The Predictability of Tyrants

4 days ago I posted that Massachusetts beat Canada to the punch by asking residents to open their homes to illegal immigrants.  Toronto’s new mayor Oliva Chow took this as a challenge and immediately made the same request of Toronto residents.  Mayor Chow did, however, decline to reveal how many illegal immigrants she or any of the other Toronto city council members would be hosting.

It is still summer so right now there is no emergency.  The arrival of winter will change all of that.  When winter comes Toronto will be dealing with another government manufactured emergency.  I think by now we all know that government manufactures emergencies so that they can invoke the various emergency laws that allow them to ignore every other law.

We are months away from government issuing mandates about how many people must be admitted in to your home.  Some governments like the city of Hamilton have been preparing for this for more than a year. By January 1st Hamilton residents must submit a mandatory declaration about occupancy.

All owners of eligible properties must submit an annual mandatory declaration on the status of their property.

The declaration forms are still not available so I do not know what home owners will be compelled to disclose but I find it highly suspicious that it applies to all residences, even your primary residence.

A principal residence will not be subject to the VUT but it is still required to submit a mandatory declaration.

Why would you need to declare anything about the house that you are living in?  Do you think perhaps the government wants to know how many square feet you have that they can appropriate for illegal immigrants?  Is there going to be a maximum allowable square footage per occupant?  In a pre Trudeau Canada this would have been absurd.  Now it won’t even be the most outrageous thing government does this week.

Private property is private.  The government has no business making you declare how you are using your own property as long as it is not being used for a criminal enterprise.  The government is making your private property their business by manufacturing another emergency.  The purpose of the emergency is to make unused space a criminal enterprise.

Government is not content to just manufacture emergencies.  They also like to change laws to manufacture criminals.  Just ask any gun owner.  What sort of unused space buyback program do you think we will see?  Just as an aside how do you buy back something you never owned in the first place that is also not for sale?  I am asking for every home owner I know.