Democracy should not require an invitation

Donald Trump has the deep state worried.  His popularity is so high that there is no way he would not win a fair election.  The Democrats and Washington bureaucracy don’t have any moral compunction about rigging elections they just would rather not need to do it again.  Instead they would rather just keep Trump off the ballot.

Among the latest, most absurd ingredients in this increasingly bitter-tasting election soup, is a concerted effort to boot Donald Trump off the ballot in several states. 

All these efforts will eventually fail, but the very fact that state officials are trying to ban a presidential candidate they don’t like paints a grim picture of desperation.

This overt election tampering is not just an American phenomenon; you can smell the desperation on entrenched political establishments everywhere in the western world.  German politicians are now openly musing about changing the constitution to prevent the AFD from holding power even if they win the election.

The interior minister of the eastern German state of Thuringia, social democrat (SPD) Georg Maier, is calling for an amendment to the state’s constitution to hinder—or prevent—right-wing anti-globalist party AfD from obtaining a high-ranking position in the state parliament.

Up until 2019 politics and government was a private game.  You could play by invitation only.  Players (politicians) were selected; sometimes to win and other times to put up a token opposition and lose gracefully.  It was all done to make voters believe they actually had a say in how they were governed.  But greedy politicians and bureaucrats upended their own game with COVID.  They stole too much, too quickly, too overtly.  Too many people noticed that their elected representatives did not care about them or democracy.

This awakening has caused a surge in support for “populist” politicians.  The media tries to use “populist” as a slur.  Like it is a bad thing for a politician to act in accordance to the will of the people.  The problem for the politicians, entrenched bureaucracy, and their media lackeys is that people are not buying their bullshit anymore.  Too many people have noticed that voting makes no difference.  Changing the players never changes the game and some of the worst players are, as Neil Oliver describes, “unflushable”.


In many western countries the deep state is in trouble.  They are losing control of the game and are resorting to tactics that will only result in waking more people up.  2024 could be a pivotal year.  Democracy makes a comeback or it gets crushed forever.  Time will tell.  All I know right now is that Canada will once again sit this one out.  The fact that no one is trying to remove Pierre Poilievre from the ballot tells me the establishment does not care if he wins.  They still have the game firmly under control in Canada.

Canadians need to wake up or get comfortable with their social credit scores, Christmas cricket dinners, and 15 minute prisons.  That is not what I wish for in 2024.  I wish for Canadians to become ungovernable; be more like this guy.

Happy New Year