How come conspiracy theories have better data than “proven” facts?

The left tells us climate change causes forest fires and the COVID vaccines are safe. Ordinary people are not supposed to question either statement.  The left wouldn’t lie now would they?  Because I am find the left somewhat less than trust worthy I decided to test their bold statements.

Has climate change caused forest fires or somehow made them worse?

To start I set aside the question about what is causing climate to change and simply examine the evidence for increasing forest fires.  It seems to me that on its own higher temperatures cannot produce dry conditions unless that hot weather also causes less rainfall.  So is climate change making the earth drier?  Since many of the fires now are in British Columbia Canada I searched for rainfall data for that province.  This is what I found on a government website with my first search.

Province-wide annual average precipitation has increased by 12 percent per century. Annual average precipitation increases ranged from 10 to 21 percent per century across 8 ecoprovinces.  There is no significant trend in annual average precipitation for the Northern Boreal Mountains ecoprovince.

So it seems the climate in BC is changing.  It is getting wetter.  That is a very inconvenient fact for the climate crowd don’t you think?  I am no expert but I can’t see how more precipitation leads to higher fire risk.  But maybe I am wrong maybe rain causes forest fires.  So is there any trend with fires in Canada?  Why yes there is.  Fires are trending down.

This, I am sure, is of little consolation to people in Kelowna who lost homes or people from Yellow Knife who were evacuated but data is data.  The data says naturally caused forest fires have not increased due to climate change.  Eco terrorism on the other hand seems directly linked to climate change.

I don’t know about you but this does not give me great confidence in the veracity of the Left’s other claim that the COVID vaccines are safe.  If the left did not bother to check the data before forming their opinion on forest fires do you think they checked the data on vaccine safety?  Since the left is preoccupied with setting fires that can be blamed on climate change I decided to check the vaccine safety information for them.  This is what I found (or friends sent me) just in the last 3 days.

It seems a lot of people are dying in heavily vaxxed Australia.  And a lot of people are suddenly getting sick in the United States.  So many that it should be considered statistically impossible for this to have occurred naturally.


So it is not natural, but is it the vaccines?  Well if it is not it certainly is difficult to explain why your chances of death go up with each shot.

What do we see? The more boosters (and COVID vaccines), the greater the overall mortality. I noted this trend, among others, and wrote a series of posts exploring the relationship between COVID vaccines and mortality.

It is even more difficult to explain why turbo cancers are not caused by injecting people with strands of SV40, a known cancer causing agent.


Clearly the data does not support that climate change is causing forest fires.  It also does not make a great case for vaccine safety.  I don’t know about you but I have an uneasy feeling that the left might be lying to me.  This is really making me question how effective my cloth mask is.


Reality cannot be wished away

When my son was a teenager he said something to me that was incredibly smart about defining Liberal and Conservative.  People often struggle to define what it is to be liberal or conservative.  Liberals like to claim that liberals are caring while conservatives are ruthless and uncaring.  That is objectively not true.  It is easy to find video of liberals committing acts of violence but not easy to find conservatives resorting to violence.  It is hard to describe liberal violence as caring.  I care so much I am willing to hurt others to get what I want is the liberal creed.

The reality is that the difference between the two groups is very easy to describe and was encapsulated perfectly in a few sentences by my son as a teenager.  The following are my sons words as closely as I can remember (it has been years since my son was a teenager).

“It seems to me that the difference between liberals and conservatives is that Conservatives are way more practical.  Liberals always get some idea.  Conservatives look at it and say, yeah we already tried that.  It didn’t work.  We are not going to try it again”.

I really don’t know if you can define the 2 groups better than that.  Liberals believe in change and believe change is always good if the intention was good.  Conservative don’t oppose change they oppose change for no reason.  Conservatives understand that even with the best of intentions changes can go horribly wrong.  Change is best done thoughtfully to address pressing needs.  If the need is not pressing it is best to leave alone what you don’t understand.

Liberals will say that their philosophy is the same.  The problem is that to them, every need is pressing and they think they understand everything.  In short they are delusional.  They will not recognize any practical constraints including their own ignorance.  They think reality can be bent to their will.

Dealing with liberals is like dealing with children who cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality.  This would be amusing if the childish thinking did not have such dire consequences.  Canada currently has a Liberal government that wants all power generation to be renewable or no emission by 2035.  Even the Canadian media admits this is wishful childish thinking.

Moving to a grid that is free of carbon emissions is a laudable goal, but the timelines and plan are highly unrealistic.

A high percentage of the generation in Canada is no emission.  It comes from Hydro or nuclear.  The problem is that some jurisdictions like Saskatchewan and Alberta do not have the topography necessary for hydro and don’t currently have any nukes.  Under Canadian regulations it is impossible to build even a single nuclear plant by 2035 let alone the dozen that would be needed.  To comply with these regulations both provinces would need to stop using electricity.

Alberta and Saskatchewan can be brutally cold in the winter.  The cost of compliance would be human lives. But, the children in the federal government don’t believe this.  They think Alberta and Saskatchewan are just not trying hard enough to make this happen.  This ignores the reality that what prevents this from happening quickly is federal regulation.  The same group of children that want us to quickly build nukes are the ones enforcing regulations that make it impossible.

All of those caring liberals have a shocking disregard for human life.  They don’t care if their policies will kill people in the future.  They don’t even care that their policies are killing people now in the Ukraine and in Hawaii.  To liberals those deaths are not their fault.  The Ukrainians and Hawaiians are just not trying hard enough.

Liberals have kept the Ukraine war going for months.  In the fantasy world they live in NATO is so powerful and Russia so weak there was no way that Ukraine would not prevail.  The problem with fantasy is they eventually reality will intrude.  Behind closed doors NATO has finally admitted the Ukrainian counter offensive has failed.

Officials have voiced grave doubts about the Ukrainian mission in a classified intel report, the contents of which were relayed to the Post on Thursday, with the outlet citing Moscow’s “brutal proficiency” in defending captured territory.

NATO has shown itself to be a paper tiger.  All the advanced weapons we sent to the Ukraine just got more Ukrainians killed.  NATO is also quickly running out of weapons to send while Russia seems able to produce an endless supply.  Thousands of Ukrainians died because liberals cannot comprehend reality.  The reality is that Russia is 5 times larger than the Ukraine and NATO countries have outsourced all of their manufacturing capacity to China.  Ukraine does not have enough soldiers and we don’t have enough weapons to win this war.

The Maui fires have also demonstrated again the tragic consequences of childish liberal thinking.  The media told us the fire that destroyed Lahaina were brush fires.  This made no sense since the fires was burning in a ring around the city.  The only way this happens is if the fire started in the city and worked its way out.  This also did not make any sense.  My first thought was if the fire started inside the city why couldn’t the fire department put it out before it consumed the entire city?  Is the Lahaina fire department that incompetent?

This morning it all makes sense.  The fire department is not incompetent the city council are the incompetent ones.  The water reservoirs the fire department relies on were empty due to environmental concerns.  In a liberal fantasy world a fire department can fight fires without water if they just try hard enough.

The western world is infested with liberal governments right now.  Their Childish thinking and stubborn refusal to accept reality is getting people killed.  This will keep happening until voters wake up and start electing adults.  Children should never be put in positions of authority; even children as old as Trudeau or Biden.  They just get people killed.

Economic destruction based on a lie

The new trend on Twitter is for Canadians to post videos trying to articulate their despair.  They all have good jobs yet still struggle to survive.  The post below is a particularly good one.


Canada has become unaffordable and it was done intentionally.  The Canadain government wants to impoverish Canadians so that they have no choice but to turn to the government for help.  When that happens they own you.  You will have no choice but to accept CBDC and 15 minute prisons.

The hammer Canadians are being bludgeoned with is climate change.  Canadians better wake up.  Climate change is the longest running fraud in history.  It is true that climate changes.  It is not true that humans are the primary cause.  The science even says that.  There is simply not enough energy left for CO2 to capture to make much of a difference.  The “dangerous” warming comes from positive feedbacks that magnify the rather insignificant CO2 warming.

The problem with the theory, and yes it is a THEORY, is these positive feedback loops do not exist.  Climate alarmists have been search for them for decades with no success.  Canadian politicians are destroying the country based on a theory that is wrong.  You will never hear that said in Canada but the rest of the world is finally waking up to this scam.




We should be ashamed of what we allowed Government to do

Steve Kirsch has been a thorn in the side of the COVID establishment since he was injured by the vax.  While I sometimes find Kirsch’s logic a little convoluted I still must tip my hat to him.  His dogged persistence has enabled him to uncover information the government would rather have kept hidden.  Lately Kirsch has turned his attention to nursing homes in the US and as per usual he has uncovered some startling information.

Just 5 days ago I linked information from kirsch’s blog about a nursing home that lost nearly 30% of the patients within 3 weeks of vaccinating everyone.  Now Steve has uncovered information from another nursing home that is even more disturbing.

A 100 bed nursing home run by Promedica saw 58 COVID deaths in the 2 months after they vaccinated their patients.  If I were in the media I would claim that without vaccination that number would have been even worse.  There would be one problem with that narrative though because there were only 20 confirmed COVID cases over the same period.  Talk about new math; 58 people died of a disease that only 20 of them had.

It is easy to see what really happened, 20 people possibly died of COVID and at least 38 people died from the COVID vaccine.  Also obvious is that they knew this and covered it up by labeling all of the deaths as COVID.  Unfortunately the high level of deaths did not stop and continued for the rest of the year.  In March and April of 2021 this 100 bed facility lost another 153 patients.  They probably had to install a large revolving door so that bodies could be carried out as new patients were carried in.

In 2020 we were told that everyone must sacrifice everything to protect seniors.  Then we sat by silently and watched government kill seniors by the thousands.  In Ontario seniors died in isolation because their caregivers were too frightened to show up for work.  New York, and New Jersey state governments intentionally placed infected seniors back in to care homes rather than use the temporary hospitals Trump had provided.  The UK took it one step further and were actively euthanizing seniors with illegal DNR declarations and lethal drug cocktails.


All of these deaths were classified as COVID but they were not.  They were all murder.  Then when the effects of COVID began to wane government continued their killing spree with the COVID vax.

Some day when the proper accounting is done we will find that COVID killed relatively few people while government murdered millions, mostly seniors.  A cynic might say that they were culling people who were costing them money and not paying income tax.  Frankly I don’t care what their motivation was.  Every single politician that enforced these policies has the blood of thousands on their hands.  They must be punished for their crimes.


It started as Fraud and then became much worse

There are reports now that the NIH received $325 million in royalty payments from the COVID vaccines.  This is one of the ways that drug manufacturers get their products approved.  They put the names of prominent bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci on their patents so that they get a piece of the action.  This is an obvious bribe.  When Fauci was questioned about how much he makes from royalties, he arrogantly answered that the law does not obligate him to disclose how much he makes from these unethical arrangements.

So the people who regulated and promoted the COVID Jabs had a financial interest in forcing you to take it.  I am confident you will find this in every country.  There is a persistent rumor in Canada that Prime Minister Trudeau is a major shareholder in the Canadian company that holds the patent for lipid nanoparticles.  Trudeau made money off of his own vaccine mandates.

This revelation and the Trudeau rumors are not a surprise to me.  I have been saying this since the beginning.  None of this makes sense unless money was changing hands.  The COVID jabs are one of the most unnecessary medical interventions in history.  They are not vaccines.  At best the COVID vaccines offer partial temporary protection.  They cannot prevent infection, transmission, or disease.  Theoretically they give you a head start on recovery from a disease most people would have recovered from on their own.  They are as helpful as cough syrup.  Should we mandate cough syrup during cold and flu season?

There is no way that the people in charge thought these treatments would work.  Any new treatment can have unpredictable long term side effects.  The people in charge also know this.  So why would you mandate a treatment with very little potential benefit when you do not know the downside?  You wouldn’t, of course, unless you were being paid to do it.

This decision was criminal.  It was fraud, but what started out as fraud turned in to something far worse.  Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, have died.  The people in charge knew that this might happen and they went ahead anyway.  Their financial interests were more important than your life.

Callous disregard for the welfare of others is a symptom of psychopathy.

  • behavior that conflicts with social norms

  • disregarding or violating the rights of others

  • inability to distinguish between right and wrong

  • difficulty with showing remorse or empathy

  • tendency to lie often

  • manipulating and hurting others

  • recurring problems with the law

  • general disregard toward safety and responsibility

  • expressing anger and arrogance on a regular basis

  • lack deep emotional connections

  • have a superficial charm about them

  • be very aggressive

  • get very angry sometimes

Can you go down that list and find a single thing that does not apply to either Justin Trudeau or Anthony Fauci?  I am not a psychiatrist but I would say from a layman’s perspective both of those men are psychopaths who should have never been given power over others.

It is too late to reverse the damage these men have done but it is not too late to punish them.  It does not matter whether or not they intended to kill anyone.  Their criminal activity resulted in thousands of deaths.  That is still homicide in my books.

Canadian media works hard to keep Canadians in the Dark

It is not unusual for Canadian media to defend hard left politicians.  Recently they have taken to defending hard left organizations.  I have noticed a number of articles like this one lately defending the World Economic Forum.  Canadian media wants to assure Canadians that the WEF does not really have an agenda to rule the world.  As evidence they point out that every single influential politician hangs on there every word.

Canada has long participated in WEF events. Former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper and his cabinet ministers attending the summit regularly. Trudeau attended in person in 2016 and 2018 and his ministers have attended as well. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland went to the most recent annual summit in January.

So I am supposed to take comfort in the fact that for decades Canadian politicians have been making the annual pilgrimage to Davos.  Apparently they go there, listen intently, and then dismiss everything out of hand.  That completely explains why they go back every year.  It does, however, leave me with one question.  If this annual pilgrimage has no influence why do they all run home and implement every insane policy that was discussed?  Policies like Digital IDs which CTV is quick to note are no big deal.

On digital IDs, the federal government has been looking at technology to create a national digital identification document to help people access government services. It has not been promoted as something that will become mandatory.

Just like vaccines were not mandatory until they were.

CTV news is disgusting.  They are prepared to carry the water for the WEF and Justin Trudeau.  Obviously they have never stopped to consider the implications of their actions.  What do all the CTV reporters think will happen to them once the WEF succeeds in fully implementing their agenda?  Useful idiots lose their usefulness once the revolution is over.  Once all of our institutions are corrupt, something we are already dangerously close to, the ruling elite will have no further need for the paid shills at CTV.  They are sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

More from the people sounding like me file

Just 3 days ago I posted about how there a growing group of prominent people are willing to say exactly what I have been saying for years now.  In some cases I suspect their attitudes have not really changed.  What changed is their sense that it is now OK to say what they were thinking all along.  Up until now they have all been self-censoring; something I have never been very good at.

Yesterday I came across 2 more examples.  First we have Senator Ron Johnson clearly stating that the pandemic was planned right down to the intentional release of the virus.

I think the evidence supported this conclusion as early as June 2021 when I wrote this.

We need to accept then that an intentional release makes as much sense as an accident.  How do we tell which it was?   In my mind these are the things that point to this being intentional.

I confess I was dragged to this conclusion by my brother.  From day one he noted the uniform execution of ridiculous policies by government was highly suspicious.  As he so eloquently put it in the spring of 2020 “it is like the F&*king planned this”.

At first I thought COVID policy stemmed from an abundance of stupidity.  I had concluded long ago that government and intelligence are mutually exclusive so it was easy for me to follow my bias and conclude it was just more government stupidity.  A year later it was impossible to believe that it was just stupidity.  No one, not even people in government could possibly be that stupid.

Since June of 2021 I have not found anything that makes me reconsider my conclusion that the release was intentional and part of a larger plan.  In fact everything that has come to light only strengthens my conclusion.

The most controversial thing about COVID is that this was all planned.  I have said this many times.  Over a year ago I listed my reasons for believing the lab leak was not an accident.  If my arguments in June of 2021 were not compelling enough I have one more point for you to consider.  If the release was an accident why did Anthony Fauci behave the way he did?

The next example is Dr. Scott Atlas admitting he expects to see future lockdowns.


I have expressed many times that lockdowns were too useful politically to abandon.  They don’t help with viral outbreaks but they do work exceptionally well for their intended purpose of tyranny and wealth transfer.  Governments everywhere are overjoyed by how successful lockdowns were.  That is why with only a few exceptions even opposition politicians will not condemn lockdowns.

Everything about the COVID emergency was fake, but the love government has for lockdowns is very real.  No one in government will condemn lockdowns for 2 reasons.

  1. They want to use lockdowns again. Lockdowns established a precedent that in a “crisis” government can suspend human rights indefinitely.  This is every tyrant’s wet dream; it gives them complete control over every aspect of your life.  Why would they give this up?
  2. If they admit Lockdowns were wrong they might have to explain why they used them.

The second reason is the real stumbling block.  Lockdowns have no public health benefit.  We knew that before COVID.  Their purpose was entirely political.  Lockdowns were part of a larger plan that started with the intentional release of a virus.

It is encouraging that so many people are now willing to say the things I have for the last 3.5 years.  I am under no illusions though.  It is not because I am smarter than these people.  They self-censored and I did not.  That also did not make me braver.  They had a lot more to lose than I did.  My life, career, and income do not depend on political correctness which is a good thing since I suck at political correctness.

How much longer must we continue with this charade?

I saw an article by CTV news this morning about how doctors are struggling to help people with mysterious heart ailments.  The article highlighted the plight of a young firefighter who is now incapacitated.

Somehow, a mild case of COVID-19 set off a chain reaction that eventually left Camilleri with dangerous blood pressure spikes, a heartbeat that raced with slight exertion, and episodes of intense chest pain.

Yes it is absolutely a mystery how this happened to a fit firefighter who was forced to take an experimental medical treatment multiple times.  How stupid would you need to be to believe this was caused by a mild case of COVID which he likely contracted after his vaccinations?

As an engineer I often get asked to help find why a piece of equipment suddenly becomes problematic.  The first question that is always asked is what changed?  95% of the time the new problem resulted from a recent change.  5% of the time the new problem is something that was building in the background that we simply were not aware of yet.  The point is you would waste a lot of time chasing the 5% first.  You always start with the obvious and it is F&*King obvious what is causing his heart problems.

COVID is new but not everyone got COVID while almost everyone got multiple doses of the new COVID vaccine.  Couple that with the fact that these “mysterious” problems did not manifest until after people were vaccinated and you get your 95% probability.  The COVID vaccinations are the obvious place to start the investigation yet that is not happening.

This is not stupidity.  No one, except maybe Trudeau, is this stupid.  This is a crime and CTV news is complicit.

None of it worked

In March of 2020 we were locked down for the first time.  The lockdowns, we were told, were to protect seniors.  Everyone on earth was to sacrifice in order to protect Grandma and Grandpa.  Remarkably no one stopped to ask if grandma and grandpa wanted to be isolated from their families.  Then when the vaccines arrived we were told everyone must take them also to protect grandma and grandpa.

As soon as everyone was vaccinated seniors would be safe.  So how did that work out?  Did the vaccines save seniors from getting COVID?  I think you know the answer to that.  The Jabs caused a huge spike in COVID among seniors just as they did with every other age group.

But it was less severe COVID right?  Isn’t that what the Jabs were really designed to do; prevent serious disease?  In a sense that part was true.  The problem is that the jabs seemed to prevent serious COVID by killing seniors before they had a chance to die from COVID.  One nursing home saw nearly 30% of their patients die within 3 weeks of vaccination.

To protect seniors we spent trillions of dollars on things that were exceptionally harmful to seniors.  Isolating seniors in their last remaining years was cruel.  How many died alone and afraid?  We did not save a single senior which is tragic but what is worse we forced young people to take a dangerous medication they did not need, with predictable results.  Young people with nothing but unfulfilled potential are dropping dead in front of their families.

A teenager has collapsed and died suddenly in front of his entire family after making a big announcement about his future during a large gathering.

The government killed someone’s grandson in a futile attempt to keep the grandparents safe.  Do you think any grandparent would have agreed to this if they had been given the choice?  Government is stealing lives and futures.  Young people are so full of potential.  This is so sad.

I welcome the company

I have always considered myself a bit of an outlier.   I once told my daughter that I know I am not normal.  That is not to say that I have any sort of defect.  If you define normal by how the average person thinks or behaves than I am absolutely not normal.  I will not believe just because I am told to believe.  I stubbornly insist on making up my own mind based on my own analysis of the data.  Simply put when the media or government tells me an obvious lie I cannot be shamed in to believing it.  That puts me well outside the norm.

When the COVID farce started then, I did not find it strange to be swimming against the current.  Most people dutifully obeyed even the most ridiculous restrictions while I was pointing the absolute lack of logic or science behind the restrictions.  All that is finally changing though; slowly many people are starting to sound exactly like me.   In March of this year Edward Dowd stated that the government is committing Democide.  Then in august he called the COVID vaccines the largest fraud in history.


I said almost the exact same things nearly 2 years ago in Sept 2021.  First I pointed out that COVID was not killing nearly as many people as the government was by interfering with medical treatment.


We are definitely in a pandemic but it has little to do with COVID.  We have a pandemic of unconstrained government evil and medical neglect.

The Hippocratic Oath used to say “first do no harm”.  At some point in the last 2 years it became,

“First check with government.  Then do the harm that they dictate”. 

Doctors should be ashamed.


Then later that month I called the jabs the largest crime in history.


The real crime is not the non-disclosure of the jab’s temporary nature.  That is small potatoes compared to concealing the jabs damage your immune system.  

The word crime seemed more appropriate since the jabs don’t just involve fraud.  People died in great numbers.  I don’t want to trivialize their deaths by just calling it a fraud.  The Jabs are much worse than that.

It took 2 years but now people are starting to sound like me.  Frankly I find it a little confusing.  I am not used to having so much company as I swim upstream.