Fear produces a fight or flight reaction. Fearful people are ready for action not deep contemplative thought. Mankind would not exist if it were not for fear. Ancient humans survived by running from or attacking threats. At the first sign of a bear running was always a better option than wondering how the bear might perceive the situation. So the fear reaction is hardwired; it is unavoidable even if at times it is counterproductive.
On the whole fear is a good thing but there is an ugly downside to our natural instincts for self-preservation; modern politicians know how to exploit the ancient emotion of fear. Politicians know that fearful people can’t think straight. Once you frighten them it is easy to do the thinking for them. Spook the herd and it will follow the one in front; even when the leader is running for a cliff.
So when politicians want to do something really terrible the playbook is always the same. Scare the masses until they can’t think straight and then tell them the “solution”. Fear has already primed them for action so people will jump in with both feet. Take for example the language used to describe the latest report from the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
“The climate time-bomb is ticking,” said UN secretary-general António Guterres, at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Did you know the climate is now a time bomb? This is hardly the cold dispassionate voice of science. Do you suppose their objective is to frighten us? Not to worry though it can always be fixed as long as we act and as luck would have it they already know what to do. In fact they have the solution so carefully planned out it can be used as a “survival guide”.
“Today’s IPCC report is a how-to guide to defuse the climate time-bomb,” he said. “It is a survival guide for humanity.”
They are spooking the herd and they already have people out in front for everyone to follow. You do not need to think you just need to follow. But be warned, if you do not follow the “time bomb” will go off.
For some strange reason people don’t understand that when government tells you something it is a lie. The question then is not whether they are lying but rather how big the lie is you are being told. Thankfully I have a sure fire method for measuring the size of the lie. The language is a dead giveaway; the more alarming the rhetoric, the larger the lie.
Have you ever heard more alarming language than the language used to describe either climate change or COVID? In the history of government, climate change and COVID might be the biggest lies ever told. They ran the same playbook on us and we bought it, hook line and sinker both times. We were told to be afraid. “Experts” were consulted to tell us that without immediate action we were all going to die. The situation is critical but the government has a plan. We will be safe as long as we follow.

And, we do follow even when the plan changes multiple times. Two weeks to flatten the curve mutated more times than the virus to become 3 years to elevate the great reset, yet we still followed. Long after the fear subsided we were still willing to be deceived because of another aspect of the human condition, stupidity.
Unfortunately far too many people are incapable of rational thought even when they are not afraid. In the past few days I have stumbled across 2 very clear illustrations of that. First I found a testimonial of a woman who warns that everyone should get their life in order because life can end at any time. She knows this because in the last 2 years 5 of her friends “died suddenly”.
In the last two years, five people I knew died from sudden cardiac arrest. They were young and seemingly healthy people whose untimely demise came as a shock to their family and friends.
They ranged in age from about 25 to 35.
She now finds herself contemplating her own mortality even though she acknowledges that young people really should not be dropping dead from heart attacks.
Though sudden cardiac arrest among young people with no underlying conditions is rare, I could not shake this feeling that my life could be taken from me at any time.
So 5 of her vaccinated friends die from heart attacks and the only conclusion she can draw is that everyone needs a good will? That is not what my primary concern would be but at least her conclusions make some sense. If the vaccine is killing people a good will is a necessity even if it is much lower in priority than finding a solution and punishing the perpetrators.
That puts her at odds with this podcaster who just made the most logically incomprehensible statement I have read in a long time. He is a big believer in the vaccine which makes him very upset that some people did not take it. In his article he laments that the conditions were not optimum for diffusing vaccine hesitancy.
Harris said if children died at higher rates from the virus and if the vaccines were more effective at stopping the spread of the virus, there would have been less patience for criticism of the vaccines.
That statement is stunning in its stupidity. He just said COVID was not a problem for young people and the vaccines do not work. Yet, he still does not understand why some young people would not take them. To him it is only logical for Young people to take medication that does not work for a problem they do not have.
Frankly I think governments spent way more than they needed to on their COVID fear marketing programs. As with the climate change manufactured emergency it was incredibly easy to keep the herd moving. For some reason the least intelligent in the herd always make their way to the front and take over for the government. People like these 2 will keep running even as they plummet over the cliff.
I don’t know who either of these writers are but I would hazard a guess that they are both university educated. It usually takes advanced education to be this clueless. The degradation of real education and the dumbing down of society has been intentional. Government can do anything they want as long as they keep people fearful and stupid.
Next winter I expect the government to promote climate change enhanced COVID. I also expect there will be no shortage of people willing to follow.