A Corporate global take over

Lockdowns do not work.  We have known this since 1918 yet we tried them any way and guess what we found?  Nothing has changed since 1918; lockdowns still don’t work.

Overall, our meta-analysis fails to confirm that lockdowns have had a large, significant effect on mortality rates.

Overall, we conclude that lockdowns are not an effective way of reducing mortality rates during a pandemic, at least not during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results are in line with the World Health Organization Writing Group (2006), who state, “Reports from the 1918 influenza pandemic indicate that social-distancing measures did not stop or appear to dramatically reduce transmission

Lockdowns also cause enormous collateral damage.  That is something we also would have known had we taken the time to consult anyone other than Anthony Fauci.

The doctor who was once the country’s most senior medic has told the UK Covid-19 Inquiry that lockdown “damaged a generation” of young people.

She said that, during the pandemic, she now believed the Government would have benefited from weighing up the wider impact of measures and listening to people like economic experts, not just scientists.

So why did we go against a century of knowledge and impose lockdowns when we knew lockdowns would cause more harm than good?  That dear reader is the only question anyone should be asking about lockdowns.  We need to ask that question because the answer gives us a glimpse to the future and the future is not bright.

While the WHO’s 2019 recommendations were based on the assessment of decades of knowledge by an expert panel, its Covid-19 lockdown recommendations were based solely on reported experience from one city in China.

In promoting lockdowns, the WHO was not only following China, but a group of powerful Pharma-related interests who have been pushing these approaches for over a decade. They have established public-private partnerships such as the Swiss-based CEPI, channeling taxpayer funding to promote their authoritarian approach to public health.

We used lockdowns because the private interests that fund the WHO wanted lockdowns.  To them lockdowns was the only way of selling their products.  It would have been impossible to sell their dangerous definitely not vaccines without the coercion of lockdowns.  Lockdowns were never about a pandemic.  They were always about profits and your government wants to give the WHO the power to mandate lockdowns and vaccines whenever they want.  Politicians are lining up to sign away national sovereignty to the vaccine pushers funding the WHO.

For the new more wide-reaching pandemic accord, member states have agreed that it should be legally binding for those who sign up

It will soon be legally binding for you to take a vaccine any time Pfizer’s share price drops.  Get ready for more of this in your future.