Fraudulent science produces remarkably hardy sacred cows
There is a new study of COVID vaccine efficacy. The researchers did a detailed analysis to try and explain why COVID vaccine benefits are not more obvious.
As a result of these effects, even if vaccination reduces the mortality risk on an individual basis, the overall impact of higher vaccination rates on mortality may be more ambiguous. Such factors can help to explain why observational data often reveal infection rates no different and sometimes higher amongst vaccinated groups compared to those unvaccinated, even controlling for age (UKHSA, 2022).
After their detailed analysis they found that we don’t see any benefit to the vaccines because there don’t appear to be any.
The lack of evidence that vaccination of care home staff has any causal effect in reducing mortality amongst residents is unsurprising in the light of research noted above suggesting vaccination has modest impacts on contagiousness and, hence transmission. The limited effect of resident vaccination on mortality requires more explanation given evidence from some randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that, other thing equal, Covid vaccination lowers the risk of serious illness and death.
For readers of this blog none of this is new. I have been pointing out since 2022 that the vaccines have failed completely.
After the initial surge of infections and ramp up in testing the infection fatality ratio was already falling before vaccinations begin. Vaccinations provided no obvious benefits.
Contrary to what Anthony Fauci and Theresa Tam want you to think there is no evidence that the vaccines prevent serious illness or death.
I was quite willing 2 years ago to state the obvious. The COVID jabs do not work. But these researchers are obviously more concerned with future funding than I am. To them the lab data proves the jabs work. There are just legitimate reasons why we can’t match the lab data to the field data.
However, there are good reasons why such trial outcomes may not be replicated in real world data.
The researchers do list some of their “good reasons” in the paper but they carefully omit the most plausible reason. The lab data does not match the real world data because the lab trails were rigged to show efficacy when there was none.
Fraudulent “science” is used to justify unnecessary and often harmful treatments. This is the world we live in now and it is not limited to COVID. Before COVID I accepted the vaccine narrative. I even continued to believe while criticizing the COVID jabs because I knew they were not vaccines. In the past 2 years however I have read a lot about infectious diseases and vaccines. I now don’t think any vaccines work. Sure there is a lab trail somewhere that “proves” the vaccine is the best thing since sliced bread. But, just as with COVID, when you look at infections and deaths it is not obvious that the vaccines provided any benefit.
Dozens of vaccines have been manufactured and used yet the data consistently fails to show any benefit. If I showed you a plot of infections with time you would not be able to tell when we started vaccinating for that particular disease. Yet we are told that the benefit is so obvious that only heretics would deny vaccine benefits. In The US, senators warned they would not approve RFK junior for Health and Human Services director if he did not pledge fealty to the polio vaccine.
Since the polio vaccine is being held out as the gold standard of vaccines I decided to take a closer look and this is what I found.
Maybe I am missing something but that plot does not scream vaccine efficacy to me. Polio had almost disappeared before the first needle went in to the first arm and nothing changed after that for nearly 4 years. I guess I can’t be the HHS director because after seeing the data I could not, as RFK did, declare my undying loyalty to the polio vaccine.
At this point I have found no evidence that could convince me that any vaccine works. I have though found a lot of evidence that Vaccines come with many often deadly “coincidences”.
“The more vaccines you had, the worse you were.”
“This data is so powerful that within five days of it being available online, they yanked my license… I was supposedly a threat to public health.”
No vaccine seems to be able to live up to the hype of the clinical trials. We should consider the possibility that all of these trials fraudulent. They fooled us all and despite no evidence of benefit and decades of negative health outcomes we still believe.
Twain was right.