It must be about Money, but money from where?

Politics has a funny vernacular.  To a politician like Rishi Sunak, refusing to cooperate with a public inquiry is the proper way to cooperate with a public inquiry.

But the Cabinet Office said the COVID-19 inquiry was going beyond its remit and that the WhatsApp messages and other records it was requesting were “unambiguously irrelevant”.

The Cabinet Office said it had previously told the inquiry that the documents sought included “comments of a personal nature about identified or identifiable individuals which are unrelated to COVID-19 or that individuals’ role in connection with the response to it”.

Rishi is concealing WhatsApp messages between Boris Johnson and others during COVID.  Sunak believes it is his job to tell the public inquiry what is and is not pertinent to their inquiry which definitely takes the public out of public inquiry.

Rishi Sunak is an unintelligent, dishonest, professional politician.  In short he and I have nothing in common so it is not surprising that I do not agree with him.  As far as I am concerned the only relevant COVID documents are the personal communications between the co-conspirators.  The official government documents have been carefully sanitized; I do not care what is in them.  I want to know what motivated politicians like Boris Johnson to institute lockdowns and vaccine mandates for the most treatable disease in history.

People do things for love or money.  Unless he is a psychopath Boris does not love killing people and there is no way that he did not know his policies would kill people.  So it must be money; how much and from whom?  I doubt he allowed that information to be placed in public documents but there must have been communication between Boris and the people who paid him for this.  I want to know who those people are.  Who has the power and money to dictate government policy to the politicians?

You might think that it is a conspiracy theory to think there is some person or group manipulating everything but if there isn’t, why did every politician do the same stupid thing at the same time?  If it was just some sort of mass psychosis why hasn’t it worn off and why is it getting worse?  COVID might be over but the insanity certainly isn’t.

Ireland is now the latest country jumping on the anti-farming bandwagon and they are taking it to a new level.  Canada is restricting fertilizer, The Netherlands is confiscating farms, and Ireland is now threatening to euthanize entire cow herds.

The collateral damage of net zero is now getting uncomfortably close to home. First Dutch farmers were threatened with compulsory purchases to satisfy EU emissions targets, fomenting a new revolt in the process. Now it’s Ireland’s turn, where the government is reportedly looking at plans to cull around 200,000 cows to meet its climate targets

A few months ago this stupidity started with restricting food production.  It has now escalated to the destruction of food.  They are intentionally creating famine.  Do you think they are doing this out of love or that they do not understand this will kill people?  Of course not, they know this is wrong and they are doing it anyway just as they did with COVID.  This has got to be for money and I want to know who is cutting the checks.  There is no way to find that information in any government document.