Canada is one step from dystopia

Why would a prime minister intentionally destroy his country’s economy?  It is a question Canadians would ask if Canadians were not so incredibly clueless because Justin Trudeau is intentionally destroying the Canadian economy.  The answer could simply be that Trudeau is a terrible human being and an even worse prime minister but that is only part of it.  Trudeau is destroying Canada’s economy because he is a true believer.  Justin and the WEF crowd fervently believe that only they and their friends should have wealth.

The big stumbling block to the WEF goal of eliminating private property is that people already own things.  It is impossible to get to “you will own nothing” until the government takes away everything.  That is why WEF acolytes like Justin Trudeau implement policies designed to slowly take everything from average people.

COVID was a perfect example of that.  COVID policies were designed to kill as many people as possible.  As long as people were dying the emergency could be extended.  Emergency powers made it ridiculously easy for the prime Minister to funnel taxpayer money to his friends and impoverish people with the economic destruction.

COVID did eventually lose its appeal as public fear wore off.  As a result government had to pivot back to their next best option for destroying the economy; climate change.  Climate change provides endless opportunities for Trudeau to syphon money from bank accounts.  Justin raises taxes on ordinary people so that he can give the money to uneconomic “green” industries.  Industries no doubt controlled by his close group of WEF friends.

When one company is subsidized over another, it doesn’t contribute to economic growth, it merely moves resources in the economy away from efficient investments towards inefficient ones, and discourages firms from producing for the market, encouraging them to produce for the government instead.

If Stellantis was driven by market forces, it wouldn’t need a guarantee of government incentives to the tune of $6 million a job to invest. The very fact that it agreed to the deal because of public supports, raises the question of how sound the business case is for this factory.

If green industries really were profitable they would exist without subsidies.  This is self-evident but Canadians are the world champions of denying reality so no one stops Justin.  Our ambivalence is allowing Justin to destroy the country at a breathtaking pace.  Taxation and the accompanying inflation are making Canadian’s poor so quickly that now 1/3 of Canadians is less than $200 away from financial crisis.

One-third of Canadians say they cannot cover their bills and debt payments, while more than half state they are $200 or less away from being unable to cover their financial obligations, according to a new survey.

Canadians should be upset but they are not because they are Canadian.  The average Canadian will lose everything while blaming climate change or greedy CEOs without ever questioning government.  Sadly the entire government, including the opposition parties, is in on the crime.  There is not a single elected politician trying to prevent the financial collapse.  In fact the only solution offered is euthanizing seniors.

The disturbing images actively promote euthanasia in a package of information for seniors regarding their pension packages.

Included in the slideshow was text on “expressions of wanting to die,” saying that it could be used to “promote a sense of control” as well as talk of being able to die by euthanasia in only a “day.”

Canada is without a doubt the most screwed up country in the developed world.  We are leading the charge to “you will own nothing” and are only one step away from Soylent Green.

1 reply
  1. Tim
    Tim says:

    Excellent post!! There are other countries that are better options and maybe it’s time to leave the sheep behind.

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