If we want democracy all we need do is take it

I was reading a blog I sometimes visit and they linked this lengthy twitter post.  I do not know anything about this person but she (?) makes a very important point so I encourage everyone to read the post.

The Freedom convoy was more important than most people realize.  I said similar things myself 2 years ago.  Nothing changed until the Freedom convoy.  In fact up until that point things had progressively gotten worse.  Canada was on the precipice of total tyranny.  Canadians were being attacked by every level of government from municipal to federal.  Then the freedom convoy happened.

Trudeau cracked down hard using violence and possibly mercenaries; who were those men in the plain green uniforms without any identifying insignia anyway?  Then Canadian media dutifully downplayed the convoy significance.  But, while all this was happening the mandates were also disappearing, something I am sure would never have happened were it not for the convoy.

Trudeau and his media lackeys want Canadians to believe dropping the mandates was unrelated to the convoy.  Mandates dropped because they were no longer needed.  The problem with that explanation is that the mandates were never needed.  If they were why would you drop them in the middle of cold and flu season?  Trudeau and his provincial premier henchmen cracked down hard while lifting the mandates because the convoy had them in a state of panic.  They had to end the convoy before Canadians figured out just how much power they have.

There are 30 million adults in Canada and only 170 thousand police and military.  If only 10% refuse to cooperate the government enforcers would be outnumbered almost 200 to 1.  That is not a winning ratio for the government and it does not even tell the whole story.  In reality Trudeau knows he cannot count on the entire 170,000.  COVID showed us that the police leadership and many officers are thoroughly corrupt, but not all of the officers are.  Many of them joined the police to protect the public and will refuse to attack the public.  Trudeau knows this, which is why he used foreign mercenaries to crack down on the truckers.

Government only has the power that we give them.  Canadians only have tyranny because they accept tyranny.  This all ends when enough of us just say no.  That terrifies the political elite because they are not done yet.  They still desire digital ID, CBDC, social credit scores, and 15 minute cities.  None of that happens if Canadians realize they have the power to say no.  Democracy is there for the taking, all we must do is reach out and grab it.

Media doesn’t just accept lies, they propagate lies

For 3 years any deviation from the approved COVID narrative was immediately branded as a conspiracy theory.  I suspect if any of the media personalities in this compilation video had found this blog their tiny little heads would have exploded.


Everything is a conspiracy theory until one day suddenly it is not.  Theoretically then, it is the responsibility of media to investigate these countercurrent narratives but none did.  Had any of them taken the time to investigate they would have found the government was lying.  It was not even difficult to expose the lies either.  For nearly 3 years on this blog I have been using government’s own data to disprove the entire government COVID narrative.

Despite main stream media’s unwavering support, the official COVID narrative is collapsing.  One by one we are discovering that every COVID conspiracy theory was really COVID fact.  The last lie that remains standing is the COVID vaccine.  Government and the media are still clinging to the vaccine.  In Canada you can still be denied jobs and even organ transplants for the crime of being unvaccinated.

The vaccine narrative is also destined to collapse.  As I have pointed out many times on this blog there is no evidence that the vaccine works.  What’s worse is that we never had a solid reason to believe that it would work.  By design the jabs at best could only ever offer temporary, partial, protection.  They cannot produce immunity and that was obvious to anyone who bothered to look, which is why in May of 2021 I wrote this.

When cells in your body produce the spike protein they look like the virus so they provoke an antibody response.  But since there are no infected cells you get no T cell response.  You are not fully immune until you get a T cell response.  All the treatments do is give you a head start.  You will never be fully immune until you actually get infected.

The science was clear the jabs would not change anything and it did not take long for the data to back up my assessment.  By July of 2021 Israelis data showed clearly that the jabs produced no benefit while exposing people to substantial risk.

This Temporary, marginal increase in protection comes at a cost.  A small percentage of people will be permanently harmed or killed by the treatments.  That seems reasonable enough until you realize this is to protect you from a virus that only a small percentage of people will be harmed by.

I was not the only person warning about the Jabs.  Many high profile doctors were expressing concerns that were branded as conspiracy theories and ignored.  That has led us to where we are today.  COVID is still with us and so are all the problems with the COVID jabs.  Jabbed people are reporting recurring mysterious ailments and cancers are on a dangerous upward trajectory.

The great tragedy in this is that it was all so very predictable.  This is not just hindsight; my blog alone has hundreds of posts predicting we would end up exactly where we are.  If anything my analysis of the data was too conservative.

I am not psychic or medical researcher.  I am just someone unwilling to accept obvious lies.  It is unfortunately that no one in media shares those traits.

If it seems like everything is scripted that is because everything is scripted

Canada is on fire.  Arsonists have lit hundreds of forest fires.  I can confidently say this is arson because police have already arrested multiple people in multiple provinces and have many more ongoing arson investigations.  The arson has obviously been a coordinated effort which makes this domestic terrorism.  A coordinated terrorist attack costing Billions and threatening thousands of lives should be the biggest story in the country but it is not.  The fires, according to the media are the result of climate change.

So why is Canadian Media ignoring the obvious evidence of arson in favor of the climate change narrative?  Because that’s what the script says and you can’t work for media if you go off script, just ask Tucker Carlson.  I do not know who the script writers are (although I can guess some of the names) but they have been busy and very successful.  Their crowning achievement to date must be COVID.

In 2019 China and Anthony Fauci released a virus they had developed.  The virus was allowed to circulate for months while the script writers delivered scripts to western leaders.  When rehearsals were complete the script writers had Tedros announce a pandemic.  Then boom COVID was found everywhere all at once and every western leader went on camera and dutifully read the script they had been practicing for months.  Economies were shut down and human rights surrendered.

This part of the theatre was necessary to set up vaccines.  People must take an untested, experimental, gene therapy or stay under house arrest forever.  Most people relented because the actors, they elected, delivered their lines with great conviction.  The script read safe and effective and that line was repeated ad nausea with great passion.  The vaccines were neither of those things, they weren’t even vaccines but no one dared go off script.

Throughout this theatre of the absurd I have been repeating the same simple message.  If you do not punish them, they will not stop.  The scripts for this dystopian horror story will keep coming and our “leaders” will keep reading them.  And, sadly, no one has been punished, so guess what?  They are not stopping.  The European Union has signed an agreement to implement and expand digital health certificates.

There’s more. According to the WHO’s press release, the global vaccine passport will only be the first building block of the WHO’s Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN), which is set to develop a wide range of digital products to track and deal with contagious outbreaks.

I wish the script writers had a movie in mind; something with a definitive ending.  Instead they are writing a soap opera.  They will go from act to act to act until all the actors die or we finally tune out.  Like most Soap operas some of the lines are not particularly well written and provide unintended comic relief.  Here is my favorite from the press release.

Expanding such digital solutions will be essential to deliver better health for citizens across the globe.

Did you know that health can now be delivered?  Exercising and eating right is so 2018.  Now you can sign up for a digital identity and have health delivered.  In fact if you don’t sign up for the digital ID they will not deliver any health.  No amount of that old school personal maintenance will save you.  Do you suppose they deliver all of this health in a pill or a Jab?

Shakespeare was right all the world is a stage.  The script we are in currently is definitely a tragedy but there is some comic relief.  The Comic relief is provided by us.  The script writers are laughing their asses off at us.  I suspect they cannot believe how easy this has been.  First they frightened us with cold and flu season.  Now they light fires and tell us it is climate change.  Stop being the clowns in their story.

Why did Government lie so egregiously?

The public discussion of COVID policies continues to evolve and is slowly approaching the truth.  For nearly a year now the media has been promoting the narrative that “mistakes were made” and it is time to move on.  It absolutely is not time to move on because as Scott Atlas points out there were no mistakes only lies.

To anyone who cared to pay attention the lies were obvious; even government could not be that stupid.  So government lied consistently for 3 years.  Many of them continue to lie.  It is long past time that we not only acknowledge that they were lying but also ask why were they lying?  What purpose did the lies serve?

The short answer is nothing good.  Western governments shut down their economies purportedly to fight a virus that only threatened very elderly seniors; people who have not been part of the economy for more than a decade.  How does preventing a 20 something from working protect a senior in a care facility?

The same can be said about the vaccines.  A senior in a care home is not protected when a young person takes a vaccine.  Vaccines protect the person who takes them and young people needed no further protection from COVID.  The only reason for a young person to take the COVID vaccines is that it was a condition for returning to work and society.  The Government lied about COVID to justify the lockdowns because the lockdowns were tool to force vaccine acceptance.  From Day one this was always about the vaccines.

The Trudeau liberals spent time and money surveying Canadians to find the best way to get people to accept the jabs. Then when vaccine injuries started occurring they spent even more money on a marketing campaign to cover up the problems.

The Canadian government went to a lot of effort to force people to take a medication that they did not need.  They didn’t even stop when they learned this unnecessary medication was killing and injuring people.

It is way past time to start asking why.  There were no mistakes only lies.  Lies that killed millions.  This was a criminal conspiracy to commit murder.  The discussion we need to have now is what to do with the murderers.

Canada has a communism problem

A few months ago it was revealed that China actively interferes with Canadian elections.  They provide funding for pro-china candidates and intimidate Chinese Canadians to make sure they do not support certain candidates.  Foreign interference in elections is a serious matter but Canada is not a serious country.  In Canada when foreign interference is discovered we appoint a personal friend of Justin Trudeau to investigate.  After money changes hands Trudeau is of course exonerated.

David Johnson did what he was paid to do; he lied for Justin Trudeau.  If his payment was proportional to the size of the lie, he made out like a bandit.  With each passing day we discover just how deeply involved the Trudeau liberals are with communist China.  China doesn’t just rig elections for Justin Trudeau they also run secret police stations in Canada that Canadian taxpayers pay for.

China is allowed to do whatever they want in Canada not just because they rig elections but because Canadian politicians are unabashedly pro-china and pro-communist.

A plot by the Chinese government to intimidate Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family in Hong Kong continues to dominate Parliament Hill, but experts are warning that the Chinese Communist Party’s “elite capture” efforts may be a bigger problem.

Elite Capture is a nice way to say that top Canadian Politicians and bureaucrats either believe deeply in communism or are on China’s payroll.  Beijing owns Ottawa both literally and figuratively.

This is not a new problem.  When I was in public school more than 4 decades ago we were taught the pros and cons of capitalism and socialism (communism).  According to my government supplied social studies textbook there are very few positive aspects of capitalism but a long list of problems.  Conversely there are apparently almost no problems with Communism it is all sunshine and roses.  2 decades later when my children were in school there was a new textbook but the same old information; Capitalism evil, communism divine.

After 4 decades of indoctrination the average Canadian has no problem with China owning Canada.  I don’t get it but then when it comes to communism I am way out of step with the rest of Canada.  I still can’t seem to find and pros to a system that has always resulted in mass murder.


One year after its opening, many still don’t recognize the extent of the horrors documented in the Victims of Communism Museum.

The Holodomor: 2–7 million dead.

The Gulag: 1.5 million dead.

The Great Leap Forward: 30 million dead.

These are just some of the grisly atrocities documented at the Victims of Communism Museum. Communism has left a trail of blood from Potsdam to Peking.

Canada’s communism problem is really and education problem.  Canadian public schools indoctrinate rather than educate.  That is why Canadians get upset about Donald trump, a man that has not done a single thing that harms Canada, but they don’t get upset that Beijing rigs Canadian elections.  Canada is nothing other than a vassal state of communist China and the average Canadian does not know and does not care.

Mistakes were not made, crimes were committed

A new study has been published that has finally done a cost benefit analysis of lockdowns.  To no sane person’s surprise, the researchers found the cost of lockdowns far exceeded the benefits.

He said: “It demonstrates that lockdowns were a failed promise. They had negligible health effects but disastrous economic, social and political costs to society. Most likely lockdowns represent the biggest policy mistake in modern times.”

When lockdowns started only a moron could not understand that they would be destructive.  The hope was that they would save more lives than they destroyed.  Trading one life for another is ethically wrong but this was not even a case of killing one to save many.  We had no reason to believe the lockdowns would save a single life when they were enacted.

Shutting down some businesses while others were left open just funneled everyone in to the same spot thereby increasing the chances of exposure.  It was ridiculous to think that this would slow the spread of the virus and it did not.  Even if governments were stupid enough to believe in lockdowns by the end of the first one it was obvious they had failed.  That is why I wrote this in October of 2020 before the second lockdown.

Lockdowns did not “flatten the curve” they made it sharper.  Restricting the movement of people during the summer only served to give the virus less healthy hosts in the winter.  Our governments adopted policies that had the opposite of the intended effects and increased the death total.  This does not even account for non-covid deaths that we know occurred because of the lockdown.  In the US deaths due to Heart attacks, Diabetes, and Alzheimer’s peaked during the lockdowns.  Suicides peaked and the unemployment that was caused will lead to future premature deaths.  Lockdowns on this scale had never happened before.  It was easy to predict that they would lead to deaths and it was highly uncertain that they would prevent a single covid death yet we did them anyway.  We knew the therapy could have deadly side effects and we used it without any evidence that it would be in any way beneficial.  What the hell ever happened to “first do no harm”?

While I am glad that science has finally defined the enormous cost we were forced to pay I cannot agree with their conclusion above.  Lockdowns were not a policy mistake.  The government knew that lockdowns would be destructive and they did them anyway.  If they truly thought they were doing the right thing they would not have hired teams of people to censor lockdowns opponents, as Boris Johnson did in England.  A real emergency does not require marketing or censorship.

Success is determined by the yardstick you use to measure it.  Lockdowns were a public health policy disaster but they were never meant to protect public health.  Lockdowns had 2 purposes;

  1. To get us to accept that our rights can be suspended any time the government declares an emergency. Do your really think we would be seeing 15 minute cities now if we had not accepted house arrest to combat cold and flu season?
  2. To force us to accept mandatory vaccination as a condition of ending the lockdowns. Now every time Pfizer wants to test something new we will be offered the same choice; get vaccinated or lose your job and remain under house arrest.  Trials are no longer necessary you a guilty until proven vaccinated.

Academics might be too afraid to tell the whole truth but I am not.  Lockdowns were not a mistake they were a premeditated crime.  If we do not punish the criminals lockdowns will return.

Skepticism is rising and that is a good thing

History is clear, government cannot be trusted yet in 2020 many people did.  The silver lining to the plandemic is that people are waking up.  More people have come to understand that people in government are habitual liars who have no regard for your life or wellbeing.  This long overdue skepticism in government is thankfully spilling over in to the climate change debate.  A recent survey by the American energy alliance shows that only 1/3 of Americans believe that CO2 is a pollutant.

When it comes to the topic of carbon emissions, the alarmists are definitely in a significant minority. Roughly one-third of respondents said that carbon dioxide is “a pollutant that damages the environment and compromises human health.” By comparison, more than half said that it is “needed for plant life, and humans both exhale it and consume it every day.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is fond of calling CO2 “carbon pollution”.  This, like everything else he says is a lie.  To start, CO2 is not Carbon and is not toxic.  It does not meet any rational description of pollution.  Canadians don’t understand this but Americans do.  More importantly is that the number of Americans who understand this is increasing every year.  During COVID tyranny each successive survey found fewer people believing the climate change narrative.

A Government willing to lie about COVID is certainly willing to lie about climate change.  And make no mistake about it; they have been lying about climate change for decades.  People need to understand that Anthropogenic Green House gas warming is a theory not a law.  It is also a theory supported by remarkably few facts.

It is true that the world has warmed since the industrial revolution and that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have also rose during that time.  Unfortunately that is not proof of anything.  The earth is a very complex system; temperatures and CO2 concentrations have changed dramatically all on their own many times in the past.  How do we know that the changes are not natural?

With climate change that is the $64 question.  Climate alarmists boldly state that 90% has been caused by human activity but they have zero proof of that.  In fact if you ignore the temperature readings we know to be incorrect (stations in urban areas contaminated by secondary heat sources) 100% of the warming can be explained by changes in Sun activity.

The only way to believe that CO2 has caused 90% of the warming is to ignore all other variables that control climate.  Ignoring other potential causes in favor of a preferred explanation is not science.  It is however political science, a form of propaganda that co-opts the word science to add an air of legitimacy.

The Truth is that the most probably explanation of climate change is the sun and CO2 must rank as one of the least probably explanations.  We should not drive people in to poverty using the least likely of all explanations as justification.  People seem to finally be waking up to just how dangerous it is to destroy the world over what can only be described as a religious belief held by only a small but vocal minority.

Also, 79% agreed that “we shouldn’t make energy more expensive” while just 19% disagreed.

81% of Americans do not believe that the planet must be saved by de-industrialization and accepting a lower standard of living.  This is hardly surprising when you consider that 100% of the wealthy political elite hold the same belief.  How else do you explain that they are exempt from rules that would impact their lifestyles?

COVID restrictions had no basis in science and neither do climate restrictions.  They are both just tools to restrict ordinary people and transfer what little wealth they possess to the political elite who already have more than they need.  Slowly people are waking up to that sad reality.  Today, I will give the last word to Christine Anderson reminding you that government is not your friend.


It must be about Money, but money from where?

Politics has a funny vernacular.  To a politician like Rishi Sunak, refusing to cooperate with a public inquiry is the proper way to cooperate with a public inquiry.

But the Cabinet Office said the COVID-19 inquiry was going beyond its remit and that the WhatsApp messages and other records it was requesting were “unambiguously irrelevant”.

The Cabinet Office said it had previously told the inquiry that the documents sought included “comments of a personal nature about identified or identifiable individuals which are unrelated to COVID-19 or that individuals’ role in connection with the response to it”.

Rishi is concealing WhatsApp messages between Boris Johnson and others during COVID.  Sunak believes it is his job to tell the public inquiry what is and is not pertinent to their inquiry which definitely takes the public out of public inquiry.

Rishi Sunak is an unintelligent, dishonest, professional politician.  In short he and I have nothing in common so it is not surprising that I do not agree with him.  As far as I am concerned the only relevant COVID documents are the personal communications between the co-conspirators.  The official government documents have been carefully sanitized; I do not care what is in them.  I want to know what motivated politicians like Boris Johnson to institute lockdowns and vaccine mandates for the most treatable disease in history.

People do things for love or money.  Unless he is a psychopath Boris does not love killing people and there is no way that he did not know his policies would kill people.  So it must be money; how much and from whom?  I doubt he allowed that information to be placed in public documents but there must have been communication between Boris and the people who paid him for this.  I want to know who those people are.  Who has the power and money to dictate government policy to the politicians?

You might think that it is a conspiracy theory to think there is some person or group manipulating everything but if there isn’t, why did every politician do the same stupid thing at the same time?  If it was just some sort of mass psychosis why hasn’t it worn off and why is it getting worse?  COVID might be over but the insanity certainly isn’t.

Ireland is now the latest country jumping on the anti-farming bandwagon and they are taking it to a new level.  Canada is restricting fertilizer, The Netherlands is confiscating farms, and Ireland is now threatening to euthanize entire cow herds.

The collateral damage of net zero is now getting uncomfortably close to home. First Dutch farmers were threatened with compulsory purchases to satisfy EU emissions targets, fomenting a new revolt in the process. Now it’s Ireland’s turn, where the government is reportedly looking at plans to cull around 200,000 cows to meet its climate targets

A few months ago this stupidity started with restricting food production.  It has now escalated to the destruction of food.  They are intentionally creating famine.  Do you think they are doing this out of love or that they do not understand this will kill people?  Of course not, they know this is wrong and they are doing it anyway just as they did with COVID.  This has got to be for money and I want to know who is cutting the checks.  There is no way to find that information in any government document.

More from the Something Happened File

A friend sent me this plot of Australian excess deaths since 1955.

Wow something really must have happened in 2021 to cause 2022 to be so anomalous right?  When I saw this all I could think was thank God for the COVID vaccines.  Just imagine how bad this would have been if Pfizer had not saved everyone on earth from COVID.

This plot prompted me to make my own plot.  I wanted to see just how many people would have died in Australia if it was not for the safe and effective vaccines.  I downloaded data from ourworldindata.org and this is what I got.

Again color me surprised.  It looks like Australia got those needles in the arm just in the nick of time.  They managed to vaccinate everyone exactly 6 months before they started to die.  I will admit it is hard to see how many people were saved by the vaccines from this plot but people must have been saved.  Why else would everyone on twitter insist that their vaccines saved them from COVID multiple times?

I don’t know who the unlucky Australians were that Pfizer was unable to save, but I do know in England many of them were children.

In all seriousness this is murder.  We are watching government collude with pharmaceutical companies kill people including children.  Are we going to continue to let this go unpunished?  How many children must die before anyone gets angry?