Pretty much right on schedule

3 weeks ago I warned that Trudeau was creating a housing crisis as a pretext to declaring a housing emergency.  As soon as an emergency is declared Trudeau and the Premiers can do anything to solve it including confiscating property.  Confiscating property is the end game but Trudeau can’t jump to it.  To get what they want government must go through the motions first.

The first step as I discussed 3 weeks ago is to appeal to people’s better nature.  Ask for people to voluntarily open their homes and then slowly make the decision less voluntary

Some people will voluntarily open their homes.  The media will then dutifully report what an enriching experience it has been while downplaying reports of any “guests” who are more demanding than grateful.  Trudeau will continue to pour people on to the streets and they media will start printing stories about how not enough people are stepping up to “do the right thing”.  Lists will be compiled of people with spare rooms and they will be publicly shamed.  Taxes or fines will be introduced for anyone selfishly hoarding their private property.  Fines will be introduced until no one but the elite living in empty mansions can afford not to give up control of their property.

Nova Scotia housing minister John Lohr has now appealed to people to open their homes.  This may seem like old news because Toronto mayor Olivia Chow has already done the same but this is a subtle escalation.  We are sliding up the government scale.  This issue has now escalated from municipal to provincial politics.  Not only that Lohr has already developed an app and apparently has an inventory of unused bedrooms.  Somehow Lohr knows there are 130,000 unoccupied bedrooms in the province.

Housing Minister John Lohr said the partnership is a call to action to those who have extra space in their homes. Lohr said there are 130,000 vacant bedrooms across Nova Scotia that could be used on a short-term basis by students, health-care workers, tradespeople and others seeking a safe, affordable and comfortable place to live.

To me this screams of pre-meditation.  The provincial governments have been preparing for this.  They already know where they are going to house all the illegal immigrants and it is your house.  They even know which bedroom they are going to take.  Not to worry though Lohr has done his duty by claiming this is all just temporary.  Just like COVID restrictions, some of which are still with us 3.5 year later.

Governments use a much different definition of temporary than you likely do.  People who fall for this scam will expect to open their home for a few days or even a few weeks.  That is not what the government sees it.  To them temporary refers to your expectations.  In time you will accept that this is a permanent arrangement.  You will abandon any thought of recovering your home so your expectation that the government would thank you for helping would be both misguided and temporary.

Anyone who opens their home will find out the hard way that government is not your friend; quite the opposite in fact.  Once you have taken in migrants you will never get rid of them.  They certainly won’t leave when they are getting free accommodation and just because the accommodation is free, don’t think they will not have tenants’ rights.  Judges will surely side with the migrants and rule that they have a right to stay.  Accepting migrants in to your home will not be a temporary commitment; it will be a permanent lifelong obligation to support someone the government foisted upon you.

This is escalating quickly because there are only a few months until winter.  For the charade to work government must be seen pretending to solve the problem before then.  But of course they have no intentions of solving the problem.  I feel sorry for the people government is using as pawns to advance the WEF agenda but I am not about to play along with this.  My property is not a solution to their manufactured crisis.