I will not Forgive the Unforgivable

Erica over at Distressed Liberal posted a very interesting article yesterday.  At the beginning of the Pandemic an odd phenomena was observed at Canadian nursing home.  The staff was falling ill to COVID but the elderly residents were not.  It turns out the residents were all taking Ivermectin to treat a scabies outbreak in the facility.  A resident’s family member noticed the connection and tried to bring attention to this remarkable event.  She could not get the nursing home or the Canadian Media to cooperate.

You might find it odd that she could not generate interest in the story or her subsequent research.  To understand this you must consider one important fact.  In Canada nursing homes and legacy media like CTV are heavily subsidized by government.  There is absolutely no way either will risk losing that funding by publishing information the government wants concealed.  This life saving information was suppressed because the Canadian government wanted it suppressed.

Yesterday I discussed an article written by a useful idiot named Emily Oster.  Emily was desperately seeking forgiveness without every acknowledging she had done anything wrong.  Emily just felt everyone should be forgiven because a lot of people made mistakes.  But, as Trevor points out in his comment, these mistakes were not at all random.  The skeptics were right 100% of the time and the useful idiots like Emily were wrong 100% of the time.

Skeptics were right because they used data and logic to form their opinions.  Useful idiots were wrong because their opinions come from government and media.  Their willful ignorance and ingrained sense of moral superiority makes them very easy to deceive.  Saving the planet or saving seniors, being a useful idiot is a very busy lifestyle.  You name it Emily and her comrades have already saved it.  Usually by screaming profanities at anyone who might question the veracity of Emily’s ridiculous beliefs.

If Emily and her ilk actually apologized and shrunk away out of the public space I could forgive them.  After all being stupid might be lethal but it is not criminal.  It is a moot point though since these people will never admit they were wrong or stop screeching about things they do not understand.  There is one group however that I will never forgive.  I will never forgive government for what they have done.

As Erica pointed out the Canadian government had the information they needed to save thousands of lives and chose not to use it.  They even went out of their way to make sure that no one else could use it either.  Doctors were fired for prescribing Ivermectin.

Useful idiots were wrong 100% of the time because they listened to government.  Government was wrong 100% of the time because they chose to be.  There is simply no way pure stupidity would make them wrong 100% of the time for nearly 3 years.  Statistically speaking they should have been accidentally right at least once by now.  This is not news to me, I concluded in December of 2020 that none of this could be by accident.

For me to continue to believe that this was simple incompetence I have to believe that all governments in the world were all as vapid and stupid as Justin Trudeau.  My life experience has led me to have a very jaded opinion of government.  Eventually, even I had to admit they could not all being as useless as Justin.  If it was not Trudeau level incompetence what was it then?  Quite obviously what is happening has nothing to do with a virus.

We cannot just forgive and forget.  What government did is unforgivable because it was not a mistake.  It was intentional.  They knew what they were doing would kill people and they did it anyway.

2 replies
  1. Tyrel
    Tyrel says:

    “Their willful ignorance and ingrained sense of moral superiority makes them very easy to deceive.”

    Thanks Richard. I now have one sentence I can use to describe the majority of Canadians

  2. Derek
    Derek says:

    I won’t soon forgive: government, opposition parties (with the exception of the PPC), the law bench, establishment media, physicians’ regulatory colleges, public service unions, big tech, big pharma, school boards, universities….nor the supranational financiers who control them.

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