Mask Mandates are Quintessentially Canadian

In my last post I lamented again that the average IQ in Canada is low and falling fast.  Dishonest politicians thrive in Canada because too many Canadians are not smart enough to know when we are being lied to.  We adhere to ridiculous rules and regulations because as a group we are not smart enough to question obviously false narratives.

For a case in point consider masks.  For 3 years now everyone wore a face diaper and got sick anyway.  Normally intelligent people would have questioned masks 2 years ago, but not Canadians.  Canadians are still debating making them mandatory again this year.

Canadian media is all in on masks.  Our politicians have asked them to bring it up at every press conference and thus far they have dutifully complied.  This is a tactic our government uses.  Instruct the media to ask about masks so you can declare that you are committed to “following the science”; which our Prime Moron did again yesterday.

“When it comes to looking at the challenges faced by respiratory illnesses, or perhaps a resurgence of the pandemic, we’re going to make sure we’re listening to the best advice from experts and public health authorities to make sure we’re doing whatever is necessary to keep Canadians safe.”

Then when masks are again mandatory, Canadians will assume government is following the science.  At no time during these theatrical performances will the media point out the science says masks don’t work.

The science and the engineering say that masks don’t work.  Over time politicians and bureaucrats admitted what they always knew; anything short of an N95 will have zero effectiveness.  N95s were touted as the answer but once again they made this statement without presenting evidence.  When tested against particles as small as a virus a perfectly sealed N95 mask will be 40% effective.  So is 40% enough to keep you from getting infected?  Well, according to the latest study; no it is not.

1004 hospital workers took part in a study where half wore N95 respirators and the other half did not.  A respirator is one step up from a mask.  It seals much more tightly and the participants were fit tested before starting the study.  Anyone who had a face shape that would not allow the respirator to seal properly was not used in the respirator group.

At the end of the study almost the same number of people in both groups got infected.  Statistically there was no difference between the groups.  Even N95 respirators will not keep you from getting infected.  This study should be the finally nail in the mask debate and perhaps it will be everywhere but Canada.  In Canada failure is considered a sure sign of success.  That is why Canadians keep voting for Justin Trudeau.