Entries by richardsuffron

We Quarantined the Wrong People

At the ends of every year “journalists” start to reminisce on what they feel were the most important events of the year.  This COVIDiot from CTV felt it was important to let you know that Canadians were not paying their COVID quarantine violation fines.  In 2022 unvaccinated Canadians were still subject to quarantine when returning to […]

Fool me once, shame on you

It really has been remarkable how many high profile people who have either succumbed to rare illnesses or died suddenly in 2022.  Even more remarkable is how everyone is ignoring it even as it continues to happen.  In the last 2 days a 37 year old television producer, Dax Tejera, and a 45 year old […]

The Origins of Liberal Politics

I saw this article just before Christmas.  It is the second article I have seen in December about behavioral changes or brain damage from mRNA injections.  I have not seen any published research on this but I find it frighteningly plausible.  Science has already established 2 things that should make everyone worry about brain damage following […]

Give yourself the gift of Science this Christmas

When I was in school I liked science class.  Yes that makes me a nerd and I wear that badge proudly.  Many of my friends and classmates did not like science.  The things we learned were difficult and most people just did not see when they would use any of it.  None of them wanted […]

Holding out for a Christmas Miracle

My wife told me I should write something uplifting for Christmas.  I would love to do that but if you live in Canada it is hard to be hopeful even at Christmas.  Canada I fear is broken beyond repair.   Canadians NEED to see this. 🔥 pic.twitter.com/wGhxdo6TK2 — Canada Proud (@WeAreCanProud) December 15, 2022 Justin […]

Norway is a tragic tale of Government Stupidity

Add Norway to the list of countries experiencing unexplained excess mortality.  There are so many Norwegians dying right now that they are running out of morgue space.  The families of dead should be outraged.  These deaths were caused by Government. Regular readers of this blog will know that I have discussed Norway before.  Norwegians have […]

The WHO confesses (sort of)

Is there another group more disgusting than Justin Trudeau and his government?  I think not. Parents and Caregivers, I had a great chat with Mrs. Claus about things we can do to make this a happy and healthy holiday season. Here’s the scoop from the #NorthPole: pic.twitter.com/pgKY5NPEyV — Dr. Theresa Tam (@CPHO_Canada) December 21, 2022 […]

Critical Thinking is Rare

I saw something incredibly rare yesterday; a thoughtful interview by a Hollywood celebrity.  Russel Brand interviewed Tim Robbins in which they discussed Robbins’s conversion from COVID follower to COVID sceptic.   The intellectual journey that Tim Robbins completed was not just rare by the conformist standards of Hollywood.  Most people are unwilling to resist authority.  […]

Truth might be slow but it is Permanent

In a sane world the COVID vaccines would have already been banned.  Unfortunately we do not live in a sane world.  We live in a world where millions of people think that Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, and Mark Rutte are qualified to run countries.  Millions more take science advice from high […]

The Accounting Reveals an uncomfortable Truth

Governments spend a lot of money.  It is their favorite thing to do.  They are very good at spending money but not very good at spending it wisely.  Government bureaucrats pretend that they are responsible with our money by producing detailed accounting of who received the money with some sort of excuse as to what […]