what my primary concern would be but at least her conclusions make some sense.  If the vaccine is killing people a good will is a necessity even if it is much lower in priority than finding a solution and punishing the perpetrators.

That puts her at odds with this podcaster who just made the most logically incomprehensible statement I have read in a long time.  He is a big believer in the vaccine which makes him very upset that some people did not take it.  In his article he laments that the conditions were not optimum for diffusing vaccine hesitancy.

Harris said if children died at higher rates from the virus and if the vaccines were more effective at stopping the spread of the virus, there would have been less patience for criticism of the vaccines.

That statement is stunning in its stupidity.  He just said COVID was not a problem for young people and the vaccines do not work.  Yet, he still does not understand why some young people would not take them.  To him it is only logical for Young people to take medication that does not work for a problem they do not have.

Frankly I think governments spent way more than they needed to on their COVID fear marketing programs.  As with the climate change manufactured emergency it was incredibly easy to keep the herd moving.  For some reason the least intelligent in the herd always make their way to the front and take over for the government.  People like these 2 will keep running even as they plummet over the cliff.

I don’t know who either of these writers are but I would hazard a guess that they are both university educated.  It usually takes advanced education to be this clueless.  The degradation of real education and the dumbing down of society has been intentional.  Government can do anything they want as long as they keep people fearful and stupid.

Next winter I expect the government to promote climate change enhanced COVID.  I also expect there will be no shortage of people willing to follow.


How much longer will we wait?

A study on COVID vaccine injuries has been released that shows vaccinated people have a 1 in 565 chance of serious injury.  Any other medical treatment with this poor of a safety record would have been banned long ago. Incredibly the 1 in 565 chance of serious injury found by the study should be considered a low estimate.  The Study only followed people for 2 months after vaccination but some problems take much longer than 2 months to manifest.  With time the 1 and 565 ratio will only get worse.

The COVID vaccines should have never been approved.  The trial data submitted by both Pfizer and Moderna was obviously fraudulent.  There did not use standardize testing and only tested 15% of the suspected cases.  Of the 15% that were tested 82% were in the placebo group.  That is a strong indication the study was un-blinded.  The researchers knew exactly who was in which group and they skewed the results in favor of vaccines.

Even if the Trials had not been fraudulent you still cannot justify their continued use.  Why would any sane society continue to use a medication that has made “died suddenly” the leading cause of death?  It is way past time to call a halt to this madness.  The jabs don’t make sense for anyone even high risk seniors.


It is also way past time to start prosecuting people for this enormous crime.

The most Inconvenient Truth of all

In 2006 Al Gore released his “documentary” An Inconvenient Truth.  Near the beginning Gore showed a plot that showed how CO2 and temperature have risen and fallen in lockstep for 800 thousands years.  Unfortunately Gore was very economical with the truth especially when you consider he used that word in the title.  It is true that CO2 and Temperature have risen and fallen at roughly the same time but that is not the whole truth.  The whole truth is that temperature always rises first and CO2 follows later.  Much later in fact.

Stated in plain language, that temperature changes precede CO2 changes, so the likely causality runs from temperature to CO2, not the other way around. Indeed there is no evidence in the data that changes in CO2 levels drive temperature, or at least if there is an effect it is too small to show up in the analysis.

Being cautious academics, the authors of the 2015 paper took some pains to point out that they hadn’t proven that CO2 can’t cause temperature to change, only that any such effect is too weak to show up in the ice core record. Which again means in plain language that if CO2 is the climate control knob today it’s a change from the past 800,000 years.

I have said this before.  CO2 is not a thermostat that can be used to control the world’s temperature.  Theoretically increasing CO2 concentration should cause a small amount of warming but it is so small you can’t even find it in the noise of everything else that affects climate.

Back when gore released his fictional account of how climate works it was called global warming.  The problem with that name was that the earth sometimes stubbornly refused to warm.  A couple years after the documentary was released the earths temperature fell quite dramatically.  Even now 17 years later the temperature is only 0.08 degrees Celsius (0.14 F) warmer than it was when Gore released his fraudulent documentary.

It became very difficult to make people concerned about global warming when the earth was obviously not warming so global warming was renamed climate change.  This gave the fraudsters a lot more room to move.  Now it does not matter if the earth warms or cools both are blamed on CO2.  CO2 is apparently a bad influence on climate, even though it can’t cause cooling it might cause cooling.  It can’t cause storms but it is somehow causing storms to get stronger.  No proof is ever required just emotion and heated rhetoric.

CO2 is now the global boogie man making weather more extreme.  There is still a bit of a problem with the rebranding, however.  Weather is not getting more extreme.  In some ways the weather has been unusually stable in recent years.  There certainly were more extremely hot days 90 years ago than there are now.

This is just more inconvenient truth about global warming/climate change/global climate disruption.  The raw data never shows what they want it to so adjusting data has become a full time job.  Notice the Red line of the “adjusted” is dramatically different than the actual measured data.  This kind of chicanery is not acceptable in real science but it is the only thing keeping the climate change narrative alive.

The temperature data in this plot has been adjusted by a department of the US federal government and that is the biggest inconvenient truth of all.  Governments have been lying to you about climate change for decades.  They have used these lies to justify taking money from you and giving it to their rich friends.  Rich friends who just happen to produce windmills, solar panels, and electric cars.

You have been a victim of financial fraud.  The perpetrator has been your own government.  You can say no or you can get comfortable in your 15 minute prison.  It is up to you.

Their fear is Palpable

This could be just wishful thinking on my part but recent events have me hopeful that we could see Nuremburg style trials again.  My optimism is based on the overwhelming stench of fear emanating from politicians and media.  In the past week politicians in multiple countries have admitted mistakes and even apologized.  They would never had done that if they did not sense a shifting of the tides.

Politicians love to apologize for things other politicians have done in the past but they will never apologize for their own actions until they get caught.  Many now sense that the jig is up and their political calculous tells them the only way out is to pretend they were duped and cast blame elsewhere.  They are running for cover and now it is every man for himself.  Even their stalwart allies in the media are starting to turn on the tyrants.

Take this recent headline from the Telegraph acknowledging in bold print that the lockdowns killed.

When politicians lose the support of the mainstream media they are in serious trouble.  If this continues it will be nearly impossible to conceal their crimes.  But don’t take this headline as proof the media decided to be honest.  They were forced in to this the same as their political friends.  The media was part of this conspiracy and now that it is unravelling they want to pretend it just took this long to get the data.  That headline is not just misleading it is lie designed to cover the media’s complicity with government mass murder.

The data on lockdowns did not just arrive on March 18th, 2023.  Data proving lockdowns kill has been available for a long time; you just had to look.  In October 2020 I was able to use CDC data to show that non COVID deaths spiked during the first lockdown.  The data proved what any rational person already knew.  The stress of House arrest and unemployment will kill people.

Deaths due to heart attacks, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and strokes peaked with the restrictions whether or not the patient had Covid.  It was the lockdown that caused these excess deaths not covid; covid was just along for the ride.  We have suspected all along that we would see deaths due to restricting health care to people who were managing long term health conditions and this is the smoking gun.  The lockdown kills.

You cannot show that the lockdown saved a single life, but you can show that the lockdown negatively impacted millions of lives.  We will never know the complete cost in terms of human lives that the lockdowns caused but this plot would indicate that number is in the 10s if not 100s of thousands.  The people responsible for the lockdowns will forever block a full accounting of their sins, and these are huge sins.  How is this not mass murder?  War criminals have received the death penalty for less.

Then in June of 2021, after the second lockdown, with more data, I was able to produce this plot showing increasing lockdown severity increases the number of people who die.

Any Country that reacted sanely did not have much trouble.  COVID amounted to nothing other than a mild flu year.  COVID was only a problem in Countries where politicians made it a problem.  This cannot be stated too many times.  Lockdowns Kill.  That much is clear.  So is it the lethality of lockdowns that makes them so attractive to left wing politicians?

In October 2020 using public data I was able to show that thousands of people had been killed by the first lockdown.  Then in June of 2021 I was able to show strict restrictions increase the number of people killed by lockdowns.  Any enterprising reporter could have done the same yet none did until now.  We are now getting truth from the media only because they are afraid.  God I love the smell of their fear.  Let the trials begin.

It was Malice

I found this video linked on Jo Nova’s site.  It is a short speech given by Australian billionaire Clive Palmer.  In the early days of COVID Palmer spent millions of his own money to secure 37 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  He gave the HCQ to the Australian government who promptly destroyed it which is too bad because it would have come in very handy when Palmer himself fell ill with COVID.

When Palmer became ill he made a near fatal mistake.  He went to a government controlled hospital.  Once there the government lackeys masquerading as doctors told him he would die in 5 hours.  The only option he was given was Remdesivir and ventilation; a treatment protocol that almost no one survived.  Essentially he was given a choice die in 5 hours or let the government euthanize him over a longer period.

Fortunately for Palmer fate and a Good Samaritan intervened.  He was able to escape the hospital and be treated by a real doctor who prescribed Ivermectin.  It would seem his 5 hour life expectancy depending entirely on lack of treatment because he seems very healthy while giving this speech.


This is why so many politicians are trying to distance themselves from their actions of the last 3 years.  The truth is finally coming out and it is damning.  Governments did not simply make mistakes.  They actively killed people.  They did not just restrict the use of HCQ they destroyed it.  Think about that for a minute.  Even if you don’t believe HCQ was effective for COVID why would you destroy medication that can be used to treat malaria?  They knew that by destroying this medication people would die.  If not by COVID then from malaria.

Killing people by denying treatment was a passive way of increasing the body count.  Confining people in hospitals and forcing a ventilator tube down their throat was premeditated murder.  Governments turned hospitals in to COVID concentration camps.  A place where COVID patients entered but never left.

Worldwide millions of people died unnecessarily from this government enforced medical malpractice.  Millions more were killed by the vaccines.  Very few western politicians do not have blood on their hands.  Only the handful who spoke out are not guilty.  The rest belong in prison.  What they did was intentional and unforgiveable.  That is why they are so desperate that no one finds out.


Rats from a sinking Ship

While Gretchen Whitmer was grudgingly admitting she may have made mistakes half way around the world in Germany the health minister issued a much bigger mea culpa.  Karl Lauterbach has apologized for forcing Germans to take a vaccine that injured thousands of people.

All this has forced Lauterbach to make a spectacular U-turn. In a recent TV interview, he admitted that vaccine-induced injuries are a serious issue, and that his ministry was planning to launch a program to investigate the negative consequences of Covid vaccination and improve care as soon as possible.

Maybe it is just the cynic in me but I have a hard time believing his apology is genuine.  Lauterbach is after all a politician which makes it unlikely that he possesses empathy or shame.  His apology seems like a desperate attempt to avoid blame because he used it to focusing anger on the pharmaceutical companies.

Additionally, Lauterbach said that he hopes pharmaceutical companies will voluntarily help to compensate those harmed by the vaccines. “That’s because the profits have been exorbitant”, he said. Just a year ago he had said: “The pharmaceutical companies will not get rich with vaccines”.

Anger is at the root of both apologies.  Whitmer and Lauterbach are both no doubt angry they have lost control of the narrative but it is public anger that drives this.  The tide is turning and both these despicable human beings know it.  After 3 years of abuse and millions of unnecessary deaths the public is finally waking up.  When people finally come to the realization of what politicians did, and why they did it, things could get ugly.


For reasons that I will never personally understand, citizens in 2020 had blind faith in their governments.


Politicians exploited that unearned public trust to reach ideological and financial goals.  Their actions killed people and not a single politician cared until truth started oozing out everywhere.  Now some politicians are working to deflect blame.  In Canada, where politicians never miss an opportunity to sink even lower, Doug Ford is using legislation to shelter his government from responsibility.  He is making it illegal to sue his government.

“What the government is trying to do is place itself beyond the reach of the courts and make it difficult, and in many cases impossible, to sue the government — even when it acts in bad faith or breaches the duties of office,” said Amir Attaran, a law professor at the University of Ottawa.

That last part is interesting isn’t it?  The Ford government cannot be sued “Even when it acts in bad faith or breaches the duties of office”.  Canadian Politics means never have to say you are sorry.  It is pretty damn obvious that Doug Ford knows what he did was wrong.  It is also obvious that he intends to use the power of his office to avoid punishment he so richly deserves.

Western Governments declared war on their own citizens in the spring of 2020.  Apparently it took 3 years and millions of deaths for the citizens to figure out where they were being attacked from.  But all of that has changed.  Each day more people realize that their governments are the enemy.  That means with each day the danger politicians face increases.  Some are already feeling the heat and scrambling for cover.  Don’t let them get away with it.  The guilty must be punished.

The Road to Vaccine Hesitancy

Before the era of COVID stupidity I did not think too much about vaccines.  I had taken vaccines as a child and even some as an adult when I travelled to a country that required some I had not already taken.  I could in no way be described as an anti-vaxxer.  Then COVID happened.

For nearly 12 months my government lied to me about COVID.  I am old enough to be accustomed to the government lying but still I had never seen anything like this.  On almost a daily basis someone in the government or one of their friends in the media lied to me and the lies they told were not small.  They were big, idiotic, ridiculously obvious, lies.  Frankly I was insulted that they thought I might be stupid enough to believe any of it.

All of the lies I was told were purportedly to keep me safe.  That was the biggest lie of all.  Had I chosen to believe any of the lies my health would have been negatively impacted.  Because of the torrent of lies by the time the COVID vaccines came I would not have believed the government even if they told me the sky was blue.  My normal skepticism of government had been elevated to paranoia.

It was evident that the government desperately wanted to inject me.  Given the trajectory of the previous 12 months it was therefore also evident that it would not be good for me.  So I did my own research to determine the size of this new government lie.  As it turned out the COVID vaccines are an enormous lie.  To start, these treatments are not even vaccines.  They are experimental gene therapy with a poor track record when tested on animals.  At best they offered partial temporary protection from a virus that posed almost no risk to me.  At worst they could come with a host of nasty side effects.  It did not seem to be a smart move to take the jab.

My COVID vaccine research came with its own side effects.  I discovered many things about convention vaccines that now make me question any vaccine.  First I discovered the work of Dr. Christine Stabell Benn who showed not all vaccines are helpful.  Live virus vaccines lead to positive health outcomes while dead virus vaccines lead to negative health outcomes.  Then yesterday I found this presentation.


This video seems to contradict Dr. Benn because it shows all vaccines correlate to negative health outcomes, not just dead virus vaccines.  But, this might not necessarily be the right interpretation.  Different countries use different schedules for childhood vaccinations.  There is some evidence that giving too many vaccines too soon can be harmful.

Even the right vaccine might be harmful if given at the wrong time.  So, you might ask, when is the right time to take a COVID vaccine?  Well the simple answer is never due to all the potential severe complications but we can get a different answer if we define the question more narrowly.  At what age is the vaccine less dangerous than COVID if only deaths are considered?  Recent research indicates that the vaccine will kill 1 in every 800 people so your chance of dying from the vax is 0.125%.  According to Dr John Ioannidis you must be at least 50 years old before you chance of dying from COVID is that high.

But even this is misleading.  Research has shown innate immunity is so high for coronaviruses that 80% of unvaccinated people will never get COVID.  So if you factor in the 20% chance of getting COVID only people 60 and older face a COVID risk similar to the vaccine risk (20%*0.501%=0.1002%).

Vaccines have not produced the public health benefit that they have been credited for.  There is even less evidence that COVID vaccines are beneficial but plenty of evidence of the harm they can cause.  They are in fact the most harmful vaccine in history.  The jabs arguably don’t even make sense for seniors who are at the greatest COVID risk.

If they don’t make sense for seniors why the hell are they approved for 6 month old infants?  This is insane.  We are vaccinating infants for a disease they won’t have a problem with for at least the next 60 years.  Stop this madness; do not let the government touch your child.

There is only one way you can end this Tedros

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus confidently announced that COVID will be over by the end of the year.  What he said was that COVID will no longer be a public health emergency.

“ at some point this year we will be able to say that Covid-19 is over as a public health emergency of international concern, and as a pandemic.”

What he meant was that by the end of the year COVID will no longer be a useful tool for facilitating the great Reset.  I don’t know if Tedros is a WEF acolyte or if his interest has waned simply because COVID is no longer profitable.  COVID is simply not fun or profitable now that no one wants to be jabbed anymore.

For Tedros, COVID was fun while it lasted but it is time to move on.  Unfortunately, I have some bad news for Tedros, this is not over.  Just because you had the power to start this nonsense it does not mean you can stop it at your convenience.  How can COVID be over when the COVID vax continues to claim victims every day?


I hope COVID is not over by the end of the year because if it is it means we have lost.  They got away with it.  Tedros and his friends built and released a virus.  They did this to achieve their own personal ideological and financial goals.  The COVID cabal was an odd combination of psychopaths using COVID for dominance and financial grifters using COVID for profit.  The end goal for both was the vaccines.

The COVID vaccines gave the psychopaths access to your body and the grifters access to you money.  That is what they were designed for and that is what they did.  The Jabs had no other purpose.  They did not save anyone.


So COVID will not be over by the end of the year because COVID was never about a disease or even a virus.  COVID was a small group of people victimizing the entire world for their own selfish reasons.  There is no doubt COVID momentum came from an army of useful COVIDiots but those people were not part of the conspiracy.  They conspiracy was a small group of influential people pointing the mob of COVIDiots at their next target.

Unless the conspirators are brought to justice COVID will never end; it will just be re-branded and come back again.  Same shit different pile.  Tedros wants you to think it is over so you don’t pay attention to the rebranding.  Monkey pox didn’t work, bird flu might.  Tedros is not sure what might work but he is sure the fun has drained out of COVID and it is time to regroup.

Tedros thinks all the fun has gone out of COVID but I think the fun part is just starting.  People are finally asking the right questions of the right people.  People like Gretchen Whitmer, who when she was not killing seniors, was humiliating people by imposing farcical rules upon them.  3 years ago no one dared question any of the stupid things this evil witch did.  Now, even the compliant media is forcing her to admit some things did not make sense.

“You know, there were moments where, you know, we had to make some decisions that in retrospect don’t make a lot of sense, right?

This timid, government friendly, reporter could not bring himself to it but in time people will ask the obvious follow up question.  Why did you think you needed to make any decision, especially a stupid decision?

I hope this is just the beginning and the spotlight stays on Whitmer.  Whitmer will wilt under the spotlight because there is no justification for what she did.  She was part of the conspiracy and soon everyone will know that.

It took way longer than it should have but things finally seem to be unravelling.  A few honest politicians have even rediscovered their voices and are calling for investigations.


Sorry Tedros but you do not get away with it this easily.  You can’t just declare the whole damn thing over and hope no one remembers what you did.  COVID only ends when you and the other architects are punished.  I don’t care how long it takes.  The only way it ends by the end of the year is if Tedros and his friends confess.  So in a way Tedros can choose when this is over.  I just doubt he makes that choice.