Entries by richardsuffron

Covid Was Not the Only Thing Communist China Exported

I apologize for the length.  Stick with it I promise to get to an important point. Communist Chinese are everywhere they have infiltrated every western government and economy and barely anyone is talking about it.  The goal of every communist dictatorship was to spread communism throughout the globe.  The Soviet Union tried this for decades […]

Covid has Made the Ministry of Truth a Reality

Several different friends sent me this. The WHO has redefined herd immunity.  Now herd immunity is only possible with a vaccine.  Seriously this is right out of the novel 1984.  George Orwell hit the nail right on the head he just predicted it would happen 36 years sooner than it did. To be fair to […]

An Open Letter to Jason Kenney

Today I sent this letter to Jason Kenney and the UCP.  I just wanted to thanks Jason for magnanimously allowing me to have 2 people in my home.   Mr. Kenney, Yesterday you announced new rules governing who I am allowed to have in my home.  I want to thank you for taking time to […]

Evil or Stupid, Doug Ford is Clearly #1

The news has been full of stories lately about the surging Covid Cases in Ontario.  Ontario Premier Doug Ford has seen enough and yesterday he announced additional restrictions effective boxing day.  The plot below shows what everyone is concerned about. That does look alarming but curiously deaths are not really following the cases.  You can […]

A Covid State of Mind

This video is making the rounds.  It is both funny and sad at the same time.  Have a look. Watch till the end! I’m speechless!! pic.twitter.com/KYpvRHD9K7 — Frank J McCall (@RealFrankJMcCa1) December 18, 2020 Most people are choosing to laugh at this woman.  I have to admit I found it funny as well.  The more […]

This is What Happens When You Hire the Wrong People

You may have seen this video already.  Hockey night in Canada has been a Canadian institution for 91 years and it is now against the law to play hockey in Canada.  Did anyone think they would live to see this? Cops arresting kids for playing hockey on outdoor skating rink in Calgary part 1 pic.twitter.com/LXHCEHECyh […]

This is Not About Science or a Virus

Two days ago Tyrel added a comment to my December 17th post.  It was a short comment that only said “real science”.  Despite the brevity of the comment it was thought provoking.  Tyrel is correct our governments have unwittingly conducted a very well designed experiment. In any experiment you need a control group.  The control […]

Media Covidiot of the Week, Licia Corbella

I saw this article yesterday. Corbella: Kenney’s COVID hesitancy driven by his fear of splintering the right | Calgary Herald It is a column by Licia Corbella.  The point she tries to make is that Jason Kenney has been reluctant to impose restrictions because of politics.  She claims that the threat of Alberta separation and […]