Canada has a communism problem

A few months ago it was revealed that China actively interferes with Canadian elections.  They provide funding for pro-china candidates and intimidate Chinese Canadians to make sure they do not support certain candidates.  Foreign interference in elections is a serious matter but Canada is not a serious country.  In Canada when foreign interference is discovered we appoint a personal friend of Justin Trudeau to investigate.  After money changes hands Trudeau is of course exonerated.

David Johnson did what he was paid to do; he lied for Justin Trudeau.  If his payment was proportional to the size of the lie, he made out like a bandit.  With each passing day we discover just how deeply involved the Trudeau liberals are with communist China.  China doesn’t just rig elections for Justin Trudeau they also run secret police stations in Canada that Canadian taxpayers pay for.

China is allowed to do whatever they want in Canada not just because they rig elections but because Canadian politicians are unabashedly pro-china and pro-communist.

A plot by the Chinese government to intimidate Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family in Hong Kong continues to dominate Parliament Hill, but experts are warning that the Chinese Communist Party’s “elite capture” efforts may be a bigger problem.

Elite Capture is a nice way to say that top Canadian Politicians and bureaucrats either believe deeply in communism or are on China’s payroll.  Beijing owns Ottawa both literally and figuratively.

This is not a new problem.  When I was in public school more than 4 decades ago we were taught the pros and cons of capitalism and socialism (communism).  According to my government supplied social studies textbook there are very few positive aspects of capitalism but a long list of problems.  Conversely there are apparently almost no problems with Communism it is all sunshine and roses.  2 decades later when my children were in school there was a new textbook but the same old information; Capitalism evil, communism divine.

After 4 decades of indoctrination the average Canadian has no problem with China owning Canada.  I don’t get it but then when it comes to communism I am way out of step with the rest of Canada.  I still can’t seem to find and pros to a system that has always resulted in mass murder.


One year after its opening, many still don’t recognize the extent of the horrors documented in the Victims of Communism Museum.

The Holodomor: 2–7 million dead.

The Gulag: 1.5 million dead.

The Great Leap Forward: 30 million dead.

These are just some of the grisly atrocities documented at the Victims of Communism Museum. Communism has left a trail of blood from Potsdam to Peking.

Canada’s communism problem is really and education problem.  Canadian public schools indoctrinate rather than educate.  That is why Canadians get upset about Donald trump, a man that has not done a single thing that harms Canada, but they don’t get upset that Beijing rigs Canadian elections.  Canada is nothing other than a vassal state of communist China and the average Canadian does not know and does not care.