The Short distance between Carbon Taxes and Property Seizure

Lately I have said that if you give the left an inch they will start digging mass graves.  We keep making compromises and they keep digging.  The Trudeau Government has just committed to returning 30% of the land back to nature.  This cannot be debated because the world’s greatest scientists have already decreed that it must happen.

“We have not chosen that 30% number at random. It is the critical threshold according to the greatest scientists to avoid the risk of extinction and also to ensure our food and economic security. Thirty percent, that is quite feasible,”

There are a couple of things that Justin failed to mention in his grandiose statement.

  • The greatest scientists are a group that includes Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, and a host of third world UN Kleptokrats.
  • You cannot prevent development and not cause food and economic insecurity.

More than 30% of Canada is already not developed.  Canada is one big open wilderness but that is not the point.  The point is that it will not stop at 30%, with liberals it never does.  The target will continue to change each year until enough people die.

We have no one to blame but ourselves.  These dangerous programs are all done in the name of climate change.  The theory of anthropogenic greenhouse gas warming (man-made global warming) is one of the most ridiculous theories ever proposed.  The data has never supported the idea that increasing CO2 would cause the planet to burn up.  CO2 used to be 20 times higher than it is now and the planet did not burn up.

When the climate lunatics came forward with these claims we should have laughed them out of the room.  Instead we tried to humor them with concessions.  We thought we were giving an inch to keep the peace.  What we really were doing was taking the first step to giving up the planet.  No good ever comes from placating the left.  With them it always goes from bad to worse to mass graves.

1 reply
  1. Trevor
    Trevor says:

    It’s like we are living in the world of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple cult. The whole western world is following our leaders in a mass suicide event. Instead of drinking Koolaid laced with cyanide like in Jonestown, we are going to slowly strangle everyone.
    What insanity.

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