Entries by richardsuffron

Britain goes one way Canada goes another

Boris Johnson has now stood in front of parliament and pledged that Vaccine passports, masks, and working from home will end on Jan 27th. Boris Johnson has announced the easing of Covid 'Plan B' restrictions, including the mandatory wearing of masks and compulsory use of Covid passes. Read more: https://t.co/RgBE8XqkOA pic.twitter.com/rc3U01zIVv — ITV News (@itvnews) […]

Boris Johnson’s Bad Behavior could be the path out of Tyranny

Yesterday a friend of mine sent me a video that supposedly was a phone conversation between a UK woman and her doctor.  The woman was doing a phone consult over a vaccine injury she had suffered.  She did not know if she should get her next dose.  Incredibly the doctor advised her not to take […]

Media outside Canada are distancing themselves from the COVID Narrative.

Pushback against COVID Tyranny is slowly building.  Shops and Restaurants are supposed to be closed in the Netherlands but business owners have had enough and did not comply. https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/01/more-shops-across-the-netherlands-opening-in-defiance-of-lockdown-rules/ Remarkably it looks like the police have chosen to stand down.  As of yet there are no videos of police charging restaurant patrons with batons. The […]

COVID is curable, Canada is not

I have said this many times.  There is something seriously wrong with Canada and Canadians.  A country that could elect Justin Trudeau once is misguided.  A country that elects him 3 times is incurably stupid. When Justin first entered politics I recognized immediately that he was a narcissistic, unintelligent, willfully ignorant, petulant child.  I knew […]

Spinning Lies will not work Forever

Someone from Alberta Health Services must be reading my blog.  Just yesterday I pointed out that COVID deaths should have started to increase 2 weeks ago and had not.  Today the very same plot has been changed to show deaths increasing from about 2 weeks ago. That is the problem with allowing unrepentant Liars to […]

We are at a Crossroads and the Police will determine which Path we take

Omicron is rapidly changing the COVID narrative.  It is not just unaffected by the vaccines, it seems to preferentially infect vaccinated people.  Data from multiple countries now show negative vaccine efficacy.  That alone should be reason enough to suspend the vaccine programs, passports, and mandates.  There is however something even more important that we should […]

Omicron might just save Democracy

Jan 11th 2022 rant In Canada the virtue signaling morons in charge are touting mandatory vaccinations.  Canada is not the first country to toy with mandatory COVID vaccinations but we just might be the last.  Take this article about Germany I found yesterday. https://www.rt.com/news/545512-germany-mandatory-vaccination-delay/ In November Germany announced that a vaccine mandate would be in […]