Cultivating Conspiracy Theories

I commented on a twitter video a couple days ago and inadvertently stirred up a shit storm.  The comment got 10 times as many views and replies as any of my previous tweets.  The video was purportedly of a woman who suffered neurological damage from the vax.  My comment was that the COVID vaccines are the largest crime in my lifetime and that people need to start going to prison.  I received replies that ranged from likes to people calling me gullible and an idiot.

The people calling me an idiot pointed out the video appears to be fake.  I confess that I did not even view the video.  Immediately I thought it was another heart wrenching tweet by an ignored victim and I reacted.  I rushed to judgement.  When I finally viewed the video I confess it might well be fake but I don’t regret the shit storm I caused because it perfectly illustrated where the public are at.

The vaccines have divided people in to 2 camps.  One camp thinks the vaccines are lifesaving and the vaccine injured are faking.  The other sees vaccine injuries around every corner.  Both sides see conspiracies, one side sees a conspiracy to discredit the vaccines the other sees a conspiracy to cover up vaccine injuries.  Both sides to some extent might be right.  They only thing that is for certain is that all of this is the fault of government and media.

There is a lot of evidence of vaccine injuries but there has been no coordinated effort to investigate any of them.  The lack of a coordinated effort is due to the government media cabal that steadfastly refuse to acknowledge vaccine injuries exist.  In the absence of hard evidence speculation abounds and it is easy to fall in either camp.

It is easy to believe the jabs are safe if you have taken it and not been injured.  In fact many of the comments deriding me were from multiple jabbed people who have had no issues.  These people need to remember that just because you got away with it does not mean that it was safe; it could just mean you were lucky.  I need to remember that not everything is a vaccine injury, sometimes a coincidence is just that, a coincidence or someone willing to mislead.

We are more than 2 years post vax.  In those 2 years deaths and injuries have significantly increased yet we still do not know how much of it, if any, was caused by the vaccines.  Researchers who point out clear safety signals are ignored and once rare occurrences are reported as a mystery.

Dr. Taryn Bragg, an associate professor at the University of Utah and the only pediatric neurosurgeon for the state of Nevada, began noticing a large increase in cases of brain infections among children beginning in March 2022.

“In my 20 years’ experience, I’ve never seen anything like it,” Bragg told CNN.

In a pre-jab world when a doctor made a statement like that people would demand answers.  They would insist that no stone be left unturned.  In a post jab word it is taboo to dislodge one certain stone.  As long as that Taboo exists we will never have answers only conspiracy theories, from both sides.

2 replies
  1. Erica
    Erica says:

    This is an insightful and humble post. I am in the same “camp” as you. There ARE people who have been vax injured. You should suggest watching “Anecdotals” to the critics (a doc about covid vax-injured, I’m sure you’ve run across it).

    What is so aggravating is the complete departure by the “scientific establishment” from the scientific method, the denial of observable reality, and the “belief” in the safe and effective mantra to the point that actual vax injured are made invisible and without support. All those “grandma-savers” who vaxxed to the max to “protect others” completely ignore both the plight of the vax-injured, and the reality that the vax does ZERO in terms of protecting others….and this FACT is not acknowledged and indeed was used as justification to discriminate! Makes ZERO SENSE. It’s like the onus is always ON US to “prove” what is simply OBVIOUS!

    so yes…they are firmly in their “religion” of “vax is great”….and we are locked into our position too in our frustration. It’s so frustrating because observable reality is continually denied by media and government who have so much power. And the incuriosity on the part of the scientific establishment seems purposeful. At the same time, reality is muddied by charlatans and fakes. The take away? Everyone needs to just LOOK at what’s happening and use critical thinking. Thank you Richard for continuing to hang in there and beat the critical thinking drum. I know your hundreds of logical, well written and scientifically supported posts are validating to all those who do think critically and wonder if the world around them has gone crazy.

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