Skepticism is rising and that is a good thing

History is clear, government cannot be trusted yet in 2020 many people did.  The silver lining to the plandemic is that people are waking up.  More people have come to understand that people in government are habitual liars who have no regard for your life or wellbeing.  This long overdue skepticism in government is thankfully spilling over in to the climate change debate.  A recent survey by the American energy alliance shows that only 1/3 of Americans believe that CO2 is a pollutant.

When it comes to the topic of carbon emissions, the alarmists are definitely in a significant minority. Roughly one-third of respondents said that carbon dioxide is “a pollutant that damages the environment and compromises human health.” By comparison, more than half said that it is “needed for plant life, and humans both exhale it and consume it every day.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is fond of calling CO2 “carbon pollution”.  This, like everything else he says is a lie.  To start, CO2 is not Carbon and is not toxic.  It does not meet any rational description of pollution.  Canadians don’t understand this but Americans do.  More importantly is that the number of Americans who understand this is increasing every year.  During COVID tyranny each successive survey found fewer people believing the climate change narrative.

A Government willing to lie about COVID is certainly willing to lie about climate change.  And make no mistake about it; they have been lying about climate change for decades.  People need to understand that Anthropogenic Green House gas warming is a theory not a law.  It is also a theory supported by remarkably few facts.

It is true that the world has warmed since the industrial revolution and that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have also rose during that time.  Unfortunately that is not proof of anything.  The earth is a very complex system; temperatures and CO2 concentrations have changed dramatically all on their own many times in the past.  How do we know that the changes are not natural?

With climate change that is the $64 question.  Climate alarmists boldly state that 90% has been caused by human activity but they have zero proof of that.  In fact if you ignore the temperature readings we know to be incorrect (stations in urban areas contaminated by secondary heat sources) 100% of the warming can be explained by changes in Sun activity.

The only way to believe that CO2 has caused 90% of the warming is to ignore all other variables that control climate.  Ignoring other potential causes in favor of a preferred explanation is not science.  It is however political science, a form of propaganda that co-opts the word science to add an air of legitimacy.

The Truth is that the most probably explanation of climate change is the sun and CO2 must rank as one of the least probably explanations.  We should not drive people in to poverty using the least likely of all explanations as justification.  People seem to finally be waking up to just how dangerous it is to destroy the world over what can only be described as a religious belief held by only a small but vocal minority.

Also, 79% agreed that “we shouldn’t make energy more expensive” while just 19% disagreed.

81% of Americans do not believe that the planet must be saved by de-industrialization and accepting a lower standard of living.  This is hardly surprising when you consider that 100% of the wealthy political elite hold the same belief.  How else do you explain that they are exempt from rules that would impact their lifestyles?

COVID restrictions had no basis in science and neither do climate restrictions.  They are both just tools to restrict ordinary people and transfer what little wealth they possess to the political elite who already have more than they need.  Slowly people are waking up to that sad reality.  Today, I will give the last word to Christine Anderson reminding you that government is not your friend.


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