Entries by richardsuffron

Climate Change numbers never add up

I have posted multiple times about how the cult of climate change uses fraudulent science to bolster their claims.  The basic science behind CO2 is very simple and well known.  CO2 is a greenhouse gas and adding more will cause the atmosphere to warm.  No one disputes that.  What skeptics do dispute is how much […]

Updating the Hippocratic Oath

“First do no harm” was said by Hippocrates but is not actually part of the Hippocratic Oath that some doctors take.  This is what they do say as part of the oath. “I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and […]

The Cult of Climate change is delusional

I was scrolling through twitter a couple days ago and a climate change lunatic challenged Climate change critics to produce the paper proving CO2 did not cause climate change.  This is how inverted reality is for these lunatics.  The onus is not on skeptics to prove anything because it is not the skeptics who insist […]

Long COVID is rooted in COVID policy

There is a new study out about the health effects of prolonged mask use.  Masks cannot stop a virus but they do impede respiration.  By making it harder to inhale and exhale masks lower blood oxygen levels and causes an accumulation of CO2.  Basically masks mimic some of the more dangerous aspects of COVID.  It […]

They Lied for a Reason

When COVID restrictions were first announced my immediate reaction was that this was just stupid people doing stupid things out of fear.  The restrictions were so ridiculous that I was certain that it would not take long for people to come to their senses.  I was wrong about both.  The restrictions were not stupid they […]

Something Horrible this way Came

COVID vaccines were sold as a wonder drug.  Taking the vaccine meant you were unlikely to get COVID and even if you did you certainly would not die.  I guess a lot of people in Ontario did not get the memo. In Ontario, Canada COVID-19 deaths in 2022 were 39% higher than 2021. COVID should […]

Three years, Billions spent, and the level of Protection did not Change

COVID vaccines are no longer recommended for anyone in Switzerland. For this reason, no recommendation for vaccination against Covid-19 is formulated. The recommendations apply regardless of the type and number of vaccination doses already received and the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections that have occurred. The Swiss are justifying their sudden about face by claiming that 98% of […]

Government broke the #1 rule of Emergency Management

In the past I have supervised people in industrial environments.  One of my responsibilities was emergency preparedness.  By law we had to have an approved emergency response plan and had to run regular drills.  The reason for the plan and the drills was to make sure people knew what to do and would not panic.  […]

Climate Change the great Boogie Man

The airline industry is in crisis.  Their ill-advised vaccine policies have injured and killed so many pilots that they now must rely on inexperienced pilots.  This is a serious safety issue that is not going away so of course the media has chosen to lie about it.  Carolyn Barber of fortune magazine wants you to […]

It’s bad and also not over

Edward Dowd just published a report based on insurance statistics.  He concludes 18% were injured, 1% disabled, and 0.1% died from the Jabs.  His complete conclusions are below. Group 4: The most extreme damage (death). Excess deaths are estimated to have occurred at an absolute rate of about 0.1% of the population aged 25-64 for 2021 […]