Once more the spike protein is the culprit

A lot of people have died since 2021.

According to the media there are a multitude of reasons why previously perfectly healthy people die suddenly.  The only thing that does not cause this epidemic of sudden death is the COVID vaccines which have of course saved everyone, except the people who died suddenly.  Anyone who points out that the “died suddenly” epidemic coincides perfectly with vaccinations is a dangerous conspiracy theorist.

I think it is time to do something the media is simply incapable of.  It is time to be honest.  People are not dying of climate change or missed doctor’s appointments. It is obviously the vax.  The vax does not kill everyone suddenly.  Some it permanently injures and some it will kill at a later date.  Shortly after the vaccines started doctors started to notice immune system suppression.  Many like Dr. Ryan Cole warned that this would lead to secondary infections and even cancers.  All of that has come to pass.  The immune system suppression has even caused a resurgence of leprosy.  Leprosy is a latent infection that can be triggered by impaired T-cell activity.

Lepromatous leprosy occurs in infected individuals with impaired T-cell immunity resulting in anergy.

(“Anergy” is defined as the “absence of an immune response to a particular disease.”)

T cell impairment was noted in 2021 but no one knew how the COVID jabs were causing it.  Now thanks to a new paper we do know.  The spike proteins attack helper T cells in much the same way that HIV does.

The decision to include spike protein in the experimental shots may wind up being the most deadly, recklessly negligent, reprehensible, and ultimately horrifying decision ever to emerge from fevered imaginations of mediocre government scientists. Spike’s mechanism of attacking CD4 cells — directly attacking the immune system itself — should have been an absolute disqualifier for inclusion of spike protein in the jabs.

Let’s think about this for a minute so that everyone is clear on just exactly how evil this is.  The spike protein was engineered to make the virus more contagious and to destroy T cells.  The virus was released and shortly thereafter so were the vaccines.  MRNA vaccines were designed around the spike protein.  You know that piece of the virus that makes it destroy your immune system.  And then, just to top off this shit Sunday of evil, Ivermectin, a drug that binds to the spike protein preventing it from destroying T cells gets banned.

They did not miss a trick did they?  For the longest time I believed that COVID was about greed.  While certainly that was part of it I think there is something much more nefarious at work.  You can be greedy without killing people and these vaccines seem designed to kill large numbers of people by stealth.  If immune function cannot be restored millions more will die over the next several years.  This is the largest crime in history.

Trudeau owes his success to dishonest Canadian media

There is a new poll out that shows Justin Trudeau has more haters than admirers across every age group in every corner of the country.  He truly is the most Hated prime minister of all time.  He might even be the most hated Canadian in history.  These results are not really all that shocking.  Justin is stupid, incompetent, and has no redeeming qualities as a human being.  What is shocking is that it took Canadians 10 years to figure it out.

Media outside of Canada looks at Trudeau’s childish antics with bemusement.  They simply don’t understand how Trudeau happened in the first place.  To them it is obvious.  Trudeau is a poor candidate who was not vetted properly by Canadian media.

At some point, the sheer volume of oblivious damage control for Trudeau’s oblivious behavior demands a harsh conclusion: The prime minister may simply lack the capacity to grasp basic cultural norms the rest of us take for granted. His sheltered upbringing, one so extreme it prevented him from understanding a concept as infamous as blackface until he was in his 30s, is less excuse than cause for ongoing alarm.

Trudeau is a joke.  The rest of the world sees it but it took Canadians 10 years to see it because Canadian media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the liberal party.  Every single stupid thing Trudeau says or does is covered up or ignored by the media.  That practice continues even today.

10 years ago Trudeau said he admired communist China because their dictatorship allows them to do things without public consent.  That should have been splattered all over every newspaper but it was ignored.  Now 10 years later we have learned that the communists that Justin admires operate illegal police stations and actively interfere with Canadian elections.  If a conservative Prime Minister admired a dictator who was rigging elections, the media would hound him day and night.  Yet with Trudeau the media treats the story like a non-event.

You will never convince me that Canadians are smart.  Canadian media is not exactly subtle.  Most of what they broadcast is ridiculous.  It takes a lot of willful ignorance to believe Canadian media.  Sadly, most Canadians are up to the task.  But still, if Canadian media was not so thoroughly dishonest and corrupt even Canadians would have seen through Trudeau long before this.  Everything in Canada is broken and media helped swing the hammer.

Government cares even less than big Pharma

The Australian Senate COVID vaccine investigation has already produced some rather remarkable admissions.  A couple of days ago Pfizer admitted that they did not dare give their own employees the jab.  Now Moderna has admitted that they do not care about vaccine injuries.  They do not track them and they don’t even bother to look at published vaccine injury papers.

From Moderna’s perspective this make perfect sense.  Why spend money tracking vaccine injuries when it makes no difference to your bottom line.  2.5 years ago government told Moderana not to be concerned about vaccine injuries.  Moderna would not be held liable and the contracts did not depend on proving safety.  The contracts did not even depend on producing a product that worked.  Neither safe nor effective had any bearing on their profits.

It is not remarkable that Pfizer knew their shots were unsafe or that Moderna does not care about vaccine injuries.  It is remarkable that they would admit to it.  They know they are untouchable.  They have guaranteed immunity and have bribed anyone with the power to remove the immunity.  Executives from both companies will smile like Cheshire cats this winter when we are forced to take their newest product.  A product that they will have no obligation to prove is safe or even works.

Executives at Moderna and Pfizer are clearly sociopaths but they are not really the villain of this story.  The real villain as always is government.  There is no ethical or scientific justification to mandate a treatment that almost no one would have needed even if it worked, which it did not.  Evidence shows the shots are neither safe nor effective yet governments still use and even mandate them.  If your government does not care about your safety why should Pfizer or Moderna?


Pfizer and the politicians they bribed knew the jabs were not safe

Canadian governments are still pushing COVID vaccinations.  Canada will likely be the last country on earth to still use COVID jabs largely because Canada is full of Canadians.  There will never be push back in Canada but it is already happening in countries with less sheep like populations.  Australians are holding hearings and grilling Pfizer executives.  It was in one of those hearings when this stunning admission was made.

Pfizer did not let their employees take the vaccine they sold everywhere else in the world.  The corporate lawyers working for Pfizer are obviously not stupid.  Pfizer the supplier with legal indemnification is not at risk when someone else mandates their product.  Pfizer the employer would be liable for damages caused by a treatment they mandated.  Executives at Pfizer knew it was way too dangerous to force employees to take their product but it was bad optics if they did not.  The workaround was to mandate the jab and then give employees a placebo.

This is just more evidence that everyone involved knew damn well the jabs were not safe or even necessary.  This knowledge was spread thinly through the inner circle of every government.  There is a reason no national leader or senior government official has succumbed to dying suddenly.  It is not because they were lucky it is because they all took placebos just as the Trudeaus did in this video.


Justin Trudeau is undoubtable stupid enough to take multiple shots but his handlers would never allow that.  Brain dead Justin is very useful to them.  Physiologically dead he is not particularly useful.  Justin may not even know now that these shots are dangerous but from the very beginning the real decision makers did.  They knew the jabs are dangerous yet forced people to take them anyway.

Your health was not as important as the money to be made from the COVID jabs.  People were injured or killed so that a senior bureaucrat or politician could have another vacation home.  This is a criminal conspiracy that must be prosecuted.

Pretty much right on schedule

3 weeks ago I warned that Trudeau was creating a housing crisis as a pretext to declaring a housing emergency.  As soon as an emergency is declared Trudeau and the Premiers can do anything to solve it including confiscating property.  Confiscating property is the end game but Trudeau can’t jump to it.  To get what they want government must go through the motions first.

The first step as I discussed 3 weeks ago is to appeal to people’s better nature.  Ask for people to voluntarily open their homes and then slowly make the decision less voluntary

Some people will voluntarily open their homes.  The media will then dutifully report what an enriching experience it has been while downplaying reports of any “guests” who are more demanding than grateful.  Trudeau will continue to pour people on to the streets and they media will start printing stories about how not enough people are stepping up to “do the right thing”.  Lists will be compiled of people with spare rooms and they will be publicly shamed.  Taxes or fines will be introduced for anyone selfishly hoarding their private property.  Fines will be introduced until no one but the elite living in empty mansions can afford not to give up control of their property.

Nova Scotia housing minister John Lohr has now appealed to people to open their homes.  This may seem like old news because Toronto mayor Olivia Chow has already done the same but this is a subtle escalation.  We are sliding up the government scale.  This issue has now escalated from municipal to provincial politics.  Not only that Lohr has already developed an app and apparently has an inventory of unused bedrooms.  Somehow Lohr knows there are 130,000 unoccupied bedrooms in the province.

Housing Minister John Lohr said the partnership is a call to action to those who have extra space in their homes. Lohr said there are 130,000 vacant bedrooms across Nova Scotia that could be used on a short-term basis by students, health-care workers, tradespeople and others seeking a safe, affordable and comfortable place to live.

To me this screams of pre-meditation.  The provincial governments have been preparing for this.  They already know where they are going to house all the illegal immigrants and it is your house.  They even know which bedroom they are going to take.  Not to worry though Lohr has done his duty by claiming this is all just temporary.  Just like COVID restrictions, some of which are still with us 3.5 year later.

Governments use a much different definition of temporary than you likely do.  People who fall for this scam will expect to open their home for a few days or even a few weeks.  That is not what the government sees it.  To them temporary refers to your expectations.  In time you will accept that this is a permanent arrangement.  You will abandon any thought of recovering your home so your expectation that the government would thank you for helping would be both misguided and temporary.

Anyone who opens their home will find out the hard way that government is not your friend; quite the opposite in fact.  Once you have taken in migrants you will never get rid of them.  They certainly won’t leave when they are getting free accommodation and just because the accommodation is free, don’t think they will not have tenants’ rights.  Judges will surely side with the migrants and rule that they have a right to stay.  Accepting migrants in to your home will not be a temporary commitment; it will be a permanent lifelong obligation to support someone the government foisted upon you.

This is escalating quickly because there are only a few months until winter.  For the charade to work government must be seen pretending to solve the problem before then.  But of course they have no intentions of solving the problem.  I feel sorry for the people government is using as pawns to advance the WEF agenda but I am not about to play along with this.  My property is not a solution to their manufactured crisis.

A Pyrrhic Victory

A court challenge to Alberta’s pandemic restrictions was settled this week and the Judge found the restrictions to be invalid.  At first blush this would seem to be a huge victory for Albertans but really it was not.  According to the Judge the only thing that made the restrictions invalid was that the Government Did not announce the restrictions in accordance to the government’s own rules.

Justice Barbara Romaine ruled in favor of the applicants because the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) delegated her decisions to the cabinet, which she was not authorized to do under Canadian law. The CMOH herself testified at trial that she provided only advice and recommendations to politicians but did not make the decisions herself.

So the problem is that the Premier, Jason Kenney, made the decisions when under the law it should have been the Chief Medical officer Deena Hinshaw.  According to the judge, had the decisions been made by Hinshaw, everything would have been fine since the restrictions did not infringe too much on Albertans lives.

Justice Romaine did conclude that although they violated the rights in section 2 of the Canadian Charter, lockdowns would not have violated the Charter if they had been implemented legally.

“If I am incorrect with respect to whether [the orders were legal], these infringements were amply justified as reasonable limits in a free and democratic society pursuant to section 1 of the Charter,” Romaine wrote.

Think about that statement for a minute.  Restrictions that had no basis in science that did nothing other than increase misery were perfectly fine.  This means that if Albertans were mandated to wear butt plugs during COVID it would have been OK as long as that ridiculous order came from the chief medical officer rather than the premier.  This judge ruled that government can do anything it wants to you, whenever it wants, as long as it is an unelected bureaucrat that issues the order.

With this ruling the judge has verified something I have said many times on this blog.  Canadians do not have rights.  We have a charter of rights that actually enshrines in law that Canadians do not have rights.  The charter allows the government to make all rights subject to legislation which means they are not rights; just privileges the government can take away at any time.

The judge said so much in her ruling.  She openly acknowledged that lockdowns violated section 2 of the charter but that the government had every right to do so.  That is how Canada works, the government has rights but citizens do not.  In the name of public safety, government can override rights even if what they do is nonsensical, which is what lockdowns were.  There was absolutely no reason to believe that lockdowns would work and multiple papers have now documented that they did not work.  Effectively this ruling states that government does not need a valid reason for violating human rights.

In school Canadians learn that the judicial system is an independent arm of government designed to protect citizens.  That is not actually how the system works in Canada. In Canada the courts exist to protect the government.  Even with this ruling, which went against the government, Justice Romaine was protecting the government.  We now have a precedent that you are allowed to challenge the government on procedural matters but no on moral, ethical, or scientific matters. The truth has no place in a Canadian court room as long as the government follows the rules THAT THEY SET FOR THEMSELVES.

The Canadian government has a court ruling that paves the way to climate lockdowns.  There need not be a scientific justification.  As long as the lockdown order emanates from the right desk Canadians will have no recourse.  Canada is broken by design.

Ignorance is and existential threat

This interview with Yuval Noah Harari is making the rounds on the internet.  In the interview Harari explains that it is a conspiracy theory to believe a small group of people control the world.  He states that it is impossible for a small group of people to control the world.  If that is true it kind of defeats the purpose of the WEF now doesn’t it?


Harari is one of the top dogs in the WEF.  This is an organization that holds yearly conferences so that a small group of people can stay abreast of the best ways to control the world, which Harari insists absolutely is not happening.  OK Yuval, I will bite.  I will believe that the world is not ruled by a small group of people just as soon as you can explain a few things to me.

  1. How come lockdowns which are only supported by a small group of people are still threatened even after multiple studies have shown that they are destructive and don’t work?
  2. Why do governments still continue to promote and even mandate vaccines that increase heart attacks and aggressive cancers? Are you telling me there is huge public demand for heart attacks and cancer?

Before 2019 I would have agreed with Harari.  I too believed that the world was far too complex for a small group to control.  Even during the first few months of COVID I was reluctant to believe that COVID was released as part of a larger plan.  But eventually I discovered my mistake in reasoning.  I underestimate the power, perseverance, and population of useful idiots.

The world is full of useful idiots and they are always the shock troops used to implement very bad ideas.  A small group with money can control the world as long as they appeal to the fear that exists inside of useful idiots where intelligence should be.  Many useful idiots gravitate to government which makes controlling entire governments easy and inexpensive.  You only must bribe a few at the top which is exactly what is done.  I would not be shocked to find out Pfizer has an accounting code to cover kickbacks to government officials.

The world is the way it is because a small group of wealthy individuals controls a larger group of corrupt politicians, who in turn control a much larger group of useful idiots.  It is money fueling stupidity which generates more money to fuel more stupidity; an infinite loop.  The only thing that can break this loop is knowledge.  Something too few want and too few value.  Willful ignorance keeps us in this destructive cycle.

Almost every species that has ever existed is already extinct.  Humans are well on their way.


Pharmaceutical money talks

How much longer will this deadly farce continue?  I pose that question because I just saw a headline that Pfizer is expecting FDA approval for their new COVID booster.  How does Pfizer continue to get approval for a treatment that does not work and no one needs?  As I have pointed out multiple times on this blog, there is absolutely no evidence that the COVID jabs have saved a single life.

If the vaccines don’t prevent infection but do prevent serious infection then infections may not go down but deaths should.  The ratio of deaths per infection should go down dramatically after vaccination programs start.  So did that happen?  No it did not 

Not only do the jabs not prevent infection they actually make infection more likely.  Several studies have now documented that your chance of getting COVID goes up with each shot.  Yet, your chance of surviving COVID is not improved by the jabs.  Real world data clearly shows this.  In highly vaccinated countries the vast majority of COVID infections and deaths happened after the vaccination programs began.

This alone should be enough reason to stop this insanity but the vax story is even worse than this.  The Jabs do not produce immunity but they do produce a host of injuries with the most common being heart damage.  A Swiss study has just been released that shows within 3 days 3 % of people developed heart damage.

In fact, in a study with only 777 participants with a median age of 37–all medical professionals getting the COVID vaccine–the incidence of elevated cardiac enzymes 3 days after injection was pretty substantial, at almost 3%.

5.5 billion People have been subject to these jabs which mean at least 165 million people now have heart damage from a treatment that did not work for COVID.  Heart damage is life altering especially if your career depends on a strong heart.

Wide receiver K.J. Hamler revealed Monday that he has been diagnosed with a heart condition, and in response, the Denver Broncos are set to release him with a non-football illness designation.

Can someone please explain to me how his heart damage is a non-football illness when the league forced him to take the Jab?  Or better yet explain to me how it is ethical to refuse organ transplants to unvaccinated people?  And then, if the patient dies, try to harvest their unvaccinated organs?

The evidence is clear Pfizer should receive no further approvals.  Existing approvals should be pulled and the jabs should be banned yet the opposite is happening.  People are still being coerced in to taking them and anyone who dares to warn people is prosecuted.  Pfizer must be making a lot of money off these jabs to be able to buy this much cooperation.  Every Champaign socialist politician in the world is choosing profits over people.


The Predictability of Tyrants

4 days ago I posted that Massachusetts beat Canada to the punch by asking residents to open their homes to illegal immigrants.  Toronto’s new mayor Oliva Chow took this as a challenge and immediately made the same request of Toronto residents.  Mayor Chow did, however, decline to reveal how many illegal immigrants she or any of the other Toronto city council members would be hosting.

It is still summer so right now there is no emergency.  The arrival of winter will change all of that.  When winter comes Toronto will be dealing with another government manufactured emergency.  I think by now we all know that government manufactures emergencies so that they can invoke the various emergency laws that allow them to ignore every other law.

We are months away from government issuing mandates about how many people must be admitted in to your home.  Some governments like the city of Hamilton have been preparing for this for more than a year. By January 1st Hamilton residents must submit a mandatory declaration about occupancy.

All owners of eligible properties must submit an annual mandatory declaration on the status of their property.

The declaration forms are still not available so I do not know what home owners will be compelled to disclose but I find it highly suspicious that it applies to all residences, even your primary residence.

A principal residence will not be subject to the VUT but it is still required to submit a mandatory declaration.

Why would you need to declare anything about the house that you are living in?  Do you think perhaps the government wants to know how many square feet you have that they can appropriate for illegal immigrants?  Is there going to be a maximum allowable square footage per occupant?  In a pre Trudeau Canada this would have been absurd.  Now it won’t even be the most outrageous thing government does this week.

Private property is private.  The government has no business making you declare how you are using your own property as long as it is not being used for a criminal enterprise.  The government is making your private property their business by manufacturing another emergency.  The purpose of the emergency is to make unused space a criminal enterprise.

Government is not content to just manufacture emergencies.  They also like to change laws to manufacture criminals.  Just ask any gun owner.  What sort of unused space buyback program do you think we will see?  Just as an aside how do you buy back something you never owned in the first place that is also not for sale?  I am asking for every home owner I know.