Politicians steal because we let them

I have never been a fan of government; that makes me highly unusual for a Canadian.  Canadians are the most pro government population on earth.  For some bizarre reason Canadians believe that government is some sort of benevolent parent that will coddle and protect us from cradle to grave.  When Canadians are confronted by any problem they wait for “the government to do something about it” even when government caused the problem in the first place.

Canadians are hopeless; we will never wake up to the realization that government is a poorly trained dog that must be kept on a very short leash and put down when it bites.  Thankfully the whole world is not Canada.  In many parts of the word people are starting to acknowledge how damaging the corruption and incompetence of government really is.

For now, just think about how we seem to have the most cowardly, corporatist, incompetent and self-serving ruling elites of any of our lifetimes. 

The thing about government is that it starts bad and only gets worse until people start saying no.  It is time to say no.  Government has never been good but it has also never been this bad.  Western politicians are thoroughly corrupt and worse than that I doubt they are even in charge.  Most of them like Trudeau, Biden, and Macron are unintelligent, even senile, sock puppets.  They do the bidding of the puppet masters and what the puppet masters want, among other things, is all of your money.

The global pandemic response was not global.  It happened mostly in wealthy countries and that was by design.  The pandemic response was never about a virus or public health.  It was always about wealth transfer and it worked brilliantly.  It was the single largest wealth transfer in history.

The gap in net worth between the most and least wealthy increased 1.1 percentage points in the first quarter relative to the same time a year before, marking the fastest increase on record.

COVID was a great excuse for governments to spend and waste a lot of your money.

“Crucially, an estimated 25 per cent of Canada’s COVID spending ($89.9 billion) was wasted in the form of overpayments, money being sent to ineligible recipients, and/or those that weren’t in genuine need.” 

25% lost to the ether is not the whole story.  The reality is that 100% of COVID spending was fraud because none of it was necessary and the waste is not over.  Most western countries signed long term contracts for boosters no one will take.

July 7 (Reuters) – Novavax Inc (NVAX.O) said on Friday Canada will pay $349.6 million to settle the forfeiting of certain doses of its COVID-19 vaccine previously scheduled for delivery.

The wealth transfer will continue until we stop it.  Had enough yet?  Or do you think Klaus is right and you should own nothing?