Canadian’s don’t come much worse than Sun Columnist Michelle Mandel

Just when you thought that you have seen the worst humanity has to offer, along comes another journalist.

Michelle Mandel wrote an article for the Toronto sun about Durham Regional Constable Erin Howard.  Contestable Howard posted support for the Freedom convoy on social media.  She described her disappointment in fellow officers who were violating the rights of Canadians at the direction of politicians.  Constable Howard was demoted as punishment for her social media posts.

The light sentence for the crime of posting on social media has incensed Michelle Mandel.  As a card carrying COVIDiot, Ms. Mandel believes what constable Howard did was beyond the pale.  No one should be allowed to question anything government does for our “protection”.  Ms. Mandel is firm in her convictions.  Every Police officer should be willing to victimize the public to protect the health of the people.

She (Constable Howard) was defiantly and vocally against the legal measures put in place to protect the health of the people she was supposed to serve.

Ms. Mandel wants Canadians to know that allowing Constable Howard to continue as a police officer sets a dangerous precedent.

But what about the next time she disagrees with a law she’s sworn to uphold?

If Michelle Mandel had written this column last winter it could be dismissed as the incoherent ramblings of a stupid and fearful person.  Now we must conclude stupidity was the sole driving motivation.  The COVID regulations failed completely.  If Michelle Mandel is too stupid to see that she is also too stupid to pass Judgement on Constable Howard.  Michelle Mandel is upset that Constable Howard was reluctant to enforce rules that did not keep anyone safe.

The truth is never a defense with the media; it is never even a consideration.  The lockdown measures only made things worse.  Everything forced on the public contradicted existing science and had no chance of working.  Rational, intelligent people have always known this and some, like Constable Howard, spoke out.  To the Canadian media this is unacceptable behavior.  Government must always be obeyed.

I do agree that police officers need to enforce the law I am just smart enough to recognize something Ms. Mandell does not.  The COVID restrictions were not law.  The mandates were never voted on or passed by any legislature.  The charter of rights and freedoms on the other hand is law, and the mandates violated every aspect of it.

Michelle Mandel does not think that upholding the law should be in a police officer’s job description.  Police are to enforce the will of politicians even when it contradicts existing law.  Sadly this is the definition of policing that most Canadian media ascribe to.  What is it about journalism that attracts such disgusting people?

2 replies
  1. em
    em says:

    Great article!!! This is what I wrote in response to Michelle Mandel’s twisted tyrannical article.
    Dec 8, 2022
    I cannot even address this email to you properly as I do not respect you and I am truly disappointed, disgusted, and sickened by your article on December 6th to smear Durham Constable Erin Howard.

    I’m sorry, but was I wrong to think that we live in the free country of Canada where we have the right to protest peacefully and discuss our concerns (freedoms that were fought for by veterans, past and present)? The fact that you have painted Constable Erin Howard in such a negative light ( ) when she had the courage to speak up and defend those that were using their Canadian Charter Rights in a fully legal capacity makes you complicit in the crimes against humanity that is ongoing. The mandates that the freedom convoy were fighting against, was for all Canadians.

    How do you sleep at night Michelle? Are you “just doing my job” like the Nazi’s did in WW2? How much have you been paid to write such crap about an honourable individual?

    At least Erin was fully transparent about who she was, unlike the unnamed, unbadged “law enforcement” goons who trampled (I saw video live footage as it was happening to the indigenous lady) and who dragged away and beat a Canadian veteran, then dropped him off miles away from the protest. These were peaceful protestors.

    Maybe you will be happy living under a tyrannical leadership. In fact, here is a link to an interview with how things are rapidly changing in democratic Australia towards a communist style like China ( ) Why don’t you write about that Michelle?

    It is high time for you to WAKE UP !!! It is also time to unite humanity instead of following our PM’s divisive lead, and time to defend honourable Canadians.


    • richardsuffron
      richardsuffron says:

      Thanks for taking the time to comment and from your letter I can see that you had the same reaction to the article that I had. I was going to comment on something else that day and then I read Mandel’s article. I was stunned by the sheer arrogance and stupidity. She was arguing that if the premier decided one day that everyone must wear a butt plug that the police should dutifully hold people down and jam in butt plugs without question. In her world any cop who was uncomfortable with that should not be a cop; because it is for our “protection”.

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