A Chiken or Egg type Question

I can never quite make up my mind when I try to answer a very important question.  Is the lowest form of life on earth politicians or journalists?  Politicians are apt to do very disgusting things that ruin or even end lives.  That is a very powerful argument for choosing politicians as the lowest form of life on earth but then I must consider that politicians could not do this much harm without help from journalists.  So who is worse the killer or the enabler?

If the last 2.5 years have taught us anything it is that politicians love forced vaccinations and lockdowns.  We are told this is for our benefit but politicians only do things that benefit themselves.  Forced vaccinations and lockdowns are a huge benefit to politicians.

Governing is easy when you can stifle dissent and citizens willingly give up their rights.  The combination of digital IDs, Social credit scores, and forced vaccinations are perfect for eliminating dissenting voices.  When you show up for mandatory vaccinations with a perpetually low social credit score, what vial do you think your shot will come from?

But we would never give up our rights would we?  Yes of course we would, in fact we did repeatedly.  The only purpose of a lockdown is to condition us to accept there are times the government must intrude on our rights.  As far as government is concern the time to intrude on our rights is all the time.

Mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns are highly effective, modern day tools of government oppression.  Most people do not recognize them as such because the government uses their friends in the media to promote vaccinations and lockdowns.  There is no evidence COVID vaccinations have saved a single life or that lockdowns prevented a single infection.  If the media simply reported the truth government would not be able to use these 2 weapons against us; but that is not what happens, is it?

The media is in lockstep with the government so they produce propaganda to lull us in to acceptance.  The government wants forced vaccinations and lockdowns so the media’s job is to convince us to go along.  What results are “news” articles containing laughably twisted logic.  Last month CTV made the case for mandatory vaccinations.  The “journalist” admits that the most recent COVID variants are not that lethal but concludes we should still get vaccinated anyway.


But the next omicron subvariant, and the next pandemic, will inevitably come. New vaccine approaches might make us better prepared.


How can we possibly get vaccinated for a virus that does not yet exist?  Are we supposed to ask Fauci what he has the lab working on and start preparing a vaccine like we did last time?  Wouldn’t it be easier to just get rid of Fauci?

Vaccinating for a virus that does not exist is bizarre logic but it can’t top this report making the case for Monkey Pox lockdowns.  The article does not mention lockdowns of course.  We are in the preliminary stages of the Monkey Pox farce so the task right now is to convince us that Monkey Pox transmits asymptomatically.  You know like they did with COVID.  If everyone is a potential carrier then we need to lockdown everyone.

This article might be the most ridiculous thing a “journalist” has ever written.  I shit you not this is lifted directly from the article.


The California patient had virus in his throat, but no respiratory symptoms, and in his rectum, but without pain or pox. The case underscores other research suggesting that the virus may be spread even by people with atypical or asymptomatic infections, said Dr. Abraar Karan, who diagnosed the patient and published a recent case report.


So somehow the virus got in to a gay man’s throat and rectum.  This is obviously a case of asymptomatic transfer.  He must have been infected by brushing past someone on the street.  Although I suspect the actual encounter was somewhat longer and intimate than that.  In 2022, however, it is still possible the encounter was on the street, in plain view.

I have come to the conclusion that is a tie.  Politicians and Journalists are morally equivalent.  That is likely what so many politicians become journalists and vice versa.  Our society would be better off without either of them.